Devel::REPL::Plugin::Nopaste - #nopaste to upload session's input and output


This module provides these commands to your Devel::REPL shell:


The #nopaste sends a transcript of your session to a nopaste site.


The #pastetitle command allows you to set the title of the paste on the nopaste site. For example:

#pastetitle example of some code

defaults to 'Devel::REPL session'



The format sent to the nopaste server can be adjusted with the nopaste_format option. By default, the output of each perl statement is commented out, and the perl statements themselves are not. This can be reversed by setting the nopaste_format attribute to comment_code like this in your file:

$_REPL->nopaste_format( 'comment_code' );

The default of commenting out the output would be set like this:

$_REPL->nopaste_format( 'comment_output' );

These options can be set during a Devel::REPL session, but only affect the future parts of the session, not the past parts.


Shawn M Moore, <sartak at gmail dot com>


Andrew Moore - <>