The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

ExifToolVersion = 10.12
FileName = CanonRaw.crw
Directory = t/images
FileSize = 6816
FileModifyDate = 1327257119
FileAccessDate = 1457094142
FileInodeChangeDate = 1455728654
FilePermissions = 33188
FileType = CRW
FileTypeExtension = CRW
MIMEType = image/x-canon-crw
+ [CIFF directory with 3 entries]
| 0) RawData = <Dummy raw image data>
| 1) JpgFromRaw = <Dummy JpgFromRaw image data>
| 2) ImageProps (SubDirectory) -->
| + [CIFF directory with 13 entries]
| | 0) ImageFormat (SubDirectory) -->
| | + [BinaryData directory, 8 bytes]
| | | FileFormat = 131073
| | | TargetCompressionRatio = 10
| | 1) ImageInfo (SubDirectory) -->
| | + [BinaryData directory, 28 bytes]
| | | ImageWidth = 3072
| | | ImageHeight = 2048
| | | PixelAspectRatio = 1
| | | Rotation = 0
| | | ComponentBitDepth = 8
| | | ColorBitDepth = 24
| | | ColorBW = 257
| | 2) TargetImageType = 0
| | 3) RecordID = 0
| | 4) FileNumber = 1161602
| | 5) TimeStamp (SubDirectory) -->
| | + [BinaryData directory, 12 bytes]
| | | DateTimeOriginal = 1068485966
| | | TimeZoneCode = 0
| | | TimeZoneInfo = 0
| | 6) OriginalFileName = CRW_1602.CRW
| | 7) ThumbnailFileName = CRW_1602.THM
| | 8) UserComment =
| | 9) MeasuredInfo (SubDirectory) -->
| | + [CIFF directory with 1 entries]
| | | 0) MeasuredEV = -0.375
| | 10) ImageDescription (SubDirectory) -->
| | + [CIFF directory with 2 entries]
| | | 0) CanonFileDescription = EOS DIGITAL REBEL CMOS RAW
| | | 1) CanonImageType = CRW:EOS DIGITAL REBEL CMOS RAW
| | 11) CameraObject (SubDirectory) -->
| | + [CIFF directory with 3 entries]
| | | 0) OwnerName = Phil Harvey
| | | 1) CanonRawMakeModel (SubDirectory) -->
| | | + [BinaryData directory, 32 bytes]
| | | | Make = Canon
| | | | Model = Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL
| | | 2) CameraSpecification (SubDirectory) -->
| | | + [CIFF directory with 4 entries]
| | | | 0) SerialNumber = 560018150
| | | | 1) BaseISO = 100
| | | | 2) ROMOperationMode = USA
| | | | 3) CanonFirmwareVersion = Firmware Version 1.1.1
| | 12) ExifInformation (SubDirectory) -->
| | + [CIFF directory with 23 entries]
| | | 0) CanonFlashInfo = 0 100 0 0
| | | 1) CanonFocalLength (SubDirectory) -->
| | | + [BinaryData directory, 8 bytes]
| | | | FocalType = 0
| | | | FocalLength = 24
| | | | FocalPlaneXSize = 914
| | | | FocalPlaneYSize = 610
| | | 2) CanonShotInfo (SubDirectory) -->
| | | + [BinaryData directory, 66 bytes]
| | | | AutoISO = 0
| | | | BaseISO = 160
| | | | MeasuredEV = -160
| | | | TargetAperture = 116
| | | | TargetExposureTime = 189
| | | | ExposureCompensation = 0
| | | | WhiteBalance = 0
| | | | SlowShutter = 3
| | | | SequenceNumber = 0
| | | | OpticalZoomCode = 8
| | | | CameraTemperature = 0
| | | | FlashGuideNumber = -1
| | | | AFPointsInFocus = 0
| | | | FlashExposureComp = 20
| | | | AutoExposureBracketing = 0
| | | | AEBBracketValue = 0
| | | | ControlMode = 1
| | | | FocusDistanceUpper = 142
| | | | FocusDistanceLower = 119
| | | | FNumber = 116
| | | | ExposureTime = 192
| | | | MeasuredEV2 = 47
| | | | BulbDuration = 0
| | | | CameraType = 252
| | | | AutoRotate = 0
| | | | NDFilter = -1
| | | | SelfTimer2 = 0
| | | 3) CanonFileInfo (SubDirectory) -->
| | | + [BinaryData directory, 18 bytes]
| | | | BracketMode = 0
| | | | BracketValue = 0
| | | | BracketShotNumber = 0
| | | | RawJpgQuality = -1
| | | | RawJpgSize = -1
| | | | LongExposureNoiseReduction2 = -1
| | | 4) CanonCameraSettings (SubDirectory) -->
| | | + [BinaryData directory, 92 bytes]
| | | | MacroMode = 0
| | | | SelfTimer = 0
| | | | Quality = 4
| | | | CanonFlashMode = 2
| | | | ContinuousDrive = 1
| | | | FocusMode = 2
| | | | RecordMode = 2
| | | | CanonImageSize = 0
| | | | EasyMode = 1
| | | | DigitalZoom = -1
| | | | Contrast = 1
| | | | Saturation = 1
| | | | Sharpness = 1
| | | | CameraISO = 0
| | | | MeteringMode = 3
| | | | FocusRange = 2
| | | | AFPoint = 8197
| | | | CanonExposureMode = 1
| | | | LensType = 65535
| | | | MaxFocalLength = 55
| | | | MinFocalLength = 18
| | | | FocalUnits = 1
| | | | MaxAperture = 116
| | | | MinAperture = 285
| | | | FlashActivity = 0
| | | | FlashBits = 8200
| | | | FocusContinuous = -1
| | | | AESetting = -1
| | | | ImageStabilization = -1
| | | | DisplayAperture = 0
| | | | ZoomSourceWidth = 3072
| | | | ZoomTargetWidth = 3072
| | | | SpotMeteringMode = -1
| | | | PhotoEffect = -1
| | | | ManualFlashOutput = 0
| | | | ColorTone = 0
| | | 5) CanonRaw_0x0036 = ...........................1..:..........1..:.........1..[snip]
| | | 6) CanonModelID = 2147484016
| | | 7) SensorInfo (SubDirectory) -->
| | | + [BinaryData directory, 34 bytes]
| | | | SensorWidth = 3152
| | | | SensorHeight = 2068
| | | | SensorLeftBorder = 72
| | | | SensorTopBorder = 16
| | | | SensorRightBorder = 3143
| | | | SensorBottomBorder = 2063
| | | | BlackMaskLeftBorder = 24
| | | | BlackMaskTopBorder = 224
| | | | BlackMaskRightBorder = 40
| | | | BlackMaskBottomBorder = 1856
| | | 8) DecoderTable (SubDirectory) -->
| | | + [BinaryData directory, 16 bytes]
| | | | DecoderTableNumber = 1
| | | | CompressedDataOffset = 514
| | | | CompressedDataLength = 4120111
| | | 9) CanonAFInfo (SubDirectory) -->
| | | + [SerialData directory, 48 bytes]
| | | | 0) NumAFPoints = 7
| | | | 1) ValidAFPoints = 7
| | | | 2) CanonImageWidth = 3072
| | | | 3) CanonImageHeight = 2048
| | | | 4) AFImageWidth = 3072
| | | | 5) AFImageHeight = 2048
| | | | 6) AFAreaWidth = 151
| | | | 7) AFAreaHeight = 151
| | | | 8) AFAreaXPositions = 1014 608 0 0 0 -608 -1014
| | | | 9) AFAreaYPositions = 0 0 -506 0 506 0 0
| | | | 10) AFPointsInFocus = 8
| | | 10) CanonRaw_0x10c0 = 26 331 372 372 177 240 428 429 277 186 510 511 442
| | | 11) CanonRaw_0x10c1 = 26 299 375 375 170 202 394 395 240 153 453 454 375
| | | 12) CanonRaw_0x10c2 = t......a.................c...............c.X.............[snip]
| | | 13) CanonRaw_0x10aa = 10 554 1022 1026 754
| | | 14) CanonRaw_0x10a8 = 20 5528 5190 7000 5987 3214 3897 6457 5190 5200
| | | 15) CanonRaw_0x10ad = 62 20127 8480 7000 6000 5600 5200 4724 4200 3266 1446 648[snip]
| | | 16) ColorTemperature = 5200
| | | 17) CanonRaw_0x10af = 1024
| | | 18) ColorBalance (SubDirectory) -->
| | | + [BinaryData directory, 82 bytes]
| | | | WB_RGGBLevelsAuto = 1740 832 831 931
| | | | WB_RGGBLevelsDaylight = 1722 832 831 989
| | | | WB_RGGBLevelsShade = 2035 832 831 839
| | | | WB_RGGBLevelsCloudy = 1878 832 831 903
| | | | WB_RGGBLevelsTungsten = 1228 913 912 1668
| | | | WB_RGGBLevelsFluorescent = 1506 842 841 1381
| | | | WB_RGGBLevelsFlash = 1964 832 831 877
| | | | WB_RGGBLevelsCustom = 1722 832 831 989
| | | | WB_RGGBLevelsKelvin = 1722 832 831 988
| | | | WB_RGGBBlackLevels = 125 124 125 124
| | | 19) ColorSpace = 1
| | | 20) RawJpgInfo (SubDirectory) -->
| | | + [BinaryData directory, 10 bytes]
| | | | RawJpgQuality = 3
| | | | RawJpgSize = 1
| | | | RawJpgWidth = 2048
| | | | RawJpgHeight = 1360
| | | 21) CanonRaw_0x1039 = 0 159 7 112
| | | 22) SerialNumberFormat = 2415919104
CanonVRD trailer (560 bytes at offset 0x1870):
+ [XMP directory, 460 bytes]
| XMPToolkit = Image::ExifTool 8.31
| Description = CRW with embedded XMP