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use strict;
use Moose::Util qw( does_role );
package Foo::Role;
has foo => (is => 'ro');
package Foo;
use Moose;
for => __PACKAGE__,
class_metaroles => { attribute => ['Foo::Meta::Attribute'] },
role_metaroles => { applied_attribute => ['Foo::Meta::Attribute2'] },
with 'Foo::Role';
has bar => (is => 'ro');
ok(Moose::Util::does_role(Foo->meta->get_attribute('bar'), 'Foo::Meta::Attribute'), "attrs defined in the class get the class metarole applied");
ok(!Moose::Util::does_role(Foo->meta->get_attribute('bar'), 'Foo::Meta::Attribute2'), "attrs defined in the class don't get the role metarole applied");
ok(!Moose::Util::does_role(Foo->meta->get_attribute('foo'), 'Foo::Meta::Attribute'), "attrs defined in the role don't get the metarole applied");
ok(!Moose::Util::does_role(Foo->meta->get_attribute('foo'), 'Foo::Meta::Attribute'), "attrs defined in the role don't get the role metarole defined in the class applied");
package Bar::Role;
for => __PACKAGE__,
class_metaroles => { attribute => ['Bar::Meta::Attribute'] },
role_metaroles => { applied_attribute => ['Bar::Meta::Attribute2'] },
has foo => (is => 'ro');
package Bar;
use Moose;
with 'Bar::Role';
has bar => (is => 'ro');
ok(!Moose::Util::does_role(Bar->meta->get_attribute('bar'), 'Bar::Meta::Attribute'), "attrs defined in the class don't get the class metarole from the role applied");
ok(!Moose::Util::does_role(Bar->meta->get_attribute('bar'), 'Bar::Meta::Attribute2'), "attrs defined in the class don't get the role metarole applied");
ok(Moose::Util::does_role(Bar->meta->get_attribute('foo'), 'Bar::Meta::Attribute2'), "attrs defined in the role get the role metarole applied");
ok(!Moose::Util::does_role(Bar->meta->get_attribute('foo'), 'Bar::Meta::Attribute'), "attrs defined in the role don't get the class metarole applied");
package Baz::Role;
for => __PACKAGE__,
class_metaroles => { attribute => ['Baz::Meta::Attribute'] },
role_metaroles => { applied_attribute => ['Baz::Meta::Attribute2'] },
has foo => (is => 'ro');
package Baz;
use Moose;
for => __PACKAGE__,
class_metaroles => { attribute => ['Baz::Meta::Attribute'] },
role_metaroles => { applied_attribute => ['Baz::Meta::Attribute2'] },
with 'Baz::Role';
has bar => (is => 'ro');
ok(Moose::Util::does_role(Baz->meta->get_attribute('bar'), 'Baz::Meta::Attribute'), "attrs defined in the class get the class metarole applied");
ok(!Moose::Util::does_role(Baz->meta->get_attribute('bar'), 'Baz::Meta::Attribute2'), "attrs defined in the class don't get the role metarole applied");
ok(Moose::Util::does_role(Baz->meta->get_attribute('foo'), 'Baz::Meta::Attribute2'), "attrs defined in the role get the role metarole applied");
ok(!Moose::Util::does_role(Baz->meta->get_attribute('foo'), 'Baz::Meta::Attribute'), "attrs defined in the role don't get the class metarole applied");
around _process_options => sub {
my $orig = shift;
my $self = shift;
my ($name, $params) = @_;
$params->{reader} .= '_foo';
package Plain::Role;
has foo => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Str',
use Moose;
for => __PACKAGE__,
class_metaroles => {
attribute => ['Accessor::Modifying::Role'],
with 'Plain::Role';
has bar => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Str',
can_ok('Class::With::Trait', 'foo');
can_ok('Class::With::Trait', 'bar_foo');
for => __PACKAGE__,
role_metaroles => {
applied_attribute => ['Accessor::Modifying::Role'],
with 'Plain::Role';
has foo => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Str',
sub foo_test {
my $self = shift;
return $self->can('foo_foo');
use Moose;
has bar => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Str',
sub bar_test {
my $self = shift;
return $self->can('bar');
can_ok('Class::With::Role::With::Trait', 'foo_foo');
can_ok('Class::With::Role::With::Trait', 'bar');
package Quux::Role1;
has foo => (traits => ['Quux::Meta::Role::Attribute'], is => 'ro');
has baz => (is => 'ro');
package Quux::Role2;
for => __PACKAGE__,
role_metaroles => {
applied_attribute => ['Quux::Meta::Role::Attribute']
has bar => (is => 'ro');
package Quux;
use Moose;
with 'Quux::Role1', 'Quux::Role2';
my $foo = Quux->meta->get_attribute('foo');
does_ok($foo, 'Quux::Meta::Role::Attribute',
"individual attribute trait applied correctly");
my $baz = Quux->meta->get_attribute('baz');
ok(! does_role($baz, 'Quux::Meta::Role::Attribute'),
"applied_attribute traits do not end up applying to attributes from other roles during composition");
my $bar = Quux->meta->get_attribute('bar');
does_ok($bar, 'Quux::Meta::Role::Attribute',
"attribute metarole applied correctly");
package HasMeta;
for => __PACKAGE__,
role_metaroles => {
applied_attribute => ['Quux::Meta::Role::Attribute']
has foo => (is => 'ro');
package NoMeta;
with 'HasMeta';
has bar => (is => 'ro');
package ConsumesBoth;
use Moose;
with 'HasMeta', 'NoMeta';
my $foo = ConsumesBoth->meta->get_attribute('foo');
does_ok($foo, 'Quux::Meta::Role::Attribute',
'applied_attribute traits are preserved when one role consumes another');
my $bar = ConsumesBoth->meta->get_attribute('bar');
ok(! does_role($bar, 'Quux::Meta::Role::Attribute'),
"applied_attribute traits do not spill over from consumed role");