Text::MicroMason - Simplified HTML::Mason Templating


    # Mason templates provide several ways to mix Perl and text
    $template = <<'END_TEMPLATE';
    % if ( $ARGS{name} eq 'Dave' ) {
      I'm sorry <% $ARGS{name} %>, I'm afraid I can't do that right now.
    % } else {
	my $hour = (localtime)[2];
	my $greeting = ( $hour > 11 ) ? 'afternoon' : 'morning'; 
      Good <% $greeting %>, <% $ARGS{name} %>!
    % }
    # Use the execute function to parse and evalute a template 
    use Text::MicroMason qw( execute );
    print execute($template, 'name'=>'Dave');
    # Or compile it into a subroutine, and evalute repeatedly
    use Text::MicroMason qw( compile );
    $coderef = compile($template);
    print $coderef->('name'=>'Dave');
    print $coderef->('name'=>'Bob');
    # All functions also available in an error-catching "try_*" form
    use Text::MicroMason qw( try_execute );
    ($result, $error) = try_execute( $template, 'name'=>'Alice');
    # Templates stored in files can be run directly or included in others
    use Text::MicroMason qw( try_execute_file );
    print try_execute_file( "./greeting.msn", 'name'=>'Charles');
    # Safe usage restricts templates from accessing your files or data
    use Text::MicroMason qw( try_safe_execute );
    print try_safe_execute( $template, 'name'=>'Charles');


Text::MicroMason interpolates blocks of Perl code embedded into text strings, using the simplest features of HTML::Mason.

Here's an example of Mason-style templating, taken from HTML::Mason:

% my $noun = 'World';
Hello <% $noun %>!
How are ya?

Interpreting this template with Text::MicroMason produces the same output as it would in HTML::Mason:

Hello World!
How are ya?


Text::MicroMason supports the following subset of the HTML::Mason syntax:

  • literal_text

    Anything not specifically parsed by one of the below rules is interpreted as literal text.

  • <% perl_expr %>

    A Perl expression to be interpolated into the result.

    For example, the following template text will return a scheduled greeting:

    Good <% (localtime)[2]>11 ? 'afternoon' : 'morning' %>.
  • <& template_filename, arguments &>

    Includes the results of a separate file containing MicroMason code, compiling it and executing it with any arguments passed after the filename.

    For example, we could place the following template text into an separate file:

    Good <% $ARGS{hour} >11 ? 'afternoon' : 'morning' %>.

    Assuming this file was named "greeting.msn", its results could be embedded within the output of another script as follows:

    <& "greeting.msn", hour => (localtime)[2] &>
  • <%perl> perl_code </%perl>

    Blocks surrounded by %perl tags may contain arbitrary Perl code. Their result is not interpolated into the result.

    These blocks may span multiple lines in your template file. For example, the below template initializes a Perl variable inside a %perl block, and then interpolates the result into a message.

      my $count = join '', map "$_... ", ( 1 .. 9 ); 
    Here are some numbers: <% $count %>

    The Perl code can include flow-control statements whose scope stretches across multiple blocks. For example, when the below template text is evaluated it will return a digit sequence similar to the above:

        Here are some numbers: 
          foreach my $digit ( 1 .. 9 ) { 
    	<% $digit %>... 

    Note that the above example includes extra whitespace for readability, which will also show up in the output, but these blocks are not whitespace sensitive, so the template could be combined into a single line if desired.

  • % perl_code

    Lines which begin with the % character, without any leading whitespace, may contain arbitrary Perl code.

    This is equivalent to a single-line %perl block, but may be more readable in some contexts. For example, the following template text will return one of two different messages each time it's interpreted:

    % if ( int rand 2 ) {
      Hello World!
    % } else {
      Goodbye Cruel World!
    % }

    This also allows you to quickly comment out sections of a template by prefacing each line with % #.


Text containing MicroMason markup code is interpreted and executed by calling the following functions.

You may import any of these functions by including them in your use Text::MicroMason call.


To evaluate a Mason-like template, pass it to execute():

$result = Text::MicroMason::execute( $mason_text );

Alternately, you can call compile() to generate a subroutine for your template, and then run the subroutine:

$result = Text::MicroMason::compile( $mason_text )->();

If you will be interpreting the same template repeatedly, you can save the compiled version for faster execution:

my $tmpl_func = Text::MicroMason::compile( $mason_text );
$result = $tmpl_func->();

(Note that the $tmpl_func->() syntax is unavailable in older versions of Perl; use the equivalent &$tmpl_func() syntax instead.)

Argument Passing

You can also pass a list of key-value pairs as arguments to execute, or to the compiled subroutine:

$result = Text::MicroMason::execute( $mason_text, %args );

$result = Text::MicroMason::compile( $mason_text )->( %args );

Within the scope of your template, any arguments that were provided will be accessible in %ARGS, as well as in @_.

For example, the below call will return '<b>Foo</b>':

Text::MicroMason::execute('<b><% $ARGS{label} %></b>', label=>'Foo');

Error Checking

Both compilation and run-time errors in your template are handled as fatal exceptions. MicroMason will croak() if you attempt to compile or execute a template which contains a incorrect fragment of Perl syntax. Similarly, if the Perl code in your template causes die() or croak() to be called, this will interupt your program unless caught with eval{ }.

For convenience, you may use the provided try_execute() and try_compile() functions, which wrap an eval { } block around the call to the basic execute() or compile() functions. In a scalar context they return the result of the call, or undef if it failed; in a list context they return the results of the call (undef if it failed) followed by the error message (undef if it succeeded). For example:

($result, $error) = Text::MicroMason::try_execute( $mason_text );
if ( ! $error ) {
  print $result;
} else {
  print "Unable to execute template: $error";

Safe Compartments

If you wish to restrict the operations that a template can perform, use the safe_compile() and safe_execute() functions, or their try_*() wrappers.

By default, these safe calls prevent the code in a template from performing any system activity or accessing any of your other Perl code. Violations may result in either compile-time or run-time errors, so make sure you are using the try_* wrappers or your own eval block to catch exceptions.

($result, $error) = Text::MicroMason::try_safe_execute( $mason_text );

(Note that these restrictions mean that the <& file &> include syntax can not be used within a template interpreted by safe_compile(), although you could conceivably enable the "open" function to allow it.)

To enable some operations or share variables or functions with the template code, create a Safe compartment and configure it, then pass it in as the first argument to safe_compile() or safe_execute() or their try_* equivalents:

$safe = Safe->new();
($result, $error) = Text::MicroMason::try_safe_execute( $safe, $mason_text );


When your template is compiled, all of the literal (non-Perl) pieces are converted to $_out->('text'); statements, and the interpolated expressions are converted to $_out->( expr ); statements. Code from %perl blocks and % lines are included exactly as-is.

Your code is eval'd in the Text::MicroMason::Commands package, and use strict; is on by default.

Internal Sub-templates

You can create sub-templates within your template text by defining them as anonymous subroutines and then calling them repeatedly. For example, the following template will concatenate the results of the draw_item sub-template for each of three items:

    <h1>We've Got Items!</h1>
    % my $draw_item = sub {
      <p><b><% $_[0] %></b>:<br>
	<a href="/more?item=<% $_[0] %>">See more about <% $_[0] %>.</p>
    % };
      foreach my $item ( qw( Foo Bar Baz ) ) {
	$draw_item->( $item );

Returning Text from Perl Blocks

To append to the result from within Perl code, call $_out->(text). (The $_out->() syntax is unavailable in older versions of Perl; use the equivalent &$_out() syntax instead.)

For example, the below template text will return '123456789' when it is evaluated:

      foreach my $digit ( 1 .. 9 ) {
	$_out->( $digit )

You can also directly manipulate the value $OUT, which contains the accumulating result.

For example, the below template text will return an altered version of its message if a true value for 'minor' is passed as an argument when the template is executed:

This is a funny joke.
% $OUT =~ tr[a-z][n-za-m] if $ARGS{minor};


The following diagnostic messages are produced for the indicated error conditions (where %s indicates variable message text):

  • MicroMason parsing halted at %s

    Indicates that the parser was unable to finish tokenising the source text.

  • MicroMason compilation failed: %s

    The template was parsed succesfully, but the Perl subroutine declaration it was converted to failed to compile. This is generally a result of a syntax error in one of the Perl expressions used within the template.

  • Error in template subroutine: %s

    Additional diagnostic for compilation errors, showing the text of the subroutine which failed to compile.

  • Error in template file %s, interpreted as: %s

    Additional diagnostic for compilation errors in external files, showing the filename and the text of the subroutine which failed to compile.

  • MicroMason execution failed: %s

    After parsing and compiling the template succesfully, the subroutine was run and caused a fatal exception, generally because that some Perl code used within the template caused die() to be called (or an equivalent function like croak or confess).

  • MicroMason: filename is missing or empty

    One of the compile_file or execute_file functions was called with no arguments, or with an empty or undefined filename.

  • MicroMason can't read from %s: %s

    One of the compile_file or execute_file functions was called but we were unable to read the requested file, because the file path is incorrect or we have insufficient priveleges to read that file.


The HTML::Mason module provides a useful syntax for dynamic template interpretation (sometimes called embedded scripting): plain text (or HTML) containing occasional chunks of Perl code whose results are interpolated into the text when the template is "executed."

However, HTML::Mason also provides a full-featured web application framework with mod_perl integration, a caching engine, and numerous other functions, and there are times in which I'd like to use the templating capability without configuring a full Mason installation.

Thus, the Text::MicroMason module was born: it supports the core aspects of the HTML::Mason syntax ("<%...%>" expressions, "%...\n" and "<%perl>...</%perl>" blocks, "<& file &>" includes, "%ARGS" and "$_out->()" ), and omits the features that are web specific (like autohandlers) or are less widely used (like "<%method>" blocks).

You may well be thinking "yet another dynamic templating module? Sheesh!" And you'd have a good point. There certainly are a variety of templating toolkits on CPAN already; even restricting ourselves to those which use Perl syntax for both interpolated expressions and flow control (as opposed to "little languages") there's a fairly crowded field, including Template::Toolkit, Template::Perl, Text::Template, and Text::ScriptTemplate, as well as those that are part of full-blown web application frameworks like Apache::ASP, ePerl, HTML::Embperl, and HTML::Mason.

Nonetheless, I think this module occupies a useful niche: it provides a reasonable subset of HTML::Mason syntax in a very light-weight fashion. In comparison to the other modules listed, MicroMason aims to be fairly lightweight, using one eval per parse, converting the template to an cacheable unblessed subroutine ref, eschewing method calls, and containing only a hundred or so lines of Perl code.


See HTML::Mason for a much more full-featured version of the capabilities provided by this module.

If you've already got HTML::Mason installed, configured, and loaded into your process, you're probably better off using it rather than this package. HTML::Mason's $interp->make_component() method allows you to parse a text string without saving it to disk first.

Unsupported Features

The following sets of HTML::Mason features are not supported by Text::MicroMason:

  • No %attr, %shared, %method, %def, %init, or %args blocks.

  • No |h or |u options to escape the result of interpolated expressions.

  • No $m Mason interpreter context.

  • No $r request object

  • No shared files like autohandler and dhandler.

  • No mod_perl integration or configuration capability.


This module should work with any version of Perl 5, without platform dependencies or additional modules beyond the core distribution.

Retrieve the current distribution from CPAN, or from:

Download and unpack the distribution, and execute the standard "perl Makefile.PL", "make test", "make install" sequence.


This is version 1.05 of Text::MicroMason.

Distribution Summary

The CPAN DSLI entry reads:

Name            DSLIP  Description
--------------  -----  ---------------------------------------------
::MicroMason    bdpfp  Simplified HTML::Mason Templating

This module should be categorized under group 11, Text Processing (although there's also an argument for placing it 15 Web/HTML, where HTML::Mason appears).

Discussion and Support

Bug reports or general feedback would be welcomed by the author at



Adjusted regular expression based on parsing problems reported by Philip King and Daniel J. Wright, related to newlines and EOF. Added regression tests that fail under 1.04 but pass under 1.05 to ensure these features keep working as expected. Added non-printing-character escaping to parser failure and debugging messages to better track future reports of whitespace-related bugs. Moved tests from into t/ subdirectory. Added experimental suppport for file code cache in compile_file_codecache. Released as Text-MicroMason-1.05.tar.gz.


Adjusted regular expression based on parsing problems reported by Mark Hampton. Added file-include support with <& ... &> syntax. Documentation tweaks. Adjusted version number to simpler 0.00 format. Released as Text-MicroMason-1.04.tar.gz.


Documentation tweaks based on feedback from Pascal Barbedor. Updated author's contact information.


Documentation tweaks. Renamed from HTML::MicroMason to Text::MicroMason. Released as Text-MicroMason-1.0.3.tar.gz.


Munged interface for clarity. Added Safe support. Adjusted docs to reflect feedback from mason-users. Released as HTML-MicroMason-1.0.2.tar.gz.


Parser tweakage; additional documentation. Added Exporter support. Released as HTML-MicroMason-1.0.1.tar.gz.


Added try_interpret; documented error messages.


Extended documentation; added makefile, test script. Renamed accumulator to $OUT to match Text::Template. Released as HTML-MicroMason-1.0.0.tar.gz.




  • Consider deprecating most or all of the existing public interface in favor of a single compiler() function that supports all of the possible options, including files, code and result caches, and exception handling.

  • Test compatibility against older versions of Perl and odder OS platforms.

  • Perhaps support <%init> ... </%init>, by treating it as a %perl block at the begining of the string.

  • Perhaps support <%args> $foo => default </%args>.

    Perhaps warn if %args block exists but template called with odd number of arguments.


Developed By

M. Simon Cavalletto,
Evolution Softworks,

The Shoulders of Giants

Inspired by Jonathan Swartz's HTML::Mason.

Feedback and Suggestions

Thanks to:

Pascal Barbedor
Mark Hampton
Philip King
Daniel J. Wright

Copyright 2002, 2003 Matthew Simon Cavalletto.

Portions copyright 2001 Evolution Online Systems, Inc.


You may use, modify, and distribute this software under the same terms as Perl.