Schedule::Pluggable::EventHandler - Moose Role to handle the interface to MooseX::Workers by providing the methods which get called


Moose Role to handle the interface to MooseX::Workers by providing the methods which get called when events occur - not runnable on it's own

METHODS - none of which are for public use

worker_manager_start - called when the worker manager starts up
worker_manager_stop - called when the worker manager shuts down
max_workers_reached - called when a job is queued when the number of jobs already running is equal to the maximum specified
sig_child - called when a job ends supplying the return code
worker_stdout - called whenever a job sends some output to standard output
worker_stderr - called whenever a job sends some output to standard error
worker_started - called when a job starts up
worker_done - called when a job finishes
sig_INT - called when the interupt signal (control-c) is recieved
event_handler - A stub method designed for Event Handler Plugins to process after
sig_BUS - called when a Bus error signal is recieved - causes schedule to abort
sig_SEGV - called when a segmentation violation signal is received - causes schedule to abort