Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

@Inline::Java::Handle::ISA = qw(Inline::Java::Handle::Tie) ;
use strict ;
use Symbol ;
use Carp ;
$Inline::Java::Handle::VERSION = '0.53_90' ;
# Here we store as keys the knots and as values our blessed objects
my $OBJECTS = {} ;
sub new {
my $class = shift ;
my $object = shift ;
my $fh = gensym() ;
my $knot = tie *{$fh}, $class ;
my $this = bless ($fh, $class) ;
$OBJECTS->{$knot} = $object ;
Inline::Java::debug(5, "this = '$this'") ;
Inline::Java::debug(5, "knot = '$knot'") ;
return $this ;
sub __get_object {
my $this = shift ;
my $knot = tied $this || $this ;
my $ref = $OBJECTS->{$knot} ;
if (! defined($ref)){
croak "Unknown Java handle reference '$knot'" ;
return $ref ;
sub __isa {
my $this = shift ;
my $proto = shift ;
return $this->__get_object()->__isa($proto) ;
sub __read {
my $this = shift ;
my ($buf, $len, $offset) = @_ ;
my $obj = $this->__get_object() ;
my $ret = undef ;
eval {
my $str = $obj->__get_private()->{proto}->ReadFromJavaHandle($len) ;
$len = length($str) ;
if ($len > 0){
substr($buf, $offset, $len) = $str ;
$_[0] = $buf ;
$ret = $len ;
} ;
croak $@ if $@ ;
return $ret ;
sub __readline {
my $this = shift ;
my $obj = $this->__get_object() ;
my $ret = undef ;
eval {
$ret = $obj->__get_private()->{proto}->ReadLineFromJavaHandle() ;
} ;
croak $@ if $@ ;
return $ret ;
sub __write {
my $this = shift ;
my $buf = shift ;
my $len = shift ;
my $offset = shift ;
my $obj = $this->__get_object() ;
my $ret = -1 ;
eval {
my $len = $obj->__get_private()->{proto}->WriteToJavaHandle(substr($buf, $offset, $len)) ;
$ret = $len ;
} ;
croak $@ if $@ ;
sub __eof {
my $this = shift ;
sub __close {
my $this = shift ;
my $obj = $this->__get_object() ;
my $ret = undef ;
local $@ ;
eval {
$ret = $obj->__get_private()->{proto}->CloseJavaHandle() ;
$obj->__get_private()->{closed} = 1 ;
} ;
croak $@ if $@ ;
return $ret ;
my $this = shift ;
my @args = @_ ;
use vars qw($AUTOLOAD) ;
my $func_name = $AUTOLOAD ;
# Strip package from $func_name, Java will take of finding the correct
# method.
$func_name =~ s/^(.*)::// ;
croak "Can't call method '$func_name' on Java handles" ;
my $this = shift ;
my $knot = tied *{$this} ;
if (! $knot){
Inline::Java::debug(4, "destroying Inline::Java::Handle::Tie") ;
my $obj = $this->__get_object() ;
if (! $obj->__get_private()->{closed}){
$this->__close() ;
delete $OBJECTS->{$this} ;
else {
Inline::Java::debug(4, "destroying Inline::Java::Handle") ;
######################## Handle methods ########################
@Inline::Java::Handle::Tie::ISA = qw(Tie::StdHandle) ;
use Carp ;
my $class = shift ;
my $jclass = shift ;
return $class->SUPER::TIEHANDLE(@_) ;
sub READ {
my $this = shift ;
my ($buf, $len, $offset) = @_ ;
my $ret = $this->__read($buf, $len, $offset) ;
$_[0] = $buf ;
return $ret ;
my $this = shift ;
return $this->__readline() ;
sub WRITE {
my $this = shift ;
my $buf = shift ;
my $len = shift ;
my $offset = shift ;
return $this->__write($buf, $len, $offset) ;
my $this = shift ;
croak "Operation BINMODE not supported on Java handle" ;
sub OPEN {
my $this = shift ;
croak "Operation OPEN not supported on Java handle" ;
sub TELL {
my $this = shift ;
croak "Operation TELL not supported on Java handle" ;
sub FILENO {
my $this = shift ;
croak "Operation FILENO not supported on Java handle" ;
sub SEEK {
my $this = shift ;
croak "Operation SEEK not supported on Java handle" ;
sub EOF {
my $this = shift ;
return $this->__eof() ;
sub CLOSE {
my $this = shift ;
return $this->__close() ;
my $this = shift ;
1 ;