Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

# what runtime features we need
use 5.014;
use autodie qw( binmode close mkdir open );
# modules that we need
no bytes;
use Encode qw( is_utf8 _utf8_on );
# initializations
my $format= 'Nnc';
# satisfy -require-
# Class Methods
# flush
# IN: 1 class
# 2 options hash ref
# 3 underlying list ref with strings
# 4 list ref with ID's to be flushed
# OUT: 1 boolean indicating success
sub flush {
my ( $class, $options, $list, $ids )= @_;
# initializations
local $_;
my $filename= "$options->{tagdir}/" . time . ".lookup";
# open file for flushing (again)
open my $handle, '>>', $filename;
binmode $handle;
# write all ID's
foreach my $id ( @$ids ) {
print( $handle
pack( $format, $id, bytes::length($_), is_utf8($_) ), $_ ) ||
die "Error writing data: $!"
foreach $list->[$id];
# make sure it's on disk
die "Could not flush data: $!" if !$handle->close;
return 1;
} #flush
# init
# IN: 1 class
# 2 options hash ref
# OUT: 1 hash ref with lookup
sub init {
my ( $class, $options )= @_;
# sanity check
my @errors;
push @errors, "Must have a 'dir' specified" if !$options->{dir};
push @errors, "Must have a 'tag' specified" if !$options->{tag};
my $tagdir= $options->{tagdir}= "$options->{dir}/$options->{tag}";
eval { mkdir $tagdir }; # don't care whether worked
# too bad
die join "\n", "Found the following problems with init:", @errors
if @errors;
# initializations
state $headerlen= 7;
my %hash;
# set up reading of all files in tagdir
foreach my $filename ( grep { -s } glob "$tagdir/*.lookup" ) {
open my $handle, '<', $filename;
binmode $handle;
# while we have something
my ( $bytes, $header, $id, $stringlen, $string, $utf8on );
while ( $bytes= read $handle, $header, $headerlen ) {
die "Did not read complete header: only $bytes of $headerlen"
if $bytes != $headerlen;
# fetch ID and string
( $id, $stringlen, $utf8on )= unpack $format, $header;
$bytes= read $handle, $string, $stringlen;
die "Error reading data: $!" if !defined $bytes;
die "Did not read complete data: only $bytes of $stringlen"
if $bytes != $stringlen;
# store it in the right way
_utf8_on($string) if $utf8on;
$hash{$string}= $id;
# all ok?
die "Error reading header: $!" if !defined $bytes;
close $handle;
return \%hash;
} #init
# parameters_ok
# IN: 1 class (not used)
# OUT: 1 .. N parameter names
sub parameters_ok { state $ok= [qw( dir ) ]; @{$ok} } #parameters_ok
=head1 NAME
String::Lookup::AsyncDBI - flush String::Lookup to flat files
use String::Lookup;
tie my %lookup, 'String::Lookup',
# standard persistent storage parameters
storage => 'AsyncDBI', # store in a flat file per epoch
tag => $tag, # name of directory for this lookup hash
fork => 1, # fork for each flush, default: no
# parameters specific to 'AsyncDBI'
dir => $dir, # directory in which tag directories are stored
# other parameters for String::Lookup
=head1 VERSION
This documentation describes version 0.11.
This module is a class for providing persistent storage for lookup hashes,
as provided by L<String::Lookup>.
Please see the C<METHODS IN STORAGE MODULE> section in L<String::Lookup> for
documentation on which methods this storage class provides.
The following additional parameters are provided by this storage class:
=over 4
=item dir
tie my %lookup, 'String::Lookup',
dir => $dir, # directory in which flat files are stored
Indicate the directory in which directories will be created per tag. The
actual flat files will be stored in there per second.
Defaults to the content of the C<STRING_LOOKUP_ASYNC_DIR> environment
variable. C<Must be specified> either directly or indirectly with the
environment variable.
=back 4
=head1 AUTHOR
Elizabeth Mattijsen
Copyright (c) 2012 Elizabeth Mattijsen <liz@dijkmat.nl>. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.