mpopdctl - a script to make starting, stopping and sending signals to mpopd a bit more convenient:


mpopdctl [-f] [-p port] start | stop | restart | refresh | [-e] config | -h


mpopdctl [-f] [-p port] start

Start the mpopd server daemon.

The optional -f flag will cause an existing file to be removed before mpopd is started (only required if mpopd should crash out uncleanly).

The optional -p flag allows a port number to be specified, which overrides the config file setting. This allows other instances to be run in parrallel to the standard port 110 for testing.


mpopdctl -p 8110 -f start

Would remove a stale pid file and start mpopd in daemon mode on port 8110


Stop the mpopd server daemon.


Stops the mpopd server daemon and imediately restarts it.


mpopd will send a signal to all currently executing child servers to close. They will interrupt what they were doing and restore the user's mailbox, ignoring any commands to delete messages. mpopd will close its server socket, reopen it and bind to the port set in $port in the mpopd config file.

[-e] config

Call a running mpopd server and ask it to re-read the mpopd configuration file. All subsequent child servers inherit the new config values, with the exception of the port number which can only be changed using the 'refresh' flag.

The optional -e flag will open the mpopd config file in an editor of your choice first. After the editor is closed mpopd will ask you if it should re-read the modified config file.


Displays the help text.