NexTrieve - Perl interface to NexTrieve search engine software
use NexTrieve;
$ntv = new NexTrieve( | {method => value} );
# doing everything in Perl
$search = $ntv->Search( host:port | port | resourcefile | $resource );
$hitlist = $search->Hitlist( $query | queryfile | xml | {method => value} );
foreach $hit ($hitlist->Hits) {
# display result here
# if you want to process your own XML
$hitlistxml = $ntv->ask_server_port( server:port | port,$queryxml );
Provide a Perl interface to the complete functionality of the NexTrieve search engine sofware as found on .
See the NexTrieve::Overview documentation for a introduction of the NexTrieve search engine software and an overview of how the Perl modules interact with that software. Although that documentation is not required reading before looking at any of the other documentation, it is highly recommended that you do.
The following modules are part of the distribution:
NexTrieve base module
NexTrieve::Collection logical collection object
NexTrieve::Collection::Index logical index object within a collection
NexTrieve::Daemon logical daemon object
NexTrieve::DBI convert DBI statement to document sequence
NexTrieve::Docseq logical document sequence for indexing
NexTrieve::Document logical document object
NexTrieve::Hitlist result of query from search engine
NexTrieve::Hitlist::Hit a single hit of the result
NexTrieve::HTML convert HTML-file(s) to logical document(s)
NexTrieve::Index create an index out of a docseq
NexTrieve::Mbox convert Unix mailbox to document sequence
NexTrieve::Message convert Mail::Message object(s) to document(s)
NexTrieve::MIME MIME-type conversions for documents
NexTrieve::Overview an overview of NexTrieve and its Perl support
NexTrieve::Replay turn Querylog into Hitlist for a Search
NexTrieve::Resource create/adapt resource-file
NexTrieve::RFC822 convert message(s) to logical document(s)
NexTrieve::Search logical search engine object
NexTrieve::Query create/adapt query
NexTrieve::Querylog turn query log into Query objects
NexTrieve::UTF8 change encoding to UTF-8
The following scripts are part of the distribution:
docseq create a document sequence out of ready-made XML-files
dbi2ntvml convert SQL statement to a document sequence using DBI
html2ntvml convert one or more HTML-files to a document sequence
mailbox2ntvml convert one or more Unix mailboxes to a document sequence
Not all of the NexTrieve submodules may be needed in a particular situation. In order to save CPU and memory, you can easily load only the necessary submodules, by specifying their names in the -use- statement with which you load this module. E.g.,
use NexTrieve; or use NexTrieve qw(:all);
will load all submodules of NexTrieve (which may become more over the course of time). If you would only like to use the NexTrieve::Query and the NexTrieve::Hitlist submodules, you can specify this as:
use NexTrieve qw(Query Hitlist);
This can e.g. be handy if you only want to use the Query and Hitlist features.
The following methods are available for setting up the NexTrieve object itself.
$ntv = NexTrieve->new( {method => value} );
The creation of the NexTrieve object itself is done by calling the class method "new" on the NexTrieve package. The "new" class method accepts one input parameter: a reference to a hash or list of method-value pairs as handled by the Set method.
The following methods are available for those cases where you want to access the results a NexTrieve query from a running NexTrieve server directly.
$hitlistxml = $ntv->ask_server_port( server:port | port,$queryxml );
Perform a NexTrieve query on a NexTrieve Daemon running on the specified server and port. Defaults to querying "localhost" if no server is specified. The Query XML has to be in the format as described on: . Returns XML in the format as described on: .
$ntv->ask_server_port_fh( server:port | port,$queryxml,$handle );
Same function as ask_server_port, but instead of returning the Hitlist XML, writes the Hitlist XML to the handle specified by the third input parameter.
$ntv->ask_server_port_file( server:port | port,$queryxml,$filename );
Same function as ask_server_port, but instead of returning the Hitlist XML, writes the Hitlist XML to the file specified by the third input parameter.
The following methods are inherited from the NexTrieve object whenever any of the sub-objects are made. This means that any setting in the NexTrieve object of these methods, will automatically be activated in the sub-objects, that are created after calling any of these methods, in the same manner.
$encoding = $ntvobject->DefaultInputEncoding;
$ntvobject->DefaultInputEncoding( $encoding );
Many sources of information that are converted to XML, more precisely to NTVML, by this set of Perl modules, do not contain information about the type of encoding the characters of that source are in. In a lot of cases, especially email, a character encoding of "us-ascii" is indicated, even if "extended ASCII characters" are present. Conversion modules, such as the NexTrieve::RFC822 and NexTrieve::HTML modules, need to make assumptions on the character encoding if no encoding information is present.
By calling the "DefaultInputEncoding" method with a specific encoding name on an object of the NexTrieve family of modules, you indicate the encoding that should be assumed if no encoding information is present.
If you never call this method, a default input encoding of "ISO-8859-1" is assumed. In practice, this is the set that consists of "us-ascii" and "extended ASCII characters", which is most commonly found in email and HTML.
$NexTrievePath = $ntv->NexTrievePath;
$ntv->NexTrievePath( '/usr/local/nextrieve/bin' ); # checks NTV_PATH=
Sometimes you want to try out something when the NexTrieve package itself is not installed in the standard location. You can do this by specifying the NTV_PATH= environment variable externally. Or you can do this by calling the "NexTrievePath" method and specifying the directory in which the NexTrieve executables are located.
The default for the NexTrievePath is "/usr/local/nextrieve/bin". If that doesn't exist, the highest numbered executable directory from "/usr/local/nextrieve" will be used, e.g. "/usr/local/nextrieve/2.0.0".
$NexTrieveVersion = $ntv->NexTrieveVersion;
$ntv->NexTrieveVersion( '2.0.0' ); # short for /usr/local/nextrieve/2.0.0
When several versions of the NexTrieve executables are installed on your system, it can be handy to differentiate between them by just specifying the version number. This is what the "NexTrieveVersion" method allows you to do: if all versions of NexTrieve executables are installed from "/usr/local/nextrieve", then you can indicate which version you would like to use by just specifying the version number, e.g. "2.0.0".
$PrintError = $ntvobject->PrintError;
$ntvobject->PrintError( true | false | 'cluck' );
Sometimes you want your program to let you immediately know when there is an error. You can do this by calling the "PrintError" method with a true value. Each time an error occurs, a warning will be printed to STDERR informing you of the error that occurred. Check out the RaiseError method for letting your program stop with execution immediately when an error has occurred. Check out the Errors method when you want to examine errors completely under program control.
As a special debugging feature, it is also possible to specify the keyword 'cluck'. If specified, it attempts to load the standard Perl module "Carp". If that is successful, then it sets the $SIG{__WARN__} handler to call the "Carp::cluck" subroutine. This causes a stack-trace to be shown to the developer when a warning occurs, either from an internal error or because anything else executes a -warn- statement.
$RaiseError = $ntvobject->RaiseError;
$ntvobject->RaiseError( true | false | 'confess' );
Sometimes you want to have a program stop as soon as something goes wrong. By calling the "RaiseError" method with a true value, you are telling the module to immediately stop the program with an error message as soon as anything goes wrong. Check out PrintError to have each error output a warning on STDERR instead. Check out Errors if you want to examine for errors completely under your control.
As a special debugging feature, it is also possible to specify the keyword 'confess'. If specified, it attempts to load the standard Perl module "Carp". If that is successful, then it sets the $SIG{__DIE__} handler to call the "Carp::confess" subroutine. This causes a stack-trace to be shown to the developer when an error occurs, either from an internal error or because anything else executes a -die- statement.
$Tmp = $ntv->Tmp;
$ntv->Tmp( '/tmp' ); # checks TMP=
Sometimes the NexTrieve family of modules need to create an external file for its operation. By default it checks the value of the TMP= environment variable. If that environment variable doesn't exist, the "/tmp" directory is assumed. Or you can call the "Tmp" method to indicate which directory should be used to create temporary files.
The modules of the NexTrieve family do not contain "new" methods that can be called directly. Instead, if you want to create e.g. an NexTrieve::HTML object, you call the (instance) method "HTML" on an instantiated NexTrieve object, e.g. "$html = $ntv->HTML;".
Here only the parameters for the object creation are documented. Any additional methods are documented in the documentation of the module itself.
$collection = $ntv->Collection( path, | create );
Create a "NexTrieve::Collection" object for a collection such as defined by the NexTrieve executables. The first input parameter specifies the path to the directory of the collection. The second input parameter specifies a flag indicating whether the path should be created if it doesn't exist already.
$daemon = $ntv->Daemon( file | xml | $resource, | server:port | port, | {method => value} );
Create a "NexTrieve::Daemon" object for performing NexTrieve queries with NexTrieve running as a server.
The first input parameter specifies the resources that should be used by this daemon process: it can either be the name of a file containing the resource XML specication, or the resource XML specification as a value, or an instantiated NexTrieve::Resource object.
The second (optional) input parameter specifies the host and port on which this daemon process should run. It can be either specified as a "server:port" combination, or just a port number. In the latter case, the "localhost" will be assumed to be the server specification.
The third (optional) input parameter can be a reference to a hash or list of method-value pairs as handled by the Set method.
$docseq = $ntv->Docseq( {method => value} );
Create a "NexTrieve::Docseq" object for creating a document sequence as described in "".
The (optional) input parameter can be a reference to a hash or list of method-value pairs as handled by the Set method.
Please note that the HTML and Mbox objects are also capable of creating NexTrieve::Docseq objects.
$document = $ntv->Document( {method => value} );
Create a "NexTrieve::Document" object for creating a document as part of document sequence as described in "".
The (optional) input parameter can be a reference to a hash or list of method-value pairs as handled by the Set method.
$hitlist = $ntv->Hitlist( | file | xml );
Create a "NexTrieve::Hitlist" object.
The (optional) input parameter either specifies the name of a file containing XML conforming to the format described on "", or XML in that format as a value.
Please note that creating a Hitlist object in this manner is of little use: a Hitlist object is usually created through the "Hitlist" method of the NexTrieve::Search object.
$html = $ntv->HTML( {method => value} );
Create a "NexTrieve::HTML" object for performing a conversion from HTML-files to NexTrieve::Document objects as part of a document sequence as described in "".
The (optional) input parameter can be a reference to a hash or list of method-value pairs as handled by the Set method.
This object is extensively used by the "html2ntvml" script. It is also capable of creating Docseq and Resource objects.
$index = $ntv->Index( file | xml | $resource, | {method => value}, | @files );
Create a "NexTrieve::Index" object for performing the NexTrieve indexing process as described on "".
The first input parameter specifies the resources that should be used in the indexing process: it can either be the name of a file containing the resource XML specication, or the resource XML specification as a value, or an instantiated NexTrieve::Resource object.
The second (optional) input parameter can be a reference to a hash or list of method-value pairs as handled by the Set method.
The other input parameters (if any) are interpreted as names of files that contain pre-generated document sequences, as created by the NexTrieve::Docseq object, that should be indexed immediately.
It is also capable of creating a basic Resource object from the information stored in a NexTrieve index.
$mbox = $ntv->Mbox( {method => value} );
Create a "NexTrieve::Mbox" object for performing a conversion from messages as defined by RFC822, stored in a Unix mailbox, to NexTrieve::Document objects as part of a document sequence as described in "".
The (optional) input parameter can be a reference to a hash or list of method-value pairs as handled by the Set method on the RFC822 object.
This object is extensively used by the "mailbox2ntvml" script. It is also capable of creating Docseq objects.
$message = $ntv->Message( {method => value} );
Create a "NexTrieve::Message" object for performing a conversion from Mail::Message objects to NexTrieve::Document objects as part of a document sequence as described in "".
The (optional) input parameter can be a reference to a hash or list of method-value pairs as handled by the Set method.
This object is usually used in conjunction with the Mail::Box object, which is part of the Mail::Box package as available on CPAN.
$query = $ntv->Query( | file | xml , | {method => value} );
Create a "NexTrieve::Query" object for performing the NexTrieve queries as as described on "".
The first (optional) input parameter specifies the XML that should be used in the creation of the object: it can either be the name of a file containing the query XML specication, or the query XML specification as a value.
The second (optional) input parameter can be a reference to a hash or list of method-value pairs as handled by the Set method.
Please note that the Querylog object is also capable of creating NexTrieve::Query objects.
$querylog = $ntv->Querylog( file );
Create a "NexTrieve::Querylog" object for inspecting the queries that have been made to a NexTrieve server running as a Daemon.
The input parameter specifies the name of the query logfile to be used for the creation of the "NexTrie::Querylog" object.
Please note that the Querylog object can create Query objects.
$replay = $ntv->Replay( {method => value} );
Create a "NexTrieve::Replay" object for performing a number or queries and obtaining their results as a number of Hitlist objects.
The (optional) input parameter can be a reference to a hash or list of method-value pairs as handled by the Set method.
$resource = $ntv->Resource( | file | xml , | {method => value} );
Create a "NexTrieve::Resource" object for indicating the use of resources as described on "".
The first (optional) input parameter specifies the XML that should be used in the creation of the object: it can either be the name of a file containing the resource XML specication, or the resource XML specification as a value.
The second (optional) input parameter can be a reference to a hash or list of method-value pairs as handled by the Set method.
Please note that the HTML and RFC822 objects are also capable of creating NexTrieve::Resource objects.
$rfc822 = $ntv->RFC822( {method => value} );
Create a "NexTrieve::RFC822" object for performing a conversion from messages in the format as described by RFC 822 to NexTrieve::Document objects as part of a document sequence as described in "".
The (optional) input parameter can be a reference to a hash or list of method-value pairs as handled by the Set method.
This object is extensively used by the Mbox object.
$search = $ntv->Search( | server:port | port | file | xml | $resource, | {method => value} );
Create a "NexTrieve::Search" object for performing queries on a NexTrieve index. Searches can either be done using an on-demand approach, as described on "", or by using a server process as described on "".
The first input parameter either specifies the server and port on which a server process is running. Or it specifies the resources that should be used in the on-demand searching process: then it can either be the name of a file containing the resource XML specication, or the resource XML specification as a value, or an instantiated NexTrieve::Resource object.
The second (optional) input parameter can be a reference to a hash or list of method-value pairs as handled by the Set method.
Please note that search results are returned as a Hitlist object.
The following methods are inheritable from the NexTrieve module. They are intended to make life easier for the developer, and are specifically intended to be used within user scripts such as templates.
($encoding,$xml) = $ntvobject->Get( qw(encoding xml) );
$ntvobject->Get( qw(encoding xml) ); # sets global vars $encoding and $xml
Sometimes you want to obtain the values returned by many methods from the same object. The "Get" method allows you to do just that: you specify the names of the methods to be executed on the object and the values from the method calls (without parameters) are either returned in the same order, or they are used to set global variables with the same name as the method.
If you are interested in calling multiple methods with parameters on the same object, and you are not interested in the return values, then you should call the Set method.
$handle = $ntvobject->openfile( "filename","mode" );
$handle = $ntvobject->openfile( "command |" ); # pipe to output from command
return unless $handle;
The "openfile" method returns a handle for the file or pipe that can be used to read from or print to. The parameters are the same as the standard Perl function "open()". If an error occurs during opening of the file or pipe, an error is added to the internal list of Errors and an empty value is returned.
$ntvobject->Set( {
methodname1 => $value1,
methodname2 => $value2,
methodname2 => [parameter1,parameter2],
} );
It is often a hassle for the developer to call many methods to set parameters on the same object. To reduce this hassle, the "Set" method was developed. Instead of doing:
$nvobject->methodname1( $value1 );
$nvobject->methodname2( $value2 );
$nvobject->methodname2( $parameter1,$parameter2 );
you can do this in one go as specified above.
The "Set" method accepts either a reference to a hash (as specified by { }) or a reference to a list (as specified by [ ]). The reference to hash method is preferable if the order in which the methods are executed, is not important. If the order in which the methods are supposed to be excuted is important, then you should use the reference to a list method, e.g.:
$ntvobject->Set( [
methodname1 => $value1,
methodname2 => [], # no parameters to be passed
methodname2 => [parameter1,parameter2], # more than 1 parameter
] );
Please note that if there is one parameter to the method, you can specify it directly. If there are more than one parameter to be passed to the method, then you must specify them as a reference to a list by putting them between square brackets, i.e. "[" and "]". If no parameters need to be passed to the method, you can specify this as a reference to an empty list, i.e. "[]".
The "Set" method disregards any values that were returned by the methods. If you are interested in the values that are returned by multiple methods, you can use the Get method.
Please note that the "Set" method is used internally in almost all object creation methods to allow you to immediately specify the options to be activated for that object.
$contents = $self->slurp( $handle, | true | false );
The "slurp" method reads all the data it can from the specified handle (the first input parameter) and returns that data and closes the handle. If you do not want the handle to be closed, specify a true value as the second input parameter. See the splat method for writing out a complete file.
Silently does not perform any operation if no valid handle is specified: thus the first input parameter can be a call to the openfile method without any problems.
$self->splat( $handle, $contents, | true | false );
The "splat" method writes the data, specified by the second input parameter, to the handle, specified by the first input parameter, and closes the handle. If you do not want the handle to be closed, specify a true value as the third input parameter. See the slurp method for reading in a complete file.
Silently does not perform any operation if no valid handle is specified: thus the first input parameter can be a call to the openfile method without any problems.
The following methods have to do with all of the objects that are directly related to the XML representation used by NexTrieve.
$ntvobject->ampersandize( $value1,$value2...$valueN );
The "ampersandize" method processes all of its input parameters in place. It converts the &, < and > characters to their XML entity version and removes any characters that may be illegal in XML. The values are assumed to not have any entities upon input. See the normalize method for a more elaborate cleaning up that handles text that can already contain entities (such as HTML).
$encoding = $ntvobject->encoding;
$ntvobject->encoding( $encoding );
Each object in the NexTrieve family that can contain XML, also knows in which encoding the XML is stored. What that encoding is, can be determined by calling the "encoding" method. If you want the XML of an object to be a specific (different) encoding, then you can call this method also.
If you want to change the encoding of any XML, check out the recode method.
$filename = $ntvobject->filename;
$ntvobject->filename( filename );
Many modules in the NexTrieve family are able to have their objects initialized from XML stored in a file. This is usually specified at the time of creation of the object. Or you want the XML of an object to be stored in a specific file: this is usually specified by a call to the write_file method.
Whenever an object is initialized from XML in a file, the name of the file is remembered in the object so that it can be used as a default when calling the write_file method. If you want that default to be different from the original filename, or there was no filename to begin with, you can call the "filename" method to set the filename to be used later.
$md5 = $ntvobject->md5;
The "md5" method returns a so-called MD5 signature for the XML in the object. For this to work, the Digest::MD5 module must be available also, otherwise an empty string is always returned. See the documentation of the Digest::MD5 module for more information.
$ntvobject->nopi( true | false );
$nopi = $ntvobject->nopi;
XML is normally created with a so-called "processor instruction", indicating the version of XML (so far always "1.0") and the encoding in which the XML was created, e.g. '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'. In some situations you want the XML to be created without this processor instruction (e.g. when it is to become part of a stream of XML: only one processor instruction at the very beginning of an XML-stream is allowed). You can achieve this by calling the "nopi" method with a true value before the XML is generated.
$ntvobject->normalize( $value1,$value2...$valueN );
The "normalize" method processes all of its input parameters in place. It converts the &, < and > characters and any entities such as to theiri correctly (numbered) XML entity version such as   and removes any characters that may be illegal in XML. The values are assumed to may contain named entities upon input. See the ampersandize method for a less elaborate cleaning up that handles text that does not contain entities.
open( $handle,file );
$ntvobject->read_fh( $handle );
close( $handle );
Set the XML of a NexTrieve object from XML read from an opened handle.
$ntvobject->read_file( | file );
Set the XML of a NexTrieve object from XML stored in a file. Assume the filename as indicated by calling the filename method previously if no filename was specified.
$ntvobject->read_string( xml );
Set the XML of a NexTrieve object from XML stored as a value in memory.
$xml = $ntvobject->recode( $object | to_encoding, | xml, | from_encoding );
Obtain a version of XML that is encoded in a different encoding. The first input parameter is the encoding "to" which should be encoded. This can also be an object of the NexTrieve family of modules: then the encoding of that object will be used as the encoding to encode to.
The second input parameter is the XML to be converted: if it is omitted, the XML of the object itself is assumed.
The third input parameter must be specified if the second input parameter is specified: it indicates the encoding in which the XML currently is encoded. If it is not specified, the encoding of the object itself will be assumed.
To just change the encoding of the XML of an object, check out the encoding method.
$version = $ntvobject->version;
In order to facilitate (conversions to) expansions of the current XML format of NTVML, a version number is internally used. There is currently only one version of NTVML, namely "1.0". So that string is always returned by the "version" method so far.
open( $handle,">file" );
$ntvobject->write_fh( $handle );
close( $handle );
Write the XML of a NexTrieve object to an opened handle.
$xml = $ntvobject->write_string;
Return the XML of a NexTrieve object. See the xml method for a more intuitive way of doing this.
$ntvobject->write_file( | file );
Write the XML of a NexTrieve object to a file. Assume the filename as indicated by calling the filename method previously if no filename was specified and the XML of the object was not previously obtained by a call to the read_file method.
$xml = $ntvobject->xml;
$ntvobject->xml( $xml );
$ntvobject->xml; # output XML to STDERR as warning
The "xml" method is actually a wrapper around the read_string and write_string methods. It allows easy setting and obtaining the XML of a NexTrieve object.
In order to facilitate debugging your programs, a special feature has been added to the "xml" method. If the "xml" method is called in a void context without specifying any new XML, the XML of the object is output as a warning to STDERR.
@info = $ntvobject->Dump;
$ntvobject->Dump; # Data::Dumper->Dump output on object as warning
The "Dump" method is a quick-and-dirty interface to the Data::Dumper standard Perl module. When it is invoked, it will attempt to load the Data::Dumper module. If that is successful, it will create a dump of the object. If the method is called in a void context, the dump will be printed as a warning to STDERR. Else it will be returned by the "Dump" method.
No action will be performed if the Data::Dumper module can not be loaded.
if ($ntvobject->Errors) { # does not remove errors in scalar context
@error = $ntvobject->Errors; # returns errors, removes them from object
If an error occurs in the NexTrieve family of modules, they are only reported "internally" as information added to the object. To find out whether there are any errors, you can call the "Errors" method in scalar context: it will then tell you how many errors there are. To find out what the errors exactly are, you can call the "Errors" method in list context: this then also has the side-effect of removing the error information from the object, effectively resetting the error history of the object.
If you want your program to stop as soon as an error occurs, call the RaiseError method beforehand. If you want your program to also output a warning to STDERR each time an error occurs, call the PrintError method beforehand.
$ntvobject->xmllint( true | false );
$xmllint = $ntvobject->xmllint;
The "xmllint" method is for the really paranoid of mind and for those who are debugging their programs or additional modules to the NexTrieve family. When called with a true value, it will check for the availability of the "xmllint" program of the "libxml2" package (as found on ""). If it is found, it will set the "xmllint" flag in the object to "1". Then, anytime XML is generated by the object, the "xmllint" program will be called to check the validity of the generated XML. An error will be added to the object (accessible to the Errors method) with the output of the xmllint program if any errors were found.
If the "xmllint" program is not found, then the flag in the object will remain false and no additional checks will be performed when XML is generated.
Elizabeth Mattijsen, <>.
Please report bugs to <>.
Copyright (c) 1995-2002 Elizabeth Mattijsen <>. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
SEE ALSO and the other NexTrieve::xxx modules.