Changes for version 1.00
- The following features were implemented over the course of time (see also My::Perceptron v0.04 on github):
- create perceptron
- process data: &train method
- read csv - for training stage
- save and load the perceptron
- output algorithm for train
- read and calculate data line by line
- validate method
- read csv bulk
- write predicted values into original file
- write predicted values into new file
- test method
- read csv bulk
- write predicted values into original file
- write predicted values into new file
- confusion matrix
- read only expected and predicted columns, line by line
- return a hash of data
- TP, TN, FP, FN
- total entries
- accuracy
- sensitivity
- display confusion matrix data to console
- use Text:Matrix
- synonyms
- synonyms MUST call actual subroutines and not copy pasting!
- train: tame, exercise
- validate: take_mock_exam, take_lab_test
- test: take_real_exam, work_in_real_world
- generate_confusion_matrix: get_exam_results
- display_confusion_matrix: display_exam_results
- save_perceptron: preserve
- load_perceptron: revive
A Newbie Friendly Module to Create, Train, Validate and Test Perceptrons / Neurons