DBIx::SQLEngine::Changes - Revision history for DBIx::SQLEngine.


Release 0.008

2002-11-02 Released as DBIx-SQLEngine-0.008.

2002-11-02 Added basic subclass for MSSQL.

2002-11-02 Added "is null" support based on patches from Michael Kroell at University of Innsbruck.

2002-11-02 Added some introductory documentation to Criteria::Comparison.

2002-11-02 For compatibility with the CPAN installer and automated testing tools, the Makefile.PL now suggests that you set your environment's DBI_DSN, rather than prompting you to enter it interactively in

2002-11-02 Refactored test script into several separate files.

2002-11-02 Added initial basic transaction support.

Release 0.007

2002-05-24 Minor error-handling improvements.

2002-05-24 Collect and return the results from visit_* methods.

2002-05-24 Added DBIx::SQLEngine::Criteria::Not, contributed by Christian Glahn.

2002-04-10 Added "fetch without execute" to the catch_query_exception handler for MySQL and Pg.

Release 0.006

2002-03-23 Released as DBIx-SQLEngine-0.006.

2002-03-23 Added basic support for passing SQL functions and expressions to SQLEngine::Default and SQLEngine::Critera::Comparison in a way that allows them to be used directly, rather than being treated as literals and bound to placeholders.

2002-03-01 Fixed syntax errors in MySQL subclass. Fixed suspected Perl-version dependency (return from inside eval) in Default detect_any.

Release 0.005

2002-03-01 Released as DBIx-SQLEngine-0.005.

2002-02-19 Simon: Added Pg catch_query_exception REDO for "out of range 0..-1". I don't know what this error means but it always seems to succeed when we retry.

2002-02-10 Simon: Modified format of error messages in

2002-02-02 Eliminated complaint about empty subclauses in Criteria::Compound

2002-01-31 Extracted Default sql_* criteria handling into DBIx::SQLEngine::Criteria->auto* methods.

2002-01-31 Added catch_query_exception to Pg subclass for automatic reconnection.

Release 0.004

2002-01-30 Released as DBIx-SQLEngine-0.004.

2002-01-30 Expanded Pg subclass. Fixed Default's type_info handling to not fall over when a type has multiple info hashes (needed for Pg). Adjusted error handling to call $sth->finish() if there's an exception after we prepare but before we complete retrieving the results.

2002-01-27 Filled out documentation, especially of the public interface in Added skeletal Pg subclass.

Release 0.003

2002-01-25 Released as DBIx-SQLEngine-0.003

2002-01-21 Fixed AnyData sql_create_column_text_long_type.

2002-01-20 Fixed typo in sql_drop_table. Added detect_any and detect_table methods.

2002-01-15 Improvements to sql_create_table to support primary key declarations. Completed DBIx::SQLEngine::Mixin::SeqTable. Added DBIx::SQLEngine::CSV.

2002-01-14 Added initial version of DBIx::SQLEngine::Mixin::SeqTable.

2002-01-14 Fixed bug in test script; user and password were not used! (Bug report from Terrence Brannon.)

Release 0.002

2002-01-14 Released as DBIx-SQLEngine-0.002

2002-01-13 Fixed logging scope errors. Filled in several mising chunks of documentation. Makefile.PL touchups for distribution.

2001-12-01 Separated from object-relational mapping functionality. Moved to DBIx::SQLEngine namespace.

2001-11-30 Began adjusting namespace for CPAN distribution. Fixed use of AnyDBD to not require non-standard patch.

Release 0.001

2001-06-28 Use DBIx::AnyDBD for platform-specific issues. Moved SQL-generation code from Table to SQLEngine.

2001-06-27 Renamed from Adaptor to SQLEngine. Flattened class hierarchy; we're only going to support DBI. Expunged old code. Switched to new Class::MakeMethods distribution.

Prior Generation: DBO

2001-02-14 Reversed boolean sense of 'nullable' to 'required'.

2001-01-29 Fixed code to detect length and nullable column information.

2001-01-13 Added retry on "Lost connection to MySQL" errors

2000-11-29 Switched to use of Class::MethodMaker 2.0 features.

2000-03-31 Added SQL-string to execution failure.

2000-03-03 Adjusted clear_connection.

1999-08-18 Added MySQL tinyint column code

1999-07-27 Added use of DBO::Column package.

1999-04-21 Added explicit disconnect if existing connection's ping fails.

1999-04-05 Added reconnect if can't ping server behaviour; add'l type codes

1998-12-08 Cleanup of logging.

1998-12-08 Added parameter handling and on-demand class loading.

1998-11-01 Changed importing style for Class::MethodMaker.

1998-10-05 Revised. Rewrote POD.

1998-05-09 Moved connection behaviour from SQL Table into Adaptor classes.

1998-03-16 DBAdaptor package (and subpackages) renamed to DBO::Table.

1997-11-18 Simon: Updated to current practice.

Generation Zero: DBAdaptor

1997-09-24 IntraNetics97 Version 1.00.000

1997-08-20 Eric: Extracted DBAdaptor class from prior code.

