# vim:ts=2:sw=2:et:sta
=head1 NAME
WxPerl::Constructors::argmap - auto-generated argument-map data
=head1 USAGE
use Wx ();
use WxPerl::Constructors::argmap;
my $argpos = WxPerl::Constructors::argmap->ARGPOS;
my $defaults = WxPerl::Constructors::argmap->DEFAULTS;
Take care not to break the innards of the references.
=head1 Data
Both hashrefs are keyed by the $foo part of the Wx::$foo classnames
(i.e. without the leading "Wx::" part.)
=head2 ARGPOS
Each value is an array reference with the ordered arguments, starting
with 'id'.
Each value is a hash reference of the argument defaults.
NOTE: No default for 'name' is included (as it needs values which are
not bound and doesn't matter because it is always last.)