Changes for version 0.76 - 2021-02-07
- Added
- Mention the `--strict` option for `pherkin` in SYNOPSIS
- Added deprecation warning to 'data' accessor in Test::BDD::Cucumber::Model::Scenario
- Fixed
- Warnings when processing empty feature files or files without a text after the `Feature:` keyword
- Feature and scenario descriptions missing space on concatenated lines
- Location of failed test in TAP output now points to the failed step, instead of somewhere inside `TAP::Harness`
- Changed
- Scenarios defined by a scenario outline (`Examples:`) are now independent as in Cucumber; before, failure of a scenario in an outline would cancel all subsequent steps *and* scenarios -- now only steps are cancelled (skipped), but subsequent scenarios are run (gh #123)
- Descriptions of tests no longer contain prefixed 'In '
- Dependency YAML::Syck switched to YAML (which wraps YAML::XS or YAML::PP, whichever is available); YAML has 3x more dependencies on CPAN, increasing chances of prior availability
- Language definitions now stored as Perl instead of JSON for compactness and load speed
- Removed
- Dependencies on Clone, List::MoreUtils, Number::Range
Execute tests written using Test::BDD::Cucumber
Structural Overview
Test suite integration options
How to write Step Definitions
Quick Start Guide
Run Cucumber tests from the command line
Stream with TAP from async BDD process
Test::BDD::Cucumber's prove integration
Feature-complete Cucumber-style testing in Perl
Consistently formatted errors
Run through Feature and Harness objects
Abstract superclass for extensions
Base class for creating harnesses
Builds up an internal data representation of test passes / failures
Generate results to JSON file
Generate results in TAP format
Prints colorized text to the screen
Temporary redirector to TAP harness
Cucumber language definitions
Simplify loading of Step Definition and feature files
Model to represent a scenario
Model to represent a feature file on disk or in memory
Model to represent a feature file, parsed
Model to represent a line in a feature file
Encapsulates a result state
Model to represent a scenario
Model to represent a step in a scenario
Encapsulates tag selectors
Parse Feature files
Data made available to step definitions
Functions for creating and loading Step Definitions
Some functions used throughout the code
- examples/calculator/features/basic.feature
- examples/calculator/features/
- examples/calculator/features/step_definitions/
- examples/calculator/lib/
- examples/digest/features/basic.feature
- examples/digest/features/step_definitions/
- examples/i18n_de/features/basic.feature
- examples/i18n_de/features/step_definitions/
- examples/i18n_es/features/basic.feature
- examples/i18n_es/features/step_definitions/
- examples/pherkin.yml
- examples/tagged-digest/features/basic.feature
- examples/tagged-digest/features/step_definitions/