DBIx::DBO2::Record - A row in a table in a datasource
package MyRecord;
use DBIx::DBO2::Record '-isasubclass';
MyRecord->table( DBIx::DBO2::Table->new( name=>'foo', datasource=>$ds ) );
package main;
my $results = MyRecord->fetch_all;
foreach ( $results->records ) {
The DBIx::DBO2::Record class represents database records in tables accessible via DBIx::SQLEngine.
By subclassing this package, you can easily create a class whose instances represent each of the rows in a SQL database table.
Subclass Factory
- import
package My::Record; use DBIx::DBO2::Record '-isasubclass';
Allows for a simple declaration of inheritance.
Table and SQLEngine
Each Record class stores a reference to the table its instances are stored in.
- table
RecordClass->table ( $table ) RecordClass->table () : $table
Establishes the table a specific class of record will be stored in.
- count_rows
RecordClass->count_rows () : $integer
Delegated to table.
- datasource
RecordClass->datasource () : $datasource
Delegated to table. Returns the table's SQLEngine.
- do_sql
RecordClass->do_sql ( $sql_statement )
Delegated to datasource.
Record objects are constructed when they are fetched from their table as described in the next section, or you may create your own for new instances.
- new
my $obj = MyRecord->new( method1 => value1, ... ); my $shallow_copy = $record->new;
Create a new instance. (Class::MakeMethods::Standard::Hash:new).
- clone
my $similar_record = $record->clone;
Makes a copy of a record and then clears its id so that it will be recognized as a distinct, new row in the database rather than overwriting the original when you save it.
- post_new
Inheritable Hook. Subclasses should override this with any functions they wish performed immediately after each record is created and initialized.
Selecting Records
- fetch_records
$recordset = My::Students->fetch_records( criteria => {status=>'active'} );
Fetch all matching records and return them in a RecordSet.
- fetch_one
$dave = My::Students->fetch_one( criteria => { name => 'Dave' } );
Fetch a single matching record.
- fetch_id
$prisoner = My::Students->fetch_id( 6 );
Fetch a single record based on its primary key.
- refetch_record
Re-retrieve the values for this record from the database based on its primary key.
- post_fetch
Inheritable Hook. Subclasses should override this with any functions they wish performed immediately after each record is retrieved from the database.
Row Inserts
After constructing a record, you may save any changes by calling insert_record.
- insert_record
$record->insert_record ()
- pre_insert
Inheritable Hook. Subclasses should override this with any functions they wish performed before a row is written out to the database.
- post_insert
Inheritable Hook. Subclasses should override this with any functions they wish performed after a row is written out to the database.
Row Updates
After retrieving a record, you may save any changes by calling update_record.
- update_record
$record->update_record ()
- pre_update
Inheritable Hook. Subclasses should override this with any functions they wish performed before a row is written out to the database.
- post_update
Inheritable Hook. Subclasses should override this with any functions they wish performed after a row is written out to the database.
- delete_record
$record->delete_record () : $boolean_completed
Checks to see if pre_delete returns a false value. If not, asks the table to delete the row.
- pre_delete
$record->pre_delete () : $boolean_is_ok
Subclasses may override this to provide validation or other behavior
- post_delete
$record->post_delete ()
Called after a record has been deleted from the datasource.
Load and Save Wrappers
Wrappers for new/fetch and insert/update.
- get_record
RecordClass->get_record ( $id_or_undef ) : $new_or_fetched_record_or_undef
Calls new if no ID is provided, or if the ID is the special string "-new"; otherwise calls fetch_id.
- save_record
$record->save_record () : $boolean_completed
Determines whether the record has an id assigned to it and then calls either insert_record or update_record.
Modification Wrappers
Simple interface for applying changes.
- call_methods
$record->call_methods( method1 => value1, ... );
Call provided method names with supplied values. (Class::MakeMethods::Standard::Universal:call_methods).
- change_and_save
RecordClass->new_and_save ( %method_argument_pairs ) : $record
Calls call_methods, and then save_record.
- change_and_save
$record->change_and_save ( %method_argument_pairs ) : $record
Calls call_methods, and then save_record.
See DBIx::DBO2 for an overview of this framework.