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[ExifTool, ExifTool, ExifTool] ExifToolVersion - ExifTool Version Number: 9.93
[File, System, Image] FileName - File Name: Writer_6_failed.jpg
[File, System, Image] Directory - Directory: t
[File, System, Image] FileSize - File Size: 5.7 kB
[File, System, Time] FileModifyDate - File Modification Date/Time: 2015:04:18 07:17:51-04:00
[File, System, Time] FileAccessDate - File Access Date/Time: 2015:04:18 07:17:51-04:00
[File, System, Time] FileInodeChangeDate - File Inode Change Date/Time: 2015:04:18 07:17:51-04:00
[File, System, Image] FilePermissions - File Permissions: rw-r--r--
[File, File, Image] FileType - File Type: JPEG
[File, File, Image] FileTypeExtension - File Type Extension: jpg
[File, File, Image] MIMEType - MIME Type: image/jpeg
[File, File, Image] ExifByteOrder - Exif Byte Order: Little-endian (Intel, II)
[File, File, Image] CurrentIPTCDigest - Current IPTC Digest: 27e2cf0c32f8cb445eccf7006bfc9af5
[File, File, Image] ImageWidth - Image Width: 8
[File, File, Image] ImageHeight - Image Height: 8
[File, File, Image] EncodingProcess - Encoding Process: Baseline DCT, Huffman coding
[File, File, Image] BitsPerSample - Bits Per Sample: 8
[File, File, Image] ColorComponents - Color Components: 3
[File, File, Image] YCbCrSubSampling - Y Cb Cr Sub Sampling: YCbCr4:2:0 (2 2)
[EXIF, IFD0, Camera] 271 - Make: Canon
[EXIF, IFD0, Camera] 272 - Camera Model Name: Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL
[EXIF, IFD0, Image] 274 - Orientation: Rotate 180
[EXIF, IFD0, Image] 282 - X Resolution: 180
[EXIF, IFD0, Image] 283 - Y Resolution: 180
[EXIF, IFD0, Image] 296 - Resolution Unit: inches
[EXIF, IFD0, Time] 306 - Modify Date: 2003:12:04 06:46:52
[EXIF, IFD0, Image] 531 - Y Cb Cr Positioning: Centered
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Image] 33434 - Exposure Time: 4
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Image] 33437 - F Number: 14.0
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Image] 34855 - ISO: 100
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Image] 36864 - Exif Version: 0221
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Time] 36868 - Create Date: 2003:12:04 06:46:52
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Image] 37121 - Components Configuration: Y, Cb, Cr, -
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Image] 37122 - Compressed Bits Per Pixel: 9
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Image] 37377 - Shutter Speed Value: 0
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Image] 37378 - Aperture Value: 14.0
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Image] 37380 - Exposure Compensation: +999
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Camera] 37381 - Max Aperture Value: 4.5
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Camera] 37383 - Metering Mode: Average
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Camera] 37384 - Light Source: Cloudy
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Camera] 37385 - Flash: Fired
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Camera] 37386 - Focal Length: 34.0 mm
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Image] 37510 - User Comment:
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Image] 40960 - Flashpix Version: 0100
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Image] 40961 - Color Space: sRGB
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Image] 40962 - Exif Image Width: 160
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Image] 40963 - Exif Image Height: 120
[EXIF, InteropIFD, Image] 1 - Interoperability Index: THM - DCF thumbnail file
[EXIF, InteropIFD, Image] 2 - Interoperability Version: 0100
[EXIF, InteropIFD, Image] 4097 - Related Image Width: 3072
[EXIF, InteropIFD, Image] 4098 - Related Image Height: 2048
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Camera] 41486 - Focal Plane X Resolution: 3443.946188
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Camera] 41487 - Focal Plane Y Resolution: 3442.016807
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Camera] 41488 - Focal Plane Resolution Unit: mm
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Camera] 41495 - Sensing Method: One-chip color area
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Image] 41728 - File Source: Digital Camera
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Image] 41985 - Custom Rendered: Normal
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Camera] 41986 - Exposure Mode: Manual
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Camera] 41987 - White Balance: Auto
[EXIF, ExifIFD, Camera] 41990 - Scene Capture Type: Standard
[EXIF, IFD0, Time] 36867 - Date/Time Original: 2005:01:01 00:00:00
[EXIF, IFD0, Image] 51043 - Time Codes: 02:53:49.07 2009-11-19T12:38:35.21-03:00
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 1 - Macro Mode: Unknown (0)
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 2 - Self Timer: Off
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 3 - Quality: RAW
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 4 - Canon Flash Mode: Off
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 5 - Continuous Drive: Continuous
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 7 - Focus Mode: Manual Focus (3)
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 9 - Record Mode: CRW+THM
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 10 - Canon Image Size: Large
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 11 - Easy Mode: Manual
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 12 - Digital Zoom: Unknown (-1)
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 13 - Contrast: +1
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 14 - Saturation: +1
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 15 - Sharpness: +1
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 16 - Camera ISO: n/a
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 17 - Metering Mode: Center-weighted average
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 18 - Focus Range: Not Known
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 20 - Canon Exposure Mode: Manual
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 22 - Lens Type: n/a
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 23 - Max Focal Length: 55 mm
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 24 - Min Focal Length: 18 mm
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 25 - Focal Units: 1/mm
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 26 - Max Aperture: 4
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 27 - Min Aperture: 27
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 28 - Flash Activity: 0
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 29 - Flash Bits: (none)
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 36 - Zoom Source Width: 3072
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 37 - Zoom Target Width: 3072
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 41 - Manual Flash Output: n/a
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 42 - Color Tone: Normal
[MakerNotes, Canon, Image] 1 - Focal Length: 34 mm
[MakerNotes, Canon, Image] 2 - Focal Plane X Size: 23.22 mm
[MakerNotes, Canon, Image] 3 - Focal Plane Y Size: 15.49 mm
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 3 - Canon Flash Info: 100 0 0 0
[MakerNotes, Canon, Image] 1 - Auto ISO: 100
[MakerNotes, Canon, Image] 2 - Base ISO: 100
[MakerNotes, Canon, Image] 3 - Measured EV: -1.25
[MakerNotes, Canon, Image] 4 - Target Aperture: 14
[MakerNotes, Canon, Image] 6 - Exposure Compensation: 0
[MakerNotes, Canon, Image] 7 - White Balance: Auto
[MakerNotes, Canon, Image] 8 - Slow Shutter: None
[MakerNotes, Canon, Image] 9 - Shot Number In Continuous Burst: 0
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 10 - Optical Zoom Code: n/a
[MakerNotes, Canon, Image] 13 - Flash Guide Number: 0
[MakerNotes, Canon, Image] 15 - Flash Exposure Compensation: 0
[MakerNotes, Canon, Image] 16 - Auto Exposure Bracketing: Off
[MakerNotes, Canon, Image] 17 - AEB Bracket Value: 0
[MakerNotes, Canon, Image] 18 - Control Mode: Camera Local Control
[MakerNotes, Canon, Image] 19 - Focus Distance Upper: inf
[MakerNotes, Canon, Image] 20 - Focus Distance Lower: 5.46 m
[MakerNotes, Canon, Image] 21 - F Number: 14
[MakerNotes, Canon, Image] 22 - Exposure Time: 128
[MakerNotes, Canon, Image] 23 - Measured EV 2: -1.25
[MakerNotes, Canon, Image] 24 - Bulb Duration: 4
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 26 - Camera Type: EOS Mid-range
[MakerNotes, Canon, Image] 27 - Auto Rotate: None
[MakerNotes, Canon, Image] 28 - ND Filter: n/a
[MakerNotes, Canon, Image] 29 - Self Timer 2: 0
[MakerNotes, Canon, Image] 3 - Bracket Mode: Off
[MakerNotes, Canon, Image] 4 - Bracket Value: 0
[MakerNotes, Canon, Image] 5 - Bracket Shot Number: 0
[MakerNotes, Canon, Image] 6 - Canon Image Type: CRW:EOS DIGITAL REBEL CMOS RAW
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 7 - Canon Firmware Version: Firmware Version 1.1.1
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 12 - Serial Number: 0560018150
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 21 - Serial Number Format: Format 1
[MakerNotes, Canon, Image] 8 - File Number: 118-1861
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 9 - Owner Name: Phil Harvey
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 16 - Canon Model ID: EOS Digital Rebel / 300D / Kiss Digital
[MakerNotes, Canon, Image] 14 - Canon File Length: 4480822
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 0 - Canon 0x0000: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 192 - Canon 0x00c0: 26 331 372 372 177 240 428 429 277 186 510 511 442
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 193 - Canon 0x00c1: 26 299 375 375 170 202 394 395 240 153 453 454 375
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 1 - Measured RGGB: 998 1022 1026 808
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 168 - Canon 0x00a8: 20 5190 5190 7000 5987 3214 3897 6203 5190 5200
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 1 - WB RGGB Levels Auto: 1719 832 831 990
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 5 - WB RGGB Levels Daylight: 1722 832 831 989
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 9 - WB RGGB Levels Shade: 2035 832 831 839
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 13 - WB RGGB Levels Cloudy: 1878 832 831 903
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 17 - WB RGGB Levels Tungsten: 1228 913 912 1668
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 21 - WB RGGB Levels Fluorescent: 1506 842 841 1381
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 25 - WB RGGB Levels Flash: 1933 832 831 895
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 29 - WB RGGB Levels Custom: 1722 832 831 989
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 33 - WB RGGB Levels Kelvin: 1722 832 831 988
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 37 - WB RGGB Black Levels: 124 123 124 123
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 174 - Color Temperature: 5200
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 180 - Color Space: sRGB
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 0 - Num AF Points: 7
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 1 - Valid AF Points: 7
[MakerNotes, Canon, Image] 2 - Canon Image Width: 3072
[MakerNotes, Canon, Image] 3 - Canon Image Height: 2048
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 4 - AF Image Width: 3072
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 5 - AF Image Height: 2048
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 6 - AF Area Width: 151
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 7 - AF Area Height: 151
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 8 - AF Area X Positions: 1014 608 0 0 0 -608 -1014
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 9 - AF Area Y Positions: 0 0 -506 0 506 0 0
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 10 - AF Points In Focus: (none)
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 19 - Thumbnail Image Valid Area: 0 159 7 112
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 181 - Canon 0x00b5: 10 3 1 2048 1360
[MakerNotes, Canon, Camera] 0 - Canon 0x0000: 0 0 0 0 0 0 3072000 892 2048000 595 65540 262146
[IPTC, IPTC, Other] 15 - Category: IPT
[IPTC, IPTC, Other] 0 - Application Record Version: 4
[XMP, XMP-x, Document] xmptk - XMP Toolkit: Image::ExifTool 9.93
[XMP, XMP-dc, Image] description - Description: New description
[XMP, XMP-exif, Camera] Contrast - Contrast: High
[Composite, Composite, Image] Aperture - Aperture: 14.0
[Composite, Composite, Camera] DriveMode - Drive Mode: Continuous Shooting
[Composite, Composite, Camera] ISO - ISO: 100
[Composite, Composite, Camera] Lens - Lens: 18.0 - 55.0 mm
[Composite, Composite, Camera] ScaleFactor35efl - Scale Factor To 35 mm Equivalent: 1.6
[Composite, Composite, Camera] ShootingMode - Shooting Mode: Bulb
[Composite, Composite, Image] ShutterSpeed - Shutter Speed: 4
[Composite, Composite, Camera] WB_RGGBLevels - WB RGGB Levels: 1719 832 831 990
[Composite, Composite, Camera] BlueBalance - Blue Balance: 1.190619
[Composite, Composite, Camera] CircleOfConfusion - Circle Of Confusion: 0.019 mm
[Composite, Composite, Image] DOF - Depth Of Field: inf (4.31 m - inf)
[Composite, Composite, Image] FOV - Field Of View: 36.9 deg
[Composite, Composite, Camera] FocalLength35efl - Focal Length: 34.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 54.0 mm)
[Composite, Composite, Camera] HyperfocalDistance - Hyperfocal Distance: 4.37 m
[Composite, Composite, Image] ImageSize - Image Size: 8x8
[Composite, Composite, Camera] Lens35efl - Lens: 18.0 - 55.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 28.6 - 87.4 mm)
[Composite, Composite, Camera] LensID - Lens ID: Unknown 18-55mm
[Composite, Composite, Image] LightValue - Light Value: 5.6
[Composite, Composite, Image] Megapixels - Megapixels: 0.000064
[Composite, Composite, Camera] RedBalance - Red Balance: 2.067348