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version 0.001


WWW::IRail::API::Liveboard - HTTP::Request builder and HTTP::Response parser for the IRail API Liveboard data


    make_request ( station => 'oostende' );     # departures by default

    make_request ( to => 'oostende' );          # arrivals coming into oostende


This module builds a HTTP::Request and has a parser for the HTTP::Response. It's up to you to transmit it over the wire. If don't want to do that yourself, don't use this module directly and use WWW::IRail::API instead.


make_request( key = 'val'> | { key = 'val' }> )

Only the station argument is required, but if you either use to or from it will be seen as the station name with the direction set accordingly. Memento: trains leaving from => 'oostende' and trains arriving into => 'oostende'. If the direction could not be deduced it defaults to 'departures'

    make_request ( from => 'oostende' );

    make_request ( station => 'oostende', direction => 'departures' );

    make_request ( { station => 'oostende', dir => 'arr' } );

the API direction parameter is extracted from your input using m/(arr|dep)/i so you can choose between less typing or better readability.

parse_response( $http_response, dataType )

rses the HTTP::Response you got back from the server, which if all went well contains XML. That XML is then transformed into other data formats

  • xml

  • XML

  • YAML

  • JSON

  • perl (default)

example of output when dataType = 'xml'

    <liveboard station="MOLLEM" timestamp="1291044188">
        <departure platform="1" station="DENDERMONDE" time="1291043100" vehicle="BE.NMBS.CR1564" />
        <departure platform="1" station="DENDERMONDE" time="1291044480" vehicle="BE.NMBS.CR5316" />
        <departure platform="2" station="GERAARDSBERGEN" time="1291046100" vehicle="BE.NMBS.CR1588" />
        <departure platform="1" station="DENDERMONDE" time="1291046700" vehicle="BE.NMBS.CR1565" />

example of output when dataType = 'XML'

    <liveboard timestamp="1291044222" version="1.0">
      <departures name="departure" number="4">
        <departure id="0" delay="1200" vehicle="BE.NMBS.CR1564">
          <platform normal="1">1</platform>
          <station id="BE.NMBS.137" locationX="4.101431" locationY="51.022775">DENDERMONDE</station>
          <time formatted="2010-11-29T15:05:00Z">1291043100</time>
        <departure id="1" delay="1140" vehicle="BE.NMBS.CR5316">
          <platform normal="1">1</platform>
          <station id="BE.NMBS.137" locationX="4.101431" locationY="51.022775">DENDERMONDE</station>
          <time formatted="2010-11-29T15:28:00Z">1291044480</time>
        <departure id="2" delay="0" vehicle="BE.NMBS.CR1588">
          <platform normal="1">2</platform>
          <station id="BE.NMBS.210" locationX="3.871956" locationY="50.771025">GERAARDSBERGEN</station>
          <time formatted="2010-11-29T15:55:00Z">1291046100</time>
        <departure id="3" delay="0" vehicle="BE.NMBS.CR1565">
          <platform normal="1">1</platform>
          <station id="BE.NMBS.137" locationX="4.101431" locationY="51.022775">DENDERMONDE</station>
          <time formatted="2010-11-29T16:05:00Z">1291046700</time>
      <station id="BE.NMBS.376" locationX="4.21675" locationY="50.932808">MOLLEM</station>

example of output when dataType = 'YAML'

      - platform: 1
        station: DENDERMONDE
        time: 1291043100
        vehicle: BE.NMBS.CR1564
      - platform: 1
        station: DENDERMONDE
        time: 1291044480
        vehicle: BE.NMBS.CR5316
      - platform: 2
        station: GERAARDSBERGEN
        time: 1291046100
        vehicle: BE.NMBS.CR1588
      - platform: 1
        station: DENDERMONDE
        time: 1291046700
        vehicle: BE.NMBS.CR1565
    station: MOLLEM
    timestamp: 1291044267

example of output when dataType = 'JSON'

       "departures" : [
             "station" : "DENDERMONDE",
             "time" : "1291043100",
             "vehicle" : "BE.NMBS.CR1564",
             "platform" : "1"
             "station" : "DENDERMONDE",
             "time" : "1291044480",
             "vehicle" : "BE.NMBS.CR5316",
             "platform" : "1"
             "station" : "GERAARDSBERGEN",
             "time" : "1291046100",
             "vehicle" : "BE.NMBS.CR1588",
             "platform" : "2"
             "station" : "DENDERMONDE",
             "time" : "1291046700",
             "vehicle" : "BE.NMBS.CR1565",
             "platform" : "1"
       "station" : "MOLLEM",
       "timestamp" : "1291044295"

example of output when dataType = 'perl'

          'departures' => [
                            'station' => 'DENDERMONDE',
                            'time' => '1291043100',
                            'vehicle' => 'BE.NMBS.CR1564',
                            'platform' => '1'
                            'station' => 'DENDERMONDE',
                            'time' => '1291044480',
                            'vehicle' => 'BE.NMBS.CR5316',
                            'platform' => '1'
                            'station' => 'GERAARDSBERGEN',
                            'time' => '1291046100',
                            'vehicle' => 'BE.NMBS.CR1588',
                            'platform' => '2'
                            'station' => 'DENDERMONDE',
                            'time' => '1291046700',
                            'vehicle' => 'BE.NMBS.CR1565',
                            'platform' => '1'
          'station' => 'MOLLEM',
          'timestamp' => '1291044344'



See perlmodinstall for information and options on installing Perl modules.


No bugs have been reported.

Please report any bugs or feature requests through the web interface at


Tim Esselens <>


This software is copyright (c) 2010 by Tim Esselens.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.