Text::MicroMason::ServerPages - Support syntax similar to ASP/JSP


Server Pages syntax provides another way to mix Perl into a text template:

    <% my $name = $ARGS{name};
      if ( $name eq 'Dave' ) {  %>
      I'm sorry <% $name %>, I'm afraid I can't do that right now.
    <% } else { 
	my $hour = (localtime)[2];
	my $daypart = ( $hour > 11 ) ? 'afternoon' : 'morning'; 
      Good <%= $daypart %>, <%= $name %>!
    <% } %>

Instead of using this class directly, pass its name to be mixed in:

use Text::MicroMason;
my $mason = Text::MicroMason->new( -ServerPages );

Use the execute method to parse and evalute a template:

print $mason->execute( text=>$template, 'name'=>'Dave' );

Or compile it into a subroutine, and evaluate repeatedly:

$coderef = $mason->compile( text=>$template );
print $coderef->('name'=>'Dave');


This subclass replaces MicroMason's normal lexer with one that supports a syntax similar to Active Server Pages and Java Server Pages.

Template Syntax

The following elements are recognized by the ServerPages lexer:

  • <% perl statements %>

    Arbitrary Perl code to be executed at this point in the template.

  • <%= perl expression %>

    A Perl expression to be evaluated and included in the output.

  • <%& file, arguments %>

    Includes an external template file.

  • <%-- comment --%>

    Documentation or inactive code to be skipped over silently. Can also be used to quickly comment out part of a template.

  • <%name> ... </%name>

    Supported block names are: 'perl', 'args', 'once', 'init', 'cleanup', and 'doc'.

Private Methods

@tokens = $mason->lex( $template );

Parses the provided template text and returns a list of token types and values.


For the core functionality of this package see Text::MicroMason and Text::MicroMason::Base.

For distribution, installation, support, copyright and license information, see Text::MicroMason::ReadMe.