A PDL user-defined mapping plug-in


The source pixels (1..4 bytes per pixel, depending on format). Use like this:

$p*3.5		# the return value is the result

The source pixels without alpha. Use it like this:

$P *= 0.5; $p	# modify $P inplace, return also modified $p as result

A two-dimensional vector containing the x-coordinates of each point in the current tile:

$x = (zeroes(long,$w)->xvals + $destination->x)->dummy(1,$h)->sever;

A two-dimensional vector containing the y-coordinates of each point in the current tile:

$y = (zeroes(long,$h)->xvals + $destination->y)->dummy(0,$w)->sever;

The bytes per pixel value of the destination area.


Copyright Marc Lehman. Distributed under the same terms as Gimp-Perl.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 145:

=cut found outside a pod block. Skipping to next block.