Changes for version 0.50 - 2021-04-08
- Scalar.parse_value was wrong for Boolean - thanks @ccakes for report
Perl implementation of GraphQL
iterator objects that return promise to next result
debug GraphQL
GraphQL directive
GraphQL error object
Execute GraphQL queries
Perl implementation of GraphQL
GraphQL grammar
GraphQL Pegex parser
GraphQL Pegex AST constructor
Conditional type-checking at runtime
GraphQL plugin API abstract class
GraphQL plugin test class
GraphQL plugins implementing types
GraphQL DateTime scalar type
GraphQL object role
GraphQL object role
object role implementing deprecation of fields
GraphQL object role with code common to all fields
GraphQL object role implementing input fields
GraphQL object role implementing output fields
GraphQL object role
GraphQL object role
GraphQL "leaf" object role
GraphQL object role
GraphQL "named" object role
GraphQL object role
GraphQL "output" object role
GraphQL schema object
Implement GraphQL subscriptions
GraphQL type object
GraphQL enum type
GraphQL input object type
GraphQL interface type
GraphQL type library
GraphQL type that is a list of another type
GraphQL type that is a non-null version of another type
GraphQL object type
GraphQL scalar type
GraphQL union type
Perl implementation