Changes for version 0.006 - 2013-05-10
- support dropped for directly passing stopwords via a mvp argument
- it's easier to just use a directive right in pod (and they can be added via ConfigSlicer too, if needed)
- minting process now prompts to create a repository on github
- alter max_target_perl setting for *this dist itself only* to commit to run on 5.16.3+, not 5.8.8+
- the version of Dist::Zilla used to build this distribution is injected as a develop prerequisite for users of the plugin bundle
- the version of this bundle used to mint a dist is set as the minimum version for subsequent builds of the dist
- after release, the github repository is updated with the distribution's abstract as its description, and the metacpan page as its homepage.
Mint distributions like ETHER does
A plugin bundle for distributions built by ETHER