Changes for version 1.05
- Updated the signature for services to make it legitimate RDF (added xsd:boolean to authoritative, ensure that the correct dc predicates were used).
- Added an unLSRNize() subroutine to the SADI::Utils that returns the literal record value for services that have LSRN entities as there input.
- Added new() to SADI::Utils so that the subroutines in that module are exposed through an object reference (and to make it more consistent with the project).
- Added some unit tests for SADI::Utils
- Added a comment to the generated service logic that illustrates how to use unLSRNize()
Perl extension for the automatic generation of SADI web services
Hash-based abstract super-class for all SADI objects
A primitive SADI data type for booleans
A primitive SADI data type for dates/times
definition of an owl datatype property
definition of an owl class
definition of an owl object property
A primitive SADI data type for float numbers
A primitive SADI data type for integers
A primitive SADI data type for strings
A module for (add|get|delet)ing persistent data
generator of SADI OWL modules
generator of SADI services
An module for parsing the RDF that describes a SADI service in the mygrid service ontology
A Perl package for SADI services
A module that describes a SADI web service.
a super-class for all SADI services
A module that encapsulates unit test information for sadi services.
what does not fit elsewhere
in lib/SADI/
in lib/SADI/OWL/
in lib/SADI/RDF/Predicates/
in lib/SADI/RDF/Predicates/
in lib/SADI/RDF/Predicates/
in lib/SADI/RDF/Predicates/
in lib/SADI/RDF/Predicates/
in lib/SADI/RDF/Predicates/