Text::MicroMason::Functions - Function exporter for MicroMason templates
Use the execute function to parse and evalute a template:
use Text::MicroMason qw( execute );
print execute($template, 'name'=>'Dave');
Or compile it into a subroutine, and evaluate repeatedly:
use Text::MicroMason qw( compile );
$coderef = compile($template);
print $coderef->('name'=>'Dave');
print $coderef->('name'=>'Bob');
Templates stored in files can be run directly or included in others:
use Text::MicroMason qw( execute_file );
print execute_file( "./greeting.msn", 'name'=>'Charles');
Safe usage restricts templates from accessing your files or data:
use Text::MicroMason qw( safe_execute );
print safe_execute( $template, 'name'=>'Bob');
All above functions are available in an error-catching "try_*" form:
use Text::MicroMason qw( try_execute );
($result, $error) = try_execute( $template, 'name'=>'Alice');
As an alternative to the object-oriented interface, text containing MicroMason markup code can be compiled and executed by calling the following functions.
Each function creates a new MicroMason object, including any necessary traits such as Safe compilation or CatchErrors for exceptions, and then passes its arguments to an appropriate method on that object.
You may import any of these functions by including their names in your use Text::MicroMason
Basic Invocation
To evaluate a Mason-like template, pass it to execute():
$result = execute( $mason_text );
Alternately, you can call compile() to generate a subroutine for your template, and then run the subroutine:
$result = compile( $mason_text )->();
If you will be interpreting the same template repeatedly, you can save the compiled version for faster execution:
$sub_ref = compile( $mason_text );
$result = $sub_ref->();
(Note that the $sub_ref->() syntax is unavailable in older versions of Perl; use the equivalent &$sub_ref() syntax instead.)
Argument Passing
You can also pass a list of key-value pairs as arguments to execute, or to the compiled subroutine:
$result = execute( $mason_text, %args );
$result = $sub_ref->( %args );
Within the scope of your template, any arguments that were provided will be accessible in the global @_, the %ARGS
hash, and any variables named in an %args block.
For example, the below calls will all return '<b>Foo</b>':
execute('<b><% shift(@_) %></b>', 'Foo');
execute('<b><% $ARGS{label} %></b>', label=>'Foo');
execute('<%args>$label</%args><b><% $label %></b>', label=>'Foo');
Template Files
A parallel set of functions exist to handle templates which are stored in a file:
$template = compile_file( './report_tmpl.msn' );
$result = $template->( %args );
$result = execute_file( './report_tmpl.msn', %args );
A matching pair of try_*() wrappers are available to catch run-time errors in reading the file or parsing its contents:
($template, $error) = try_compile_file( './report_tmpl.msn' );
($result, $error) = try_execute_file( './report_tmpl.msn', %args );
Template documents are just plain text files that contains the string to be parsed. The files may have any name you wish, and the .msn extension shown above is not required.
Error Checking
Both compilation and run-time errors in your template are handled as fatal exceptions. The provided try_execute() and try_compile() functions use a mixin class which wraps an eval { } block around the basic execute() or compile() methods. In a scalar context they return the result of the call, or undef if it failed; in a list context they return the results of the call (undef if it failed) followed by the error message (undef if it succeeded). For example:
($result, $error) = try_execute( $mason_text );
if ( ! $error ) {
print $result;
} else {
print "Unable to execute template: $error";
For more information, see Text::MicroMason::ErrorCatching.
Safe Compartments
If you wish to restrict the operations that a template can perform, use the safe_compile() and safe_execute() functions, or their try_*() wrappers.
For more information, see Text::MicroMason::Safe.
For the core functionality of this package see Text::MicroMason and Text::MicroMason::Base.
For distribution, installation, support, copyright and license information, see Text::MicroMason::ReadMe.