use strict;
require PDL::AutoLoader;
our $VERSION = '0.3';
my %options =
( a => \&apropos,
b => \&badinfo,
h => \&help, s => \&sig, u => \&usage );
my $name = basename( $0 );
my $usage = <<"EOH";
Usage: $name [-a] [-b] [-h] [-s] [-u] <string>
This program provides command-line access to the PDL documentation.
If no flag is specified, -h is assumed.
-a (apropos) searches the documentation for the string
-b (badinfo) does the function support bad values?
-h (help) prints the help for the function/module/document
-s (sig) prints the signature of the function
-u (usage) gives usage information on the function
my $oflag = $#ARGV > -1 ? substr($ARGV[0],0,1) eq "-" : 0;
die $usage unless ($#ARGV == 0 and not $oflag) or ($#ARGV == 1 and $oflag);
my $option = "h";
if ( $oflag ) {
$option = substr($ARGV[0],1,1);
die $usage unless exists $options{$option};
shift @ARGV;
&{$options{$option}}( $ARGV[0] );
=head1 NAME
pdldoc - shell interface to PDL documentation
B<pdldoc> <text>
B<pdldoc> [B<-a>] [B<-b>] [B<-h>] [B<-s>] [B<-u>] <text>
The aim of B<pdldoc> is to provide the same functionality
as the C<apropos>, C<help>, C<sig>, C<badinfo>,
and C<usage> commands available in the L<perldl|PDL::perldl>
and L<pdl2> shells.
Think of it as the PDL equivalent of C<perldoc -f>.
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 5
=item B<-h> help
print documentation about a PDL function or module or show a PDL manual.
This is the default option.
=item B<-a> apropos
Regex search PDL documentation database.
=item B<-b> badinfo
Information on the support for bad values provided by the function.
=item B<-s> sig
prints signature of PDL function.
=item B<-u> usage
Prints usage information for a PDL function.
This PDL configuration variable may be set in the perldl.conf
file to disable runtime search for documentation in
L<PDL::AutoLoader> files.
=head1 VERSION
This is pdldoc version 0.3.
=head1 AUTHOR
Doug Burke <burke at ifa dot hawaii dot edu>.
Chris Marshall <chm at cpan dot org>.