NexTrieve::Resource - handle the resource specifications of NexTrieve


use NexTrieve;
$ntv = new NexTrieve( | {method => value} );

# using collections
$collection = $ntv->Collection( path );
$resource = $collection->Resource( mnemonic );

# direct resource file access without using collections
$resource = $ntv->Resource( | file | xml | {method => value} );


The Resource object of the Perl support for NexTrieve. Do not create directly, but through the Resource method of the NexTrieve::Collection or the NexTrieve object.


The following methods handle certain base aspects of the NexTrieve resource-file.


$resource->cache( size ); 
$cache = $resource->cache;

The "cache" method specifies the amount of RAM that will be used by the NexTrieve programs as a data-cache. If no postfix is specified, the amount specified is assumed to be in bytes. The following postfixes are recognized:

Assume cache size is specified in Kilobytes

Assume cache size is specified in Megabytes

Assume cache size is specified in Gigabytes

By default, a value of "10M" is assumed, which is rather on the conservative side. Performance of any of the NexTrieve programs will generally improve with a higher value specified, as long as the amount specified is less than the amount of physical RAM available.


$resource->indexdir( path ); 
$indexdir = $resource->indexdir;

The "indexdir" method specifies the name of the directory in which the NexTrieve "ntvindex" program (as accessed by the NexTrieve::Index module) will store its data-files, and which is used by the NexTrieve "ntvsearch" program (as accessed by the NexTrieve::Search module) or the NexTrieve "ntvsearchd" program (as started by the NexTrieve::Daemon module) to perform their searches from.


$resource->licensefile( file ); 
$licensefile = $resource->licensefile;

The "licensefile" method specifies the path of the file in which the NexTrieve license keys are stored. By default "/usr/local/nextrieve/license" is assumed to be the location of the NexTrieve license file.


$resource->logfile( file ); 
$logfile = $resource->logfile;

The "logfile" method specifies the path of the file in which the NexTrieve prigrams store their (error) messages. By default no logfile is assumed: the NexTrieve programs will only send their messages to STDERR.


The following methods apply to the <indexcreation> section of the so-called NexTrieve resource-file. These values are generally only used once during the initial indexing process that sets up the internal data-structurs of a NexTrieve index, as performed by the NexTrieve "ntvindex" program (accessible with the NexTrieve::Index module).


($type,$key,$nvals) = $resource->attribute( name );
$resource->attribute( name,
                     string | number | flag,
                     key-unique | key-duplicates | notkey,
                     1 | * );

The "attribute" method specifies the characteristics of a single attribute of the XML to be indexed by NexTrieve.

The first input parameter specifies the "name" of the attribute.

The second input parameter specifies the "type" of the attribute. Currently three types of attributes are supported:

A binary flag which is either on (1) or off (0).

An unsigned number between 0 and 2147483647 inclusive.

Any string of characters.

The third input parameter specifies whether the attribute is supposed to be a "key" or not. If an attribute is considered to be "key", then multiple references of the same value will only occupy a single piece of memory, thereby reducing the memory requirements of NexTrieve programs significantly.

Currently three settings are supported:

If an attribute is marked as "key-unique", then only B<one> document can
exist in the index that contains a specific value for that attribute.  If
during indexing another document is encountered that has the same value for
an attribute marked "key-unique", then the original document will be marked
as "deleted".

If an attribute is marked as "key-duplicates", then B<more> than one document
can contain a specific value for that attribute.  Only the memory-saving
feature of keys are then in effect.

If an attribute is marked as "notkey", then no attempt is made to save memory
for the value of the attribute.

The fourth attribute specifies the "multiplicity" of the attribute. This indicates whether an attribute can only have one value associated with it, or whether it can have multiple values associated with it. The following two settings are currently supported:

Only one value can be associated with this attribute.  If the value is omitted,
0 is assumed for "flag" and "numeric" type attributes and the empty string is
assumed for "string" type attributes.

Any number of values can be associated with this attribute.  If no values
are specified for this attribute, it means just that: that there are no
values specified for this attribute.

It should be noted that more features may be added to attributes in the future. Please check this space for any additions.


@attribute = $resource->attributes;
$resource->attributes( [name1,type1,key1,nvals1], [name2..] .. [nameN..] )

The "attributes" method allows you to specify all attributes that should be associated with a document. Each input parameter specifies the specifics of one attribute as a reference to a list in which the parameters have the same order as the attribute method.


($weight) = $resource->texttype( name );
$resource->texttype( name,weight );

The "texttype" method specifies the characteristics of a single texttype of the XML to be indexed by NexTrieve.

The first input parameter specifies the "name" of the texttype.

The second input parameter specifies the default "weight" of the texttype. The weight of a texttype used in queries, can be overridden in the XML of the query, as accessed or generated by the NexTrieve::Query module. A default of "100" will be assumed if no default weight is specified.


@texttype = $resource->texttypes;
$resource->texttypes( [name1,weight1], [name2..] .. [nameN..] );

The "texttypes" method allows you to specify all texttypes that should be associated with a document. Each input parameter specifies the specifics of one texttype as a reference to a list in which the parameters have the same order as the texttype method.


The following methods apply to the <indexing> section of the so-called NexTrieve resource-file. These values are used during each indexing of a NexTrieve index, as performed by the NexTrieve "ntvindex" program (accessible with the NexTrieve::Index module).


$resource->nestedattrs( log | !log | stop );
$logaction = $resource->nestedattrs;

The "nestedattrs" method indicates the action that should be performed if, during indexing, an XML container is found inside the container of a an attribute.

The input parameter specifies what logging action should be performed if this occurs. There are currently 3 settings supported:

Simply log the error to STDERR or the L<logfile> and continue indexing.

Do B<not> log the error but continue indexing.

Log the action to STDERR or the L<logfile> and B<stop> indexing.  This setting
is assumed if method "nestedattrs" is never called.

Please note that the contents of any nested containers will never be added to the NexTrieve data-structures.


$resource->nestedtext( log | !log | stop, ignore | inherit );
($logaction,$indexaction) = $resource->nestedtext;

The "nestedtext" method indicates the actions that should be performed if, during indexing, an XML container is found inside the container of a known texttype.

The first input parameter specifies what logging action should be performed. There are currently 3 settings supported:

Simply log the error to STDERR or the L<logfile> and continue indexing.  The
value of the second input parameter is significant.

Do B<not> log the error but continue indexing.  The value of the second input
parameter is significant.

Log the action to STDERR or the L<logfile> and B<stop> indexing.  The value of
the second input parameter is B<not> significant.  This setting is assumed if
method "nestedtext" is never called.

The second input parameter specifies what to do with the text inside the container of an unknown texttype. Currently, two settings are supported:

Ignore the text in the container completely.

Assume the texttype of the container in which the nested container was found.


$resource->unknownattrs( log | !log | stop );
$logaction = $resource->unknownattrs;

The "unknownattrs" method indicates the actions that should be performed if, during indexing, an XML container is found inside the container of an attribute.

The input parameter specifies what logging action should be performed. There are currently 3 settings supported:

Simply log the error to STDERR or the L<logfile> and continue indexing.

Do B<not> log the error but continue indexing.

Log the action to STDERR or the L<logfile> and B<stop> indexing. This setting
is assumed if the "unknownattrs" method is never called.

Please note that the contents of any unknown attribute containers will never be added to the NexTrieve data-structures.


$resource->unknowntext( log | !log | stop, ignore | default );
($logaction,$indexaction) = $resource->unknowntext;

The "unknowntext" method indicates the actions that should be performed if, during indexing, an XML container is found in the <text> container that is not known to have been specified as a valid texttype using either the texttype or texttypes method.

The first input parameter specifies what logging action should be performed. There are currently 3 settings supported:

Simply log the error to STDERR or the L<logfile> and continue indexing.  The
value of the second input parameter is significant.

Do B<not> log the error but continue indexing.  The value of the second input
parameter is significant.

Log the action to STDERR or the L<logfile> and B<stop> indexing.  The value of
the second input parameter is B<not> significant.  This setting is assumed
if the "unknowntext" method is never called.

The second input parameter specifies what to do with the text inside the container of an unknown texttype. Currently, two settings are supported:

Ignore the text in the container completely.

Assume the "default" texttype for the text found in the container.


The following methods apply to the <searching> section of the so-called NexTrieve resource-file. These values are used during the searching of a NexTrieve index, as performed by the NexTrieve "ntvsearch" and "ntvsearchd" programs (accessible with the NexTrieve::Search module).


$resource->highlight( container,on,off );
($container,$on,$off) = $resource->highlight;

The "highlight" method specifies which strings should be used to indicate highlighted words in the preview of a hit from a hitlist.

The first input parameter must be specified if you want an XML/HTML way of specifying a highlighted word. It specifies the name of the container (without the surrounding < and >) in which a highlighted word should be placed. By default, the string 'b' is assumed, causing the <b>highlighted</b> container to be used.

The second and third input parameter must be specified if you do not want to use an XML/HTML way of specifying a highlighted word. The second input parameter then indicates the string that should be placed before each highlighted word and the third input parameter specifies the string to be placed after each highlighted word.

Please note that you should be careful to not specify anything as the second and third input parameter that may result in invalid XML. By specifying only the first input parameter, you are ensured that the generated hitlist XML will always be valid.


$resource->querylog( directory );
$querylogdirectory = $resource->querylog;

The "querylog" method specifies the directory in which the "ntvsearchd" NexTrieve program (as accessible by the NexTrieve::Daemon module) will create a logfile for storing each query made with a timestamp.

A new logfile (whose name is constructed from the current date and time) will be created each time the "ntvsearchd" program is started.

Queries will not be logged if the "querylog" method is never called.

Queries from a query log file can be obtained with the NexTrieve::Querylog module.


$resource->threads( connector,worker,core );
($connector,$worker,$core) = $resource->threads;

The "threads" method only applies to the "ntvsearchd" NexTrieve program and is only applicable if "ntvsearchd" is available in a "threaded" form on your platform. Execute the "executable" method of the NexTrieve::Daemon object to check this.

The first input parameter specifies the maximum number of simultaneous connections that the search service is capable of handling. A typical number for this is "50".

The second input parameter specifies the maximum number of queries that can be active simultaneously. A number similar to the first input parameter is advisable.

The third input parameter specifies the maximum number of simultaneous core operations that can take place. This is typically about 1/10th of the number of simultaneous queries, as specified with the second input parameter.


The <ultralite> container of the NexTrieve resource-file is currently not supported by the Perl modules.


Elizabeth Mattijsen, <>.

Please report bugs to <>.


Copyright (c) 1995-2002 Elizabeth Mattijsen <>. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

SEE ALSO, the and the other NexTrieve::xxx modules.