Changes for version 0.13

  • Testing on large numbers of threads and/or jobs keeps failing indeterminately. Lowered the number of tests to be able to get the module out there for testing on other machines.
  • No longer passes the Thread::Pool object to the "do", "pre" and "post" routine. This to conform to the way Thread::Queue::Monitored works. If the object is needed, the "self" class object should be called. This change should also speed up things a bit.
  • Added class method "self" for use within the "pre", "do", "post", "stream" or "monitor" routine. It returns the object they're working for.
  • The same "pre" routine is now also passed to the internal "monitor" object. If you really want to have a different "pre" routine, then you can create a seperate Thread::Queue::Any::Monitored object and use a "stream" routine to fill that monitored queue.
  • Changed the functionality of the "pre" routine to not save any of the returned values. It makes much more sense for the "pre" routine to set either lexical or global variables that would be automatically accessible to the "do" and "post" routine by virtue of the fact that they have their own memory space to play with. Adapted the test-suite accordingly.
  • Added support for "monitor" keyword in "new" method. Allows you to specify a streaming mode in which the stream is handled by a single monitoring thread rather than by each thread themselves. Courtesy of the new Thread::Queue::Any::Monitored module.
  • Fixed problem with warning being issued when starting the object. Caused by the originating thread id value not being set for the originating thread itself.


group of threads for performing similar jobs