Class::MakeMethods::ToDo - Ideas, problems, and suggestions
There are lots of things that could be done to improve this module.
Issues about the distribution and supporting files, rather than the code:
Package Name
To date, this module has been circulated under several provisional names: it was originally floated as a possible version-2 rewrite of Class::MethodMaker, then renamed to Class::Methods when it forked from that project, and then briefly to Class::MethodGenerator.
It can be surprisingly difficult to comply with both of these perlmodlib guidelines:
To be portable each component of a module name should be limited
to 11 characters.
Always try to use two or more whole words.
A few minutes with a thesaurus, and an inquiry on comp.lang.perl.modules, produced the following candidates: Class::MethodGen, Class::MetaMethods, Class::AutoMethods, Class::DeclareSubs, Class::SubMaker, Class::CodeLibrary, Class::MethodKit, Class::MethodMill, Class::MethodSmith.
For now, I've selected Class::MakeMethods, as it is two whole words, and is reminiscent of Class::MethodMaker without being confusing. (I hope!)
Other suggestions or approaches to this problem would be welcome.
Make sure that the documentation is broken up into appropriately-sized chunks, and that people will know which section to look at.
As user questions arrive, add them to a FAQ section in the Guide.
Assemble annotated examples and tutorials, and either link to or distribute them.
Expunge old custom Test module in favor of standard version, except for emulation compatibility tests, which should remain untouched.
Use Devel::Coverage to measure test coverage, and fill in missing cases.
For scalar methods (and perhaps others) it would be nice to have a simple bounds-checking interface to approve or reject new values that were passed in.
As pointed out by Terrence Monroe Brannon, the right interface to adopt is that of Attribute::Types:
use Class::MakeMethods::Template::Hash ( 'scalar' => [ 'count' => { TYPE => 'INTEGER' } ], 'scalar' => [ 'name' => { TYPE => qr/^[A-Z]\w*$/ } ], 'scalar' => [ 'account' => { TYPE => &checksum_account_number } ] );
Add AUTOLOAD support for clients who wish to have accessors lazily built for them when they use them.
sub AUTOLOAD { (my $func = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/^.*::(_?)//; Class::MakeMethods->make( ... => [ $func,... ] ); if ( my $sub = $1->can( $func ) { goto $sub( @_ ); } else { croak sprintf q{Can't locate object method "%s" via package "%s"}, $func, ref( $_[0]); } }
Figure out which modules, if any, should actually be using AutoLoader. Perhaps just Template::Generic?
Improve use of _diagnostic hooks for debugging. Add various "(Q)" diagnostics.
Can we compile the various closure generators as named subroutines, and then get a reference to them or call them by name, such that debugging output shows something more helpful than ANON?
No -- It doesn't look like there's a way to do this. Naming the closure-generator doesn't provide a name to the closure.
Finish tests for Standard modules.
Finish building Inheritable array and object accessors.
Factor out common code from Standard::Inheritable and Composite::Inheritable.
Finish building and testing of Composite::* packages.
Resolve DESTROY-time issues with Standard::Inheritable, Composite::Inheritable, and Template::Flyweight.
Add slice and splice functionality to Standard::*:hash and Composite::*:hash.
Rename Basic::Static to Basic::Global, or rename other ::Global module to Static.
The following issues apply to Class::MakeMethods::Template and its subclasses.
Most important: Need to fix initialization behavior to properly search up the inheritance hierarchy, so that you don't have to redclare methods in each Generic subclass to get your class expressions.
Finish overhauling Template documentation.
Include Static and Flyweight uses in the EXAMPLES section
Template Internals: Finish documenting the Template mechanism.
Template Internals: Finish documenting disk-based meta-method code-caching.
Make instance a template of object.
Allow untyped object accesors if
attribute is not set. (Suggested in Jan-01 NY Perl Seminar discussion.)Standardize naming templates for array, hash, other method types.
Deprecate verb_x methods? Or at last make them consistently available both ways.
Make list methods consistent with hash_of_lists methods, in action, and in name (x_verb). Also for others (e.g., set_ clear_ boolean)
Should default object template provide auto-create behavior on ->get()?
Figure out how to standardize the "Generic:scalar -init_and_get" interface to support memoizing values for other types.
Consider adding hash each and array iterator methods, using a closure to provide iteration.
Add support for tied arrays & scalars, a la tiedhash
Add string_multiple_index.
Extend index methods to support weak indexes with WeakRef. Perhaps just have it accept a hash ref to use as the index, and then allow people to pass in tied hashes?
Provide lvalue subs as alternative to get_set:
sub foo : lvalue { my $self = shift; $self->{foo}; }
Make private or protected method croak if they were called by a method_init method which was called by an outside package.
Not entirely clear what the right semantics are here...
Template::Generic Subclasses
Finish building code_or_scalar meta-method.
Finish building Class::MakeMethods::ClassInherit subclass.
Need to work out how to capture changes for non-scalar values. For example, if a subclass inherits an array accessor and then pops it, do they get copy-on-write?
Finish building PseudoHash subclass.
Use %FIELDS rather than array of slot names.
Add enumerated string/number type.
Provide helper methods with map of associated values (ex $o->port = 80 ... $o->port_readable eq 'HTTP' ). Cf. code for earlier unpublished 'lookup' method type.
For StructBuiltin:
Add -fatal flag to die if core func returns false / undef Add call method to recall method with alternative arguments. Add -nocall flag to not call core func on new.
Replace ClassName:static_hash_classname with Class:indexed_string.
Template Internals
Give users a way to do meta-method code-caching in Perl library hierarchy, rather than in /tmp/auto or other user-specified directory..
Provide mechanism for pre-generating these at install time.
Perhaps load these via do, rather than open/read/eval?
Perhaps pre-generate expanded libs with all of the -imports resolved?
Generate code files and load them instead.
This would be similar to Class::Classgen, except that we'd do the generation at run-time the first time it was required, rather than in a separate pass.
For example, given the following declaration:
package Foo::Bar; Class::MakeMethods::Hash->import(-codecache=>'auto', scalar=>'foo');
We should be able to write out the following file:
cat 'auto/Foo/Bar/' # NOTE: Generated for Foo::Bar by the Class::MakeMethods module. # Changes made here will be lost when Foo::Bar is modified. package Foo::Bar; sub foo { my $self = shift; if ( scalar @_ ) { $self->{'foo'} = shift(); } $self->{'foo'} }
Then on subsequent uses, we can just re-load the generated code:
require "auto/Foo/Bar/";
To do this, we need to:
- -
Provide an option to select this if desired; maybe ... import('-cache' => 'auto/', ...)?
- -
Figure out which directory we can/should write into.
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Re-evaluate the textual code templates, without generating the closures. Substitute in any _STATIC_ATTR_ values. Make other _ATTR_ values point to some public lookup table or package scalar.
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Notice if the source file (or Class::MakeMethods modules) has been updated more recently than the generated file.
See Class::MakeMethods for an overview of the method-generation framework.
See Class::MakeMethods::Guide for a getting-started guide, annotated examples of usage, and a listing of the method generation classes included in this distribution.
See Class::MakeMethods::ReadMe for distribution, installation, version and support information.
5 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 111:
Expected '=item *'
- Around line 220:
Expected '=item *'
- Around line 234:
Expected '=item *'
- Around line 243:
Expected '=item *'
- Around line 314:
Expected '=item *'