Changes for version 0.06002 - 2006-04-20

  • fix set_from_related to accept undef
  • fix to Dumper-induced hash iteration bug
  • fix to copy() with non-composed resultsource
  • fix to ->search without args to clone rs but maintain cache
  • grab $self->dbh once per function in Storage::DBI
  • nuke ResultSource caching of ->resultset for consistency reasons
  • fix for -and conditions when updating or deleting on a ResultSet


Index of the Manual
Developing DBIx::Class Components
Miscellaneous recipes
What documentation do we have?
Simple CD database example
Clarification of terms used.
Introduction to DBIx::Class
Got a problem? Shoot it.


Extensible and flexible object <-> relational mapper.
Lets you build groups of accessors
Class::DBI Compatibility layer.
Core set of DBIx::Class modules
Abstract object representing a query cursor on a resultset.
Non-recommended classdata schema component
Automatically create objects from column data
Primary Key class
Automatic primary key class
(DEPRECATED) Automatic primary key class for DB2
(DEPRECATED) Automatic primary key class for MSSQL
(DEPRECATED) Automatic primary key class for MySQL
(DEPRECATED) Automatic primary key class for Oracle
(DEPRECATED) Automatic primary key class for Pg
(DEPRECATED) Automatic primary key class for SQLite
Inter-table relationships
Inter-table relationships
Responsible for fetching and creating resultset.
helpful methods for managing resultset classes (EXPERIMENTAL)
Result source object
provides a classdata table object and method proxies
Basic row methods
composable schemas
hooks for Storable freeze/thaw
DBI storage handler
Object representing a query cursor on a resultset.
Automatic primary key class for DB2
Automatic primary key class for MSSQL
Some databases can't handle count distincts with multiple cols. They should use base on this.
Automatic primary key class for Oracle
Automatic primary key class for PostgreSQL
Automatic primary key class for SQLite
Automatic primary key class for MySQL
Base class for running Class::DBI tests against DBIx::Class compat layer, shamelessly ripped from Class::DBI::Test::SQLite
Force UTF8 (Unicode) flag on columns
Implicit uuid columns
UUID wrapper module
Create uuids using APR::UUID
Create uuids using Data::UUID
Create uuids using Data::Uniqid
Create uuids using UUID
Create uuids using Win32::Guidgen
Create uuids using Win32API::GUID
Validate all data before submitting to your database.


in lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/
in lib/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat/
in lib/DBIx/Class/Relationship/
in lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/
in lib/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat/