Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MungeFile::WithDataSection - Modify files in the build, with templates and DATA section


version 0.007


In your dist.ini:

file = lib/My/
house = maison

And during the build, lib/My/

my @stuff = qw(
        join "    \n",
        map { expensive_build_time_sub($_) }
        split(' ', $DATA)   # awk-style whitespace splitting
my ${{ $house }} = 'my castle';

Is transformed to:

my @stuff = qw(
my $maison = 'my castle';


This is a FileMunger plugin for Dist::Zilla that passes a file(s) through a Text::Template, with a variable provided that contains the content from the file's __DATA__ section.

Text::Template is used to transform the file by making the $DATA variable available to all code blocks within {{ }} sections.

The data section is extracted by scanning the file for qr/^__DATA__$/, so this may pose a problem for you if you include this string in a here-doc or some other construct. However, this method means we do not have to load the file before applying the template, which makes it much easier to construct your templates in .pm files (i.e. not having to put {{ after a comment and inside a do block, as was previously required).

The Dist::Zilla object (as $dist) and this plugin (as $plugin) are also made available to the template, for extracting other information about the build.

Additionally, any extra keys and values you pass to the plugin are passed along in variables named for each key.


  • finder

    This is the name of a FileFinder for finding files to modify.

    Other pre-defined finders are listed in "default_finders" in Dist::Zilla::Role::FileFinderUser. You can define your own with the [FileFinder::ByName] plugin.

    There is no default.

  • file

    Indicates the filename in the dist to be operated upon; this file can exist on disk, or have been generated by some other plugin. Can be included more than once.

    At least one of the finder or file options is required.

  • arbitrary option

    All other keys/values provided will be passed to the template as is.


This module was originally a part of the Acme::CPANAuthors::Nonhuman distribution, used to transform a DATA section containing a list of PAUSE ids to their corresponding names, as well as embedded HTML with everyone's avatar images. It used to only work on .pm files, by first loading the module and then reading from a filehandle created from \*{"$pkg\::DATA"}. This also required the file to jump through some convoluted syntactual hoops to ensure that the file was still compilable before the template was run. (Check it out and roll your eyes:

Now that we support munging all file types, we are forced to parse the file more dumbly (by scanning for qr/^__DATA__/), which also removes the need for these silly syntax games. The moral of the story is that simple code usually is better!


Bugs may be submitted through the RT bug tracker (or I am also usually active on irc, as 'ether' at



Karen Etheridge <>


This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Karen Etheridge.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.