Sphinx::Config::Builder - Perl extension dynamically creating Sphinx configuration files on the fly, using a backend datasource to drive the indexes, sources, and their relationships.


This module is being released as version 1.00.


use Sphinx::Config::Builder;
my $INDEXPATH = q{/path/to/indexes};
my $XMLPATH   = q{/path/to/xmlpipe2/output};

$builder = Sphinx::Config::Builder->new();

# %categories may be stored elsewhere, e.g. a .ini file or MySQL database
my $categories = { cars => [qw/sedan truck ragtop/], boats => [qw/sail row motor/] };
foreach my $category ( keys %$categories ) {
    foreach my $document_set ( @{ $categories->{$category} } ) {
	my $xmlfile     = qq{$document_set-$category} . q{.xml};
	my $source_name = qq{$document_set-$category} . q{_xml};
	my $index_name  = qq{$document_set-$category};
	my $src         = Sphinx::Config::Entry::Source->new();
	my $index       = Sphinx::Config::Entry::Index->new();

	    { type            => q{xmlpipe} },
	    { xmlpipe_command => qq{/bin/cat $XMLPATH/$xmlfile} },


	    { source       => qq{$source_name} },
	    { path         => qq{$INDEXPATH/$document_set} },
	    { charset_type => q{utf-8} },

$builder->indexer->push( { mem_limit => q{64m} } );
    { compat_sphinxql_magics => 0 },
    { listen                 => q{} },
    { listen                 => q{} },
    { log                    => q{/var/log/sphinx/searchd.log} },
    { query_log              => q{/var/log/sphinx/log/query.log} },
    { read_timeout           => 30 },
    { max_children           => 30 },
    { pid_file               => q{/var/log/sphinx/} },
    { seamless_rotate        => 1 },
    { preopen_indexes        => 1 },
    { unlink_old             => 1 },
    { workers     => q{threads} },           # for RT to work
    { binlog_path => q{/var/log/sphinx} },

print $builder->as_string;

This script may now be passed to the Sphinx indexer using the --config option:

$ indexer --config /path/to/ --all --rotate


The motivation behind this module is the need to manage many indexes and corresponding sources handled by a single Sphinx searchd instance. Managing a configuration file with many indexes and sources quickly becomes unweildy, and a programatic solution is necessary. Using Sphinx::Config::Builder, one may more easily manage Sphinx configurations using a more appropriate backend (e.g., a simple .ini file or even a MySQL database). This is particularly useful if one is frequently adding or deleting indexes and sources. This approach is particularly useful for managing non-natively supported Sphinx datasources that might require the additional step of generating XMLPipe/Pipe2 sources.

This module doesn't read in Sphinx configuration files, it simply allows one to construct and output a configuration file programmtically.

This module allows one to systematically construct a Sphinx configuration file that contains so many entries that it is best created dynamically. It's fairly low level, and provides containers for the following:

A list of Sphinx::Config::Entry::Index objects, one per index section;
A list of Sphinx::Config::Entry::Source objects, one per source section;
A singular Sphinx::Config::Entry::Indexer object, one per configuration for indexer options
A singular Sphinx::Config::Entry::Searchd object, one per configuration for searchd options

The general idea is that one builds up a list of index sections and corresponding source sections. One then defines the indexer and searchd options. One is not bound to specific keywords in each section, meaning that they may add any key/value pair (as a singleton HASH referece). Each key/value pair corresponds to a key/value line in each section.

All Sphinx::Config::Entry derived classes implement a as_string method. This method outputs the section in the format that Sphinx expects. The overall Sphinx::Config::Builder class has a as_string method that will iterate over all members, calling their as_string method. The result is the full configuration file that may be printed to STDOUT for the indexer to consume using the --config option.











Please report -


B. Estrade, <<gt>


Same terms as Perl itself.