Class::MakeMethods::Template::ToDo - Ideas, problems, and suggestions
There are lots of things that could be done to improve Class::MakeMethods::Template and its subclasses.
Finish overhauling Template documentation.
Include Static and Flyweight uses in the EXAMPLES section
Template Internals: Finish documenting the Template mechanism.
Template Internals: Finish documenting disk-based meta-method code-caching.
Make instance a template of object.
Allow untyped object accesors if
attribute is not set. (Suggested in Jan-01 NY Perl Seminar discussion.)Standardize naming templates for array, hash, other method types.
Deprecate verb_x methods? Or at last make them consistently available both ways.
Make list methods consistent with hash_of_lists methods, in action, and in name (x_verb). Also for others (e.g., set_ clear_ boolean)
Should default object template provide auto-create behavior on ->get()?
Figure out how to standardize the "Generic:scalar -init_and_get" interface to support memoizing values for other types.
Consider adding hash each and array iterator methods, using a closure to provide iteration.
Add support for tied arrays & scalars, a la tiedhash
Add string_multiple_index.
Extend index methods to support weak indexes with WeakRef. Perhaps just have it accept a hash ref to use as the index, and then allow people to pass in tied hashes?
Provide lvalue subs as alternative to get_set:
sub foo : lvalue { my $self = shift; $self->{foo}; }
Make private or protected method croak if they were called by a method_init method which was called by an outside package.
Not entirely clear what the right semantics are here...
Template::Generic Subclasses
Finish building code_or_scalar meta-method.
Finish building Class::MakeMethods::ClassInherit subclass.
Need to work out how to capture changes for non-scalar values. For example, if a subclass inherits an array accessor and then pops it, do they get copy-on-write?
Finish building PseudoHash subclass.
Use %FIELDS rather than array of slot names.
Add enumerated string/number type.
Provide helper methods with map of associated values (ex $o->port = 80 ... $o->port_readable eq 'HTTP' ). Cf. code for earlier unpublished 'lookup' method type.
For StructBuiltin:
Add -fatal flag to die if core func returns false / undef Add call method to recall method with alternative arguments. Add -nocall flag to not call core func on new.
Replace ClassName:static_hash_classname with Class:indexed_string.
Template Internals
Figure out which modules, if any, should actually be using AutoLoader. Probably just Template::Generic?
Need to fix method-definition initialization behavior to properly search up the inheritance hierarchy, so that you don't have to redclare methods in each Generic subclass to get your class expressions.
Give users a way to do meta-method code-caching in Perl library hierarchy, rather than in /tmp/auto or other user-specified directory..
Provide mechanism for pre-generating these at install time.
Perhaps load these via do, rather than open/read/eval?
Perhaps pre-generate expanded libs with all of the -imports resolved?
Generate code files and load them instead.
This would be similar to Class::Classgen, except that we'd do the generation at run-time the first time it was required, rather than in a separate pass.
For example, given the following declaration:
package Foo::Bar; Class::MakeMethods::Hash->import(-codecache=>'auto', scalar=>'foo');
We should be able to write out the following file:
cat 'auto/Foo/Bar/' # NOTE: Generated for Foo::Bar by the Class::MakeMethods module. # Changes made here will be lost when Foo::Bar is modified. package Foo::Bar; sub foo { my $self = shift; if ( scalar @_ ) { $self->{'foo'} = shift(); } $self->{'foo'} }
Then on subsequent uses, we can just re-load the generated code:
require "auto/Foo/Bar/";
To do this, we need to:
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Provide an option to select this if desired; maybe ... import('-cache' => 'auto/', ...)?
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Figure out which directory we can/should write into.
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Re-evaluate the textual code templates, without generating the closures. Substitute in any _STATIC_ATTR_ values. Make other _ATTR_ values point to some public lookup table or package scalar.
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Notice if the source file (or Class::MakeMethods modules) has been updated more recently than the generated file.
See Class::MakeMethods for an overview of the method-generation framework.
See Class::MakeMethods::Template for an overview of the code-generation subclass.
See Class::MakeMethods::Template::ReadMe for distribution, installation, version and support information.
4 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 69:
Expected '=item *'
- Around line 83:
Expected '=item *'
- Around line 92:
Expected '=item *'
- Around line 172:
Expected '=item *'