
Plugin manager for web applications
A baseclass of CGI::Application, meant to help you create reusable web applications.
Validate the identity of a user
Authenticate using DBI
PAM driver for the OpenPlugin::Authenticate plugin
SMB driver for the OpenPlugin::Authenticate plugin
Sample template for creating a OpenThought Authentication driver.
Base class for putting data in and getting information out of a cache
File driver for the OpenPlugin::Cache plugin
Plugin for reading and writing config data
Read Config::General configuration files (similar to Apache configs)
Read Ini style configuration files
Read configuration files written in Perl
Sample template for creating a OpenPlugin Config driver
Read XML configuration files
handler to parse/output cookies from/to the client
Apache driver for the OpenPlugin::Cookie plugin
CGI driver for the OpenPlugin::Cookie plugin
plugin for datasource connection managers
DBI driver, used to create DBI database handles for the OpenPlugin::Datasource plugin
Centralized connection location to LDAP directories
DBI driver, used to create DBI database handles for the OpenPlugin::Datasource plugin
Base class for exceptions in OpenPlugin
Represent the incoming and outgoing HTTP headers for a request
Apache driver for the OpenPlugin::HttpHeader plugin
CGI Driver for the OpenPlugin::HttpHeader plugin
Log messages
Log4perl driver for the OpenPlugin::Log plugin
Retrieve GET/POST/other values sent by client with a request
Apache driver for the OpenPlugin::Param plugin
CGI driver for the OpenPlugin::Param plugin
Base class for all plugins
Retrieve values related to the client request
Apache driver for the OpenPlugin::Param plugin
CGI driver for the OpenPlugin::Request plugin
Save and retrieve session data
Apache driver (using Apache::Session) for the OpenPlugin session plugin
Handle file uploads
Apache driver for the OpenPlugin::Upload plugin
CGI driver for the OpenPlugin::Upload plugin
Utility methods for OpenPlugin objects


in OpenPlugin/HttpHeader/
in OpenPlugin/