-- SQL commands for creating tables for DemoDBIxBrowse script
id serial primary key,
lang text not null, -- Denominacio
name text default 'Desconegut' not null, -- Nom del llenguatge
icon text default '/icons/unknown.gif' -- URL icona.
create unique index lang on locale(lang);
INSERT INTO locale(lang,name,icon) VALUES('ca','Català','/icons/ca.png');
INSERT INTO locale(lang,name,icon) VALUES('es','Español','/icons/es.png');
INSERT INTO locale(lang,name,icon) VALUES('en','English','/icons/en.png');
CREATE TABLE resource (
id serial primary key,
name text not null,
tipus text default 'TXT' not null
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX res_name_tip on resource(name,tipus);
INSERT into resource(name) VALUES( 'copyright');
INSERT into resource(name) VALUES( 'maximcount');
INSERT into resource(name) VALUES( 'next');
INSERT into resource(name) VALUES( 'prev');
INSERT into resource(name) VALUES( 'first');
INSERT into resource(name) VALUES( 'last');
CREATE TABLE message (
id serial primary key,
resource int, -- Identificador (resource).
locale int, -- Locale.
msg text, -- Texte del message.
FOREIGN KEY (resource) REFERENCES resource,
CREATE unique index resource_locale on message(resource,locale);
-- Copyright --
INSERT INTO message(msg,resource,locale)
SELECT 'Tots els drets reservats',r.id,l.id
FROM locale l,resource r
WHERE l.lang ='ca' AND
r.name ='copyright';
INSERT INTO message(msg,resource,locale)
SELECT 'All rights reserved',r.id,l.id
FROM locale l,resource r
WHERE l.lang ='en' AND
r.name ='copyright';
--- Prev ---
INSERT INTO message(msg,resource,locale)
SELECT 'Enrere',r.id,l.id
FROM locale l,resource r
WHERE l.lang ='ca' AND
r.name ='prev';
INSERT INTO message(msg,resource,locale)
SELECT 'Back',r.id,l.id
FROM locale l,resource r
WHERE l.lang ='en' AND
r.name ='prev';
INSERT INTO message(msg,resource,locale)
SELECT 'Atrás',r.id,l.id
FROM locale l,resource r
WHERE l.lang ='es' AND
r.name ='prev';