Changes for version 0.526 - 2021-11-23
- fix evaluate() callbacks for keywords that have no runtime-specific actions
- optional support for contentEncoding, contentMediaType and contentSchema with the validate_content_schemas option and "encoding", "media_type" handler registries
- a boolean flag "unknown" has been added to Annotation objects to indicate they correspond to an unknown keyword in the schema
Validate data against a schema
Contains a single annotation from a JSON Schema evaluation
One JSON Schema document
Contains a single error from a JSON Schema evaluation
Contains the result of a JSON Schema evaluation
Internal utilities for JSON::Schema::Modern
Base role for JSON Schema vocabulary classes
Implementation of the JSON Schema Applicator vocabulary
Implementation of the JSON Schema Content vocabulary
Implementation of the JSON Schema Core vocabulary
Implementation of the JSON Schema Format-Annotation vocabulary
Implementation of the JSON Schema Format-Assertion vocabulary
Implementation of the JSON Schema Meta-Data vocabulary
Implementation of the JSON Schema Unevaluated vocabulary
Implementation of the JSON Schema Validation vocabulary