Class::MakeMethods::Emulator::Struct - Emulate Class::Struct


use Class::MakeMethods::Emulator::Struct; 

struct ( 
    simple  => '$',
    ordered => '@', 
    mapping => '%',
    obj_ref => 'FooObject' 


This module emulates the functionality of Class::Struct by munging the provided field-declaration arguments to match those expected by Class::MakeMethods.

It supports the same four types of accessors, the choice of array-based or hash-based objects, and the choice of installing methods in the current package or a specified target.


The below three declarations create equivalent methods for a simple hash-based class with a constructor and four accessors.

use Class::Struct;
struct ( 
    simple  => '$',
    ordered => '@', 
    mapping => '%',
    obj_ref => 'FooObject' 

use Class::MakeMethods::Emulator::Struct; 
struct ( 
    simple  => '$',
    ordered => '@', 
    mapping => '%',
    obj_ref => 'FooObject' 

use Class::MakeMethods ( 
    -MakerClass		=> 'Standard::Array',
    'new'			=> 'new',
    'scalar'			=> 'simple',
    'array -auto_init 1'	=> 'ordered', 
    'hash -auto_init 1'	=> 'mapping',
    'object -auto_init 1'	=> '-class FooObject obj_ref' 


This module aims to offer a "95% compatible" drop-in replacement for the core Class::Struct module for purposes of comparison and code migration.

The class-struct.t test for the core Class::Struct module is included with this package. The test is unchanged except for the a direct substitution of this emulator's name in the place of the core module.

However, there are numerous internal differences between the methods generated by the original Class::Struct and this emulator, and some existing code may not work correctly without modification.


See Class::Struct for documentation of the original module.

See Class::MakeMethods::Standard::Hash and Class::MakeMethods::Standard::Array for documentation of the created methods.

See Class::MakeMethods for an overview of the method-generation framework this is based on.

See Class::MakeMethods::Guide for a getting-started guide, annotated examples of usage, and a listing of the method generation classes included in this distribution.

See Class::MakeMethods::ReadMe for distribution, installation, version and support information.