Changes for version 0.75 - 2003-10-22

  • wrapped XML parsing in eval block to trap fatal errors.


list records in an OAI-PMH archive
list sets in an OAI-PMH archive


A base class for all OAI-PMH responses
OAI-PMH errors.
The results of a GetRecord OAI-PMH verb.
A package for harvesting metadata using OAI-PMH
Results of the Indentify OAI-PMH verb.
Results of the ListIdentifiers OAI-PMH verb.
Results of the ListMetadataFormats OAI-PMH verb.
Results of the ListRecords OAI-PMH verb.
The results of the ListSets OAI-PMH verb.
An OAI-PMH record.
An OAI-PMH resumption token.