use strict;
package Foo;
sub foo { 'Foo::foo' }
sub bar { 'Foo::bar' }
sub baz { 'Foo::baz' }
sub gorch { 'Foo::gorch' }
package Bar;
sub foo { 'Bar::foo' }
sub bar { 'Bar::bar' }
sub baz { 'Bar::baz' }
sub gorch { 'Bar::gorch' }
package Baz;
sub foo { 'Baz::foo' }
sub bar { 'Baz::bar' }
sub baz { 'Baz::baz' }
sub gorch { 'Baz::gorch' }
package Gorch;
sub foo { 'Gorch::foo' }
sub bar { 'Gorch::bar' }
sub baz { 'Gorch::baz' }
sub gorch { 'Gorch::gorch' }
package My::Class;
use Moose;
::is( ::exception {
with 'Foo' => { -excludes => [qw/bar baz gorch/], -alias => { gorch => 'foo_gorch' } },
'Bar' => { -excludes => [qw/foo baz gorch/] },
'Baz' => { -excludes => [qw/foo bar gorch/], -alias => { foo => 'baz_foo', bar => 'baz_bar' } },
'Gorch' => { -excludes => [qw/foo bar baz/] };
}, undef, '... everything works out all right' );
my $c = My::Class->new;
isa_ok($c, 'My::Class');
is($c->foo, 'Foo::foo', '... got the right method');
is($c->bar, 'Bar::bar', '... got the right method');
is($c->baz, 'Baz::baz', '... got the right method');
is($c->gorch, 'Gorch::gorch', '... got the right method');
is($c->foo_gorch, 'Foo::gorch', '... got the right method');
is($c->baz_foo, 'Baz::foo', '... got the right method');
is($c->baz_bar, 'Baz::bar', '... got the right method');
package Splunk;
sub baz { 'Splunk::baz' }
sub gorch { 'Splunk::gorch' }
::is(::exception { with 'Foo' }, undef, 'role to role application works');
package My::Class2;
use Moose;
::is(::exception { with 'Splunk' }, undef, 'and the role can be consumed');
is(My::Class2->foo, 'Foo::foo', '... got the right method');
is(My::Class2->bar, 'Foo::bar', '... got the right method');
is(My::Class2->baz, 'Splunk::baz', '... got the right method');
is(My::Class2->gorch, 'Splunk::gorch', '... got the right method');