Getting Setup

First, you need Module::Build

cpan Module::Build

Then create the Build script

perl Build.PL

If you are missing dependencies, it will complain. Use CPAN to add them and/or see the svn section below.

Once all of the Wx, etc is setup, you can Build:


For more options:

./Build help

Test it (or use the ./Build testall target)

./Build test
./Build testgui

And to run it:

./Build run




The most current development is always in:

The directory tree should be roughly:

svn/ ................. open repository root
|-- dotreader/ ....... main dotreader development
|   |-- trunk/ ....... latest (Build.PL, t, lib, ...)
|   |-- tags/* ....... tagged versions (of trunk)
|   `-- branches/* ... experimental forks
|-- testing/ ......... misc experiments
`-- content/ ......... ? versioned test content

For patches and updates to the dependencies, see

There you will find some directories defined with svn:externals. These allow you to checkout all of the latest dependency code into just a few working copies and make it more convenient for us to add or change dependencies.