ExifTool Tag Names
The tables below list the names of all tags recognized by ExifTool (excluding shortcut and unknown tags). Case is not significant for tag names. Where applicable, the corresponding Tag ID or Index is also given. A Tag ID is the computer-readable equivalent of a tag name, and is the identifier that is actually stored in the file. Index gives the location of the information if it is located at a fixed position in a record. In some instances, more than one tag name may correspond to a single ID. In these cases, the actual tag name depends on the context in which the information is found.
The Writable column indicates whether the tag is writable by ExifTool. Anything but an N in this column means the tag is writable. A Y indicates writable information that is either unformatted or written using the existing format. Other expressions give details about the information format, and vary depending on the general type of information. An asterisk (*) indicates that the information is not writable directly, but is set via a composite tag. The HTML version of this document also lists all Values for tags which have a discreet set of values.
Note: If you are familiar with common meta-information tag names, you may be surprised to find that some ExifTool tags have different names than you expect. The usual reason for this is to make the tag names more consistent across different types of meta information. To determine a tag name, either consult this documentation or run exiftool with the -S option on a file containing the information in question.
This is the type of meta information that gave ExifTool its name, although subsequently ExifTool has evolved to read may other types.
Tag ID Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
0x0001 InteropIndex N
0x0002 InteropVersion N
0x00fe SubfileType N
0x00ff OldSubfileType N
0x0100 ImageWidth N
0x0101 ImageHeight N
0x0102 BitsPerSample N
0x0103 Compression N
0x0106 PhotometricInterpretation N
0x0107 Thresholding N
0x0108 CellWidth N
0x0109 CellLength N
0x010a FillOrder N
0x010d DocumentName string
0x010e ImageDescription string
0x010f Make string
0x0110 Model string
0x0111 StripOffsets N
0x0112 Orientation int16u
0x0115 SamplesPerPixel N
0x0116 RowsPerStrip N
0x0117 StripByteCounts N
0x0118 MinSampleValue N
0x0119 MaxSampleValue N
0x011a XResolution rational32u
0x011b YResolution rational32u
0x011c PlanarConfiguration N
0x011d PageName string
0x011e XPosition rational32u
0x011f YPosition rational32u
0x0120 FreeOffsets N
0x0121 FreeByteCounts N
0x0122 GrayResponseUnit int16u
0x0123 GrayResponseCurve N
0x0124 T4Options N
0x0125 T6Options N
0x0128 ResolutionUnit int16u
0x0129 PageNumber int16u
0x012d TransferFunction N
0x0131 Software string
0x0132 ModifyDate string
0x013b Artist string
0x013c HostComputer string
0x013d Predictor N
0x013e WhitePoint rational32u
0x013f PrimaryChromaticities rational32u
0x0140 ColorMap N
0x0141 HalftoneHints int16u
0x0142 TileWidth N
0x0143 TileLength N
0x0144 TileOffsets N
0x0145 TileByteCounts N
0x0146 BadFaxLines N
0x0147 CleanFaxData N
0x0148 ConsecutiveBadFaxLines N
0x014a SubIFD EXIF
0x014c InkSet int16u
0x014d InkNames N
0x014e NumberofInks N
0x0150 DotRange string
0x0151 TargetPrinter N
0x0152 ExtraSamples N
0x0153 SampleFormat N
0x0154 SMinSampleValue N
0x0155 SMaxSampleValue N
0x0156 TransferRange N
0x0157 ClipPath N
0x0158 XClipPathUnits N
0x0159 YClipPathUnits N
0x015a Indexed N
0x015b JPEGTables N
0x015f OPIProxy N
0x0190 GlobalParametersIFD EXIF
0x0191 ProfileType N
0x0192 FaxProfile N
0x0193 CodingMethods N
0x0194 VersionYear N
0x0195 ModeNumber N
0x01b1 Decode N
0x01b2 DefaultImageColor N
0x0200 JPEGProc N
0x0201 ThumbnailOffset int32u*
0x0202 ThumbnailLength int32u*
0x0203 JPEGRestartInterval N
0x0205 JPEGLosslessPredictors N
0x0206 JPEGPointTransforms N
0x0207 JPEGQTables N
0x0208 JPEGDCTables N
0x0209 JPEGACTables N
0x0211 YCbCrCoefficients N
0x0212 YCbCrSubSampling N
0x0213 YCbCrPositioning N
0x0214 ReferenceBlackWhite N
0x022f StripRowCounts N
0x02bc ApplicationNotes XMP
0x1000 RelatedImageFileFormat N
0x1001 RelatedImageWidth N
0x1002 RelatedImageLength N
0x800d ImageID N
0x80a4 WangAnnotation N
0x827d Model2 N
0x828d CFARepeatPatternDim N
0x828e CFAPattern2 N
0x828f BatteryLevel N
0x8298 Copyright string
0x829a ExposureTime rational32u
0x829d FNumber rational32u
0x830e PixelScale N
0x8474 IntergraphPacketData N
0x847f IntergraphFlagRegisters N
0x8480 IntergraphMatrix N
0x8482 ModelTiePoint N
0x85d8 ModelTransform N
0x8649 PhotoshopSettings N
0x8769 ExifOffset EXIF
0x8773 ICC_Profile ICC_Profile
0x87ac ImageLayer N
0x87af GeoTiffDirectory N
0x87b0 GeoTiffDoubleParams N
0x87b1 GeoTiffAsciiParams N
0x8822 ExposureProgram int16u
0x8824 SpectralSensitivity string
0x8825 GPSInfo GPS
0x8827 ISO int16u
0x8828 Opto-ElectricConvFactor N
0x8829 Interlace N
0x882a TimeZoneOffset int16s
0x882b SelfTimerMode int16u
0x9000 ExifVersion undef
0x9003 DateTimeOriginal string
0x9004 CreateDate string
0x9101 ComponentsConfiguration N
0x9102 CompressedBitsPerPixel N
0x9201 ShutterSpeedValue rational32s
0x9202 ApertureValue rational32u
0x9203 BrightnessValue rational32s
0x9204 ExposureCompensation rational32s
0x9205 MaxApertureValue rational32u
0x9206 SubjectDistance rational32u
0x9207 MeteringMode int16u
0x9208 LightSource int16u
0x9209 Flash int16u
0x920a FocalLength rational32u
0x920b FlashEnergy N
0x920c SpatialFrequencyResponse N
0x920d Noise N
0x920e FocalPlaneXResolution N
0x920f FocalPlaneYResolution N
0x9210 FocalPlaneResolutionUnit N
0x9211 ImageNumber N
0x9212 SecurityClassification N
0x9213 ImageHistory N
0x9214 SubjectLocation int16u
0x9215 ExposureIndex N
0x9216 TIFF-EPStandardID N
0x9217 SensingMethod N
0x927c MakerNoteCanon Canon
MakerNoteFujiFilm FujiFilm
MakerNotePentax Pentax
MakerNoteOlympus Olympus
MakerNotePanasonic Panasonic
MakerNoteLeica Panasonic
MakerNoteNikon Nikon
MakerNoteCasioEX-Z3 Casio Type2
MakerNoteCasio2 Casio Type2
MakerNoteCasio Casio Type1
MakerNoteMinolta Minolta
MakerNoteSanyo Sanyo
MakerNoteSigma Sigma
MakerNoteSony Sony
MakerNoteUnknown Unknown
0x9286 UserComment undef
0x9290 SubSecTime string
0x9291 SubSecTimeOriginal string
0x9292 SubSecTimeDigitized string
0x935c ImageSourceData N
0x9c9b XPTitle int8u
0x9c9c XPComment int8u
0x9c9d XPAuthor int8u
0x9c9e XPKeywords int8u
0x9c9f XPSubject int8u
0xa000 FlashpixVersion undef
0xa001 ColorSpace int16u
0xa002 ExifImageWidth int16u
0xa003 ExifImageLength int16u
0xa004 RelatedSoundFile string
0xa005 InteropOffset EXIF
0xa20b FlashEnergy rational32u
0xa20c SpatialFrequencyResponse N
0xa20d Noise N
0xa20e FocalPlaneXResolution rational32u
0xa20f FocalPlaneYResolution rational32u
0xa210 FocalPlaneResolutionUnit int16u
0xa211 ImageNumber N
0xa212 SecurityClassification N
0xa213 ImageHistory N
0xa214 SubjectLocation int16u
0xa215 ExposureIndex rational32u
0xa216 TIFF-EPStandardID N
0xa217 SensingMethod int16u
0xa300 FileSource undef
0xa301 SceneType undef
0xa302 CFAPattern N
0xa401 CustomRendered int16u
0xa402 ExposureMode int16u
0xa403 WhiteBalance int16u
0xa404 DigitalZoomRatio rational32u
0xa405 FocalLengthIn35mmFormat int16u
0xa406 SceneCaptureType int16u
0xa407 GainControl int16u
0xa408 Contrast int16u
0xa409 Saturation int16u
0xa40a Sharpness int16u
0xa40b DeviceSettingDescription N
0xa40c SubjectDistanceRange int16u
0xa420 ImageUniqueID string
0xa480 GDALMetadata N
0xa481 GDALNoData N
0xc427 OceScanjobDesc N
0xc428 OceApplicationSelector N
0xc429 OceIDNumber N
0xc42a OceImageLogic N
0xc44f Annotations N
0xc4a5 PrintIM PrintIM
0xc612 DNGVersion int8u
0xc613 DNGBackwardVersion N
0xc614 UniqueCameraModel string
0xc615 LocalizedCameraModel string
0xc616 CFAPlaneColor N
0xc617 CFALayout N
0xc618 LinearizationTable N
0xc619 BlackLevelRepeatDim N
0xc61a BlackLevel N
0xc61b BlackLevelDeltaH N
0xc61c BlackLevelDeltaV N
0xc61d WhiteLevel N
0xc61e DefaultScale rational32u
0xc61f DefaultCropOrigin int32u
0xc620 DefaultCropSize int32u
0xc621 ColorMatrix1 N
0xc622 ColorMatrix2 N
0xc623 CameraCalibration1 N
0xc624 CameraCalibration2 N
0xc625 ReductionMatrix1 N
0xc626 ReductionMatrix2 N
0xc627 AnalogBalance N
0xc628 AsShotNeutral N
0xc629 AsShotWhiteXY N
0xc62a BaselineExposure rational32s
0xc62b BaselineNoise rational32u
0xc62c BaselineSharpness rational32u
0xc62d BayerGreenSplit int32u
0xc62e LinearResponseLimit rational32u
0xc62f DNGCameraSerialNumber string
0xc630 DNGLensInfo rational32u
0xc631 ChromaBlurRadius rational32u
0xc632 AntiAliasStrength rational32u
0xc633 ShadowScale rational32u
0xc634 DNGPrivateData N
0xc635 MakerNoteSafety int16u
0xc65a CalibrationIlluminant1 N
0xc65b CalibrationIlluminant2 N
0xc65c BestQualityScale rational32u
0xc660 AliasLayerMetadata N
0xfde8 OwnerName string
0xfde9 SerialNumber string
0xfdea Lens string
0xfe4c RawFile string
0xfe4d Converter string
0xfe4e WhiteBalance string
0xfe51 Exposure string
0xfe52 Shadows string
0xfe53 Brightness string
0xfe54 Contrast string
0xfe55 Saturation string
0xfe56 Sharpness string
0xfe57 Smoothness string
0xfe58 MoireFilter string
XMP Tags
Tag ID Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
- Advisory Y
- ApertureValue Rational
- Artist Y
- Author Y
- AuthorsPosition Y
- BaseURL Y
- BitsPerSample Integer
- BlueHue Y
- BlueSaturation Y
- Brightness Y
- BrightnessValue Rational
- CFAPattern N
- CFAPatternColumns Integer
- CFAPatternRows Integer
- CFAPatternValues Integer
- CaptionWriter Y
- Category Y
- Certificate Y
- ChromaticAberrationB Y
- ChromaticAberrationR Y
- City Y
- ColorNoiseReduction Y
- ColorSpace Y
- ComponentsConfiguration Y
- CompressedBitsPerPixel Rational
- Compression Y
- Contrast Y
- Contributor Y
- Copyright LangAlt
- Country Y
- Coverage Y
- CreateDate Date
- CreationDate Date
- Creator Y
- CreatorTool Y
- Credit Y
- CustomRendered Y
- Date Date
- DateCreated Date
- DateTime Date
- DateTimeDigitized Date
- DateTimeOriginal Date
- DerivedFrom N
- DerivedFromDocumentID Y
- DerivedFromInstanceID Y
- DerivedFromManageTo Y
- DerivedFromManageUI Y
- DerivedFromManager Y
- DerivedFromManagerVariant Y
- DerivedFromRenditionClass Y
- DerivedFromRenditionParams Y
- DerivedFromVersionID Y
- Description LangAlt
- DeviceSettingDescription N
- DeviceSettingDescriptionColumns Integer
- DeviceSettingDescriptionRows Integer
- DeviceSettingDescriptionSettings Y
- DigitalZoomRatio Rational
- DocumentID Y
- ExifVersion Y
- Exposure Y
- ExposureCompensation Rational
- ExposureIndex Rational
- ExposureMode Y
- ExposureProgram Y
- ExposureTime Rational
- FNumber Rational
- FileSource Y
- Flash N
- FlashEnergy Rational
- FlashFired Boolean
- FlashFunction Boolean
- FlashMode Y
- FlashRedEyeMode Boolean
- FlashReturn Y
- FlashpixVersion Y
- FocalLength Rational
- FocalLengthIn35mmFormat Integer
- FocalPlaneResolutionUnit Y
- FocalPlaneXResolution Rational
- FocalPlaneYResolution Rational
- Format Y
- GPSAltitude Rational
- GPSAltitudeRef Y
- GPSAreaInformation Y
- GPSDestBearing Rational
- GPSDestBearingRef Y
- GPSDestDistance Rational
- GPSDestDistanceRef Y
- GPSDestLatitude Y
- GPSDestLongitude Y
- GPSDifferential Y
- GPSImgDirection Rational
- GPSImgDirectionRef Y
- GPSLatitude Y
- GPSLongitude Y
- GPSMapDatum Y
- GPSProcessingMethod Y
- GPSSatellites Y
- GPSSpeed Rational
- GPSSpeedRef Y
- GPSStatus Y
- GPSTimeStamp Date
- GPSTrack Rational
- GPSTrackRef Y
- GPSVersionID Y
- GainControl Y
- GreenHue Y
- GreenSaturation Y
- Headline Y
- History N
- HistoryAction Y
- HistoryInstanceID Y
- HistoryParameters Y
- HistorySoftwareAgent Y
- HistoryWhen Date
- ISO Integer
- Identifier Y
- ImageDescription LangAlt
- ImageHeight Integer
- ImageUniqueID Y
- ImageWidth Integer
- Instructions Y
- JobRef N
- JobRefId Y
- JobRefName Y
- JobRefUrl Y
- Keywords Y
- Language Y
- LastURL Y
- Lens Y
- LightSource Y
- LuminanceSmoothing Y
- Make Y
- MakerNote Y
- ManageTo Y
- ManageUI Y
- ManagedFrom N
- ManagedFromDocumentID Y
- ManagedFromInstanceID Y
- ManagedFromManageTo Y
- ManagedFromManageUI Y
- ManagedFromManager Y
- ManagedFromManagerVariant Y
- ManagedFromRenditionClass Y
- ManagedFromRenditionParams Y
- ManagedFromVersionID Y
- Manager Y
- ManagerVariant Y
- Marked Boolean
- MaxApertureValue Rational
- MetadataDate Date
- MeteringMode Y
- ModDate Date
- Model Y
- ModifyDate Date
- Nickname Y
- Opto-ElectricConvFactor N
- OECFColumns Integer
- OECFNames Y
- OECFRows Integer
- OECFValues Rational
- Orientation Y
- Owner Y
- PDFVersion Y
- PhotometricInterpretation Y
- ExifImageWidth Integer
- ExifImageHeight Integer
- PlanarConfiguration Y
- PrimaryChromaticities Rational
- Producer Y
- Publisher Y
- RawFileName Y
- RedHue Y
- RedSaturation Y
- ReferenceBlackWhite Rational
- RelatedSoundFile Y
- Relation Y
- RenditionClass Y
- RenditionOf N
- RenditionOfDocumentID Y
- RenditionOfInstanceID Y
- RenditionOfManageTo Y
- RenditionOfManageUI Y
- RenditionOfManager Y
- RenditionOfManagerVariant Y
- RenditionOfRenditionClass Y
- RenditionOfRenditionParams Y
- RenditionOfVersionID Y
- RenditionParams Y
- ResolutionUnit Y
- Rights LangAlt
- SamplesPerPixel Integer
- Saturation Y
- SaveID Integer
- SceneCaptureType Y
- SceneType Y
- SensingMethod Y
- SerialNumber Y
- ShadowTint Y
- Shadows Y
- Sharpness Y
- ShutterSpeedValue Rational
- Software Y
- Source Y
- SpatialFrequencyResponse N
- SpatialFrequencyResponseColumns Integer
- SpatialFrequencyResponseNames Y
- SpatialFrequencyResponseRows Integer
- SpatialFrequencyResponseValues Rational
- SpectralSensitivity Y
- State Y
- Subject Y
- SubjectArea Integer
- SubjectDistance Rational
- SubjectDistanceRange Y
- SubjectLocation Integer
- SupplementalCategories Y
- Thumbnails N
- ThumbnailsFormat Y
- ThumbnailsHeight Y
- ThumbnailsImage Y
- ThumbnailsWidth Y
- Title LangAlt
- TransferFunction Integer
- TransmissionReference Y
- Type Y
- Urgency Integer
- UsageTerms LangAlt
- UserComment LangAlt
- Version Y
- VersionID Y
- Versions N
- VersionsComments Y
- VersionsEvent N
- VersionsEventAction Y
- VersionsEventInstanceID Y
- VersionsEventParameters Y
- VersionsEventSoftwareAgent Y
- VersionsEventWhen Date
- VersionsModifier Y
- VersionsModifyDate Date
- VersionsVersion Y
- VignetteAmount Y
- VignetteMidpoint Y
- WebStatement Y
- WhiteBalance Y
- WhitePoint Rational
- XResolution Rational
- YCbCrCoefficients Rational
- YCbCrSubSampling Y
- YResolution Rational
The IPTC specification dictates a length for most ASCII (string or digits) and integer (binary) values. These lengths are given in square brackets after the Writable format name. Where a minimum and maximum length are specified, both values are given, separated by a comma.
IPTC information is separated into different records, each of which has its own set of tags.
Record Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
0x0001 IPTCEnvelope IPTC EnvelopeRecord
0x0002 IPTCApplication IPTC ApplicationRecord
0x0003 IPTCNewsPhoto IPTC NewsPhoto
0x0007 IPTCPreObjectData IPTC PreObjectData
0x0008 IPTCObjectData IPTC ObjectData
0x0009 IPTCPostObjectData IPTC PostObjectData
IPTC EnvelopeRecord Tags
Tag ID Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
0x0000 EnvelopeRecordVersion binary[2]
0x0005 Destination string[0,1024]
0x0014 FileFormat binary[2]
0x0016 FileVersion binary[2]
0x001e ServiceIdentifier string[0,10]
0x0028 EnvelopeNumber digits[8]
0x0032 ProductID string[0,32]
0x003c EnvelopePriority digits[1]
0x0046 DateSent digits[8]
0x0050 TimeSent string[11]
0x005a CodedCharacterSet string[0,32]
0x0064 UniqueObjectName string[14,80]
0x0078 ARMIdentifier binary[2]
0x007a ARMVersion binary[2]
IPTC ApplicationRecord Tags
Tag ID Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
0x0000 ApplicationRecordVersion binary[2]
0x0003 ObjectTypeReference string[3,67]
0x0004 ObjectAttributeReference string[4,68]
0x0005 ObjectName string[0,64]
0x0007 EditStatus string[0,64]
0x0008 EditorialUpdate digits[2]
0x000a Urgency digits[1]
0x000c SubjectReference string[13,236]
0x000f Category string[0,3]
0x0014 SupplementalCategories string[0,32]
0x0016 FixtureIdentifier string[0,32]
0x0019 Keywords string[0,64]
0x001a ContentLocationCode string[3]
0x001b ContentLocationName string[0,64]
0x001e ReleaseDate digits[8]
0x0023 ReleaseTime digits[11]
0x0025 ExpirationDate digits[8]
0x0026 ExpirationTime digits[11]
0x0028 SpecialInstructions string[0,256]
0x002a ActionAdvised digits[2]
0x002d ReferenceService string[0,10]
0x002f ReferenceDate digits[8]
0x0032 ReferenceNumber digits[8]
0x0037 DateCreated digits[8]
0x003c TimeCreated digits[11]
0x003e DigitalCreationDate digits[8]
0x003f DigitalCreationTime digits[11]
0x0041 OriginatingProgram string[0,32]
0x0046 ProgramVersion string[0,10]
0x004b ObjectCycle string[1]
0x0050 By-line string[0,32]
0x0055 By-lineTitle string[0,32]
0x005a City string[0,32]
0x005c Sub-location string[0,32]
0x005f Province-State string[0,32]
0x0064 Country-PrimaryLocationCode string[3]
0x0065 Country-PrimaryLocationName string[0,64]
0x0067 OriginalTransmissionReference string[0,32]
0x0069 Headline string[0,256]
0x006e Credit string[0,32]
0x0073 Source string[0,32]
0x0074 CopyrightNotice string[0,128]
0x0076 Contact string[0,128]
0x0078 Caption-Abstract string[0,2000]
0x007a Writer-Editor string[0,32]
0x007d RasterizedCaption string[7360]
0x0082 ImageType string[2]
0x0083 ImageOrientation string[1]
0x0087 LanguageIdentifier string[2,3]
0x0096 AudioType string[2]
0x0097 AudioSamplingRate digits[6]
0x0098 AudioSamplingResolution digits[2]
0x0099 AudioDuration digits[6]
0x009a AudioOutcue string[0,64]
0x00c8 ObjectPreviewFileFormat binary[2]
0x00c9 ObjectPreviewFileVersion binary[2]
0x00ca ObjectPreviewData string[0,256000]
IPTC NewsPhoto Tags
Tag ID Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
0x0000 NewsPhotoVersion binary[2]
0x000a IPTCPictureNumber string[0,16]
0x0014 IPTCImageWidth binary[2]
0x001e IPTCImageHeight binary[2]
0x0028 IPTCPixelWidth binary[2]
0x0032 IPTCPixelHeight binary[2]
0x0037 SupplementalType binary[1]
0x003c ColorRepresentation binary[1]
0x0040 InterchangeColorSpace binary[1]
0x0041 ColorSequence binary[1]
0x0054 NumIndexEntries binary[2]
0x0056 IPTCBitsPerSample binary[1]
0x005a SampleStructure binary[1]
0x0064 ScanningDirection binary[1]
0x0066 IPTCImageRotation binary[1]
0x006e DataCompressionMethod binary[1]
0x0078 QuantizationMethod binary[1]
0x007d EndPoints binary[1]
0x0082 ExcursionTolerance binary[1]
0x0087 BitsPerComponent binary[1]
IPTC PreObjectData Tags
Tag ID Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
0x000a SizeMode N
0x0014 MaxSubfileSize N
0x005a ObjectSizeAnnounced N
0x005f MaximumObjectSize N
IPTC ObjectData Tags
Tag ID Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
0x000a SubFile N
IPTC PostObjectData Tags
Tag ID Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
0x000a ConfirmedObjectSize N
ICC_Profile Tags
Tag ID Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
'A2B0' AToB0 N
'A2B1' AToB1 N
'A2B2' AToB2 N
'B2A0' BToA0 N
'B2A1' BToA1 N
'B2A2' BToA2 N
'Header' ProfileHeader ICC_Profile Header
'bTRC' BlueTRC N
'bXYZ' BlueMatrixColumn N
'bfd ' UCRBG N
'bkpt' MediaBlackPoint N
'calt' CalibrationDateTime N
'chad' ChromaticAdaptation N
'chrm' Chromaticity ICC_Profile Chromaticity
'clro' ColorantOrder N
'clrt' ColorantTable ICC_Profile ColorantTable
'cprt' Copyright N
'crdi' CRDInfo N
'desc' ProfileDescription N
'devs' DeviceSettings N
'dmdd' DeviceModelDesc N
'dmnd' DeviceMfgDesc N
'dscm' ProfileDescriptionML N
'gTRC' GreenTRC N
'gXYZ' GreenMatrixColumn N
'gamt' Gamut N
'kTRC' GrayTRC N
'lumi' Luminance N
'meas' Measurement ICC_Profile Measurement
'mmod' MakeAndModel N
'ncl2' NamedColor2 N
'ncol' NamedColor N
'ndin' NativeDisplayInfo N
'pre0' Preview0 N
'pre1' Preview1 N
'pre2' Preview2 N
'ps2i' PS2RenteringIntent N
'ps2s' PostScript2CSA N
'psd0' PostScript2CRD0 N
'psd1' PostScript2CRD1 N
'psd2' PostScript2CRD2 N
'pseq' ProfileSequenceDesc N
'psvm' PS2CRDVMSize N
'rXYZ' RedMatrixColumn N
'resp' OutputResponse N
'scrd' ScreeningDesc N
'scrn' Screening N
'targ' CharTarget N
'tech' Technology N
'vcgt' VideoCardGamma N
'view' ViewingConditions ICC_Profile ViewingConditions
'vued' ViewingCondDesc N
'wtpt' MediaWhitePoint N
ICC_Profile Header Tags
Index Tag Name Writable
----- -------- --------
4 ProfileCMMType N
8 ProfileVersion N
12 ProfileClass N
16 ColorSpaceData N
20 ProfileConnectionSpace N
24 ProfileDateTime N
36 ProfileFileSignature N
40 PrimaryPlatform N
44 CMMFlags N
48 DeviceManufacturer N
52 DeviceModel N
56 DeviceAttributes N
64 RenderingIntent N
68 ProfileConnectionSpace N
80 ProfileCreator N
84 ProfileID N
ICC_Profile Chromaticity Tags
Index Tag Name Writable
----- -------- --------
8 ChromaticityChannels N
10 ChromaticityColorant N
12 ChromaticityChannel1 N
20 ChromaticityChannel2 N
28 ChromaticityChannel3 N
36 ChromaticityChannel4 N
ICC_Profile ColorantTable Tags
Index Tag Name Writable
----- -------- --------
8 ColorantCount N
12 Colorant1Name N
44 Colorant1Coordinates N
50 Colorant2Name N
82 Colorant2Coordinates N
88 Colorant3Name N
120 Colorant3Coordinates N
ICC_Profile Measurement Tags
Index Tag Name Writable
----- -------- --------
8 MeasurementObserver N
12 MeasurementBacking N
24 MeasurementGeometry N
28 MeasurementFlare N
32 MeasurementIlluminant N
ICC_Profile ViewingConditions Tags
Index Tag Name Writable
----- -------- --------
8 ViewingCondIlluminant N
20 ViewingCondSurround N
32 ViewingCondIlluminantType N
GPS Tags
Tag ID Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
0x0000 GPSVersionID int8u
0x0001 GPSLatitudeRef string
0x0002 GPSLatitude rational32u
0x0003 GPSLongitudeRef string
0x0004 GPSLongitude rational32u
0x0005 GPSAltitudeRef int8u
0x0006 GPSAltitude rational32u
0x0007 GPSTimeStamp rational32u
0x0008 GPSSatellites string
0x0009 GPSStatus string
0x000a GPSMeasureMode string
0x000b GPSDOP rational32u
0x000c GPSSpeedRef string
0x000d GPSSpeed rational32u
0x000e GPSTrackRef string
0x000f GPSTrack rational32u
0x0010 GPSImgDirectionRef string
0x0011 GPSImgDirection rational32u
0x0012 GPSMapDatum string
0x0013 GPSDestLatitudeRef string
0x0014 GPSDestLatitude rational32u
0x0015 GPSDestLongitudeRef string
0x0016 GPSDestLongitude rational32u
0x0017 GPSDestBearingRef string
0x0018 GPSDestBearing rational32u
0x0019 GPSDestDistanceRef string
0x001a GPSDestDistance rational32u
0x001b GPSProcessingMethod undef
0x001c GPSAreaInformation undef
0x001d GPSDateStamp string
0x001e GPSDifferential int16u
Canon Tags
Tag ID Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
0x0001 CanonCameraSettings Canon CameraSettings
0x0002 CanonFocalLength Canon FocalLength
0x0004 CanonShotInfo Canon ShotInfo
0x0006 CanonImageType string
0x0007 CanonFirmwareVersion string
0x0008 FileNumber int32u
0x0009 OwnerName string
0x000a CanonColorInfoD30 Canon ColorInfoD30
0x000c SerialNumber int32u
0x000e CanonFileLength int32u
0x000f CanonCustomFunctions10D CanonCustom Functions10D
CanonCustomFunctions20D CanonCustom Functions20D
CanonCustomFunctions CanonCustom Functions
0x0012 CanonPictureInfo Canon PictureInfo
0x0090 CanonCustomFunctions1D CanonCustom Functions1D
0x0093 CanonFileInfo Canon FileInfo
0x00a0 CanonColorInfo Canon ColorInfo
0x00a9 WhiteBalanceTable Canon WhiteBalance
0x00ae ColorTemperature int16u
0x00b6 PreviewImageInfo Canon PreviewImageInfo
Canon CameraSettings Tags
Index Tag Name Writable
----- -------- --------
1 MacroMode Y
2 Self-timer Y
3 Quality Y
4 CanonFlashMode Y
5 ContinuousDrive Y
7 FocusMode Y
10 CanonImageSize Y
11 EasyMode Y
12 DigitalZoom Y
13 Contrast Y
14 Saturation Y
15 Sharpness Y
16 CameraISO Y
17 MeteringMode Y
18 FocusType Y
19 AFPoint Y
20 CanonExposureMode Y
22 LensType Y
23 LongFocal Y
24 ShortFocal Y
25 FocalUnits Y
28 FlashActivity Y
29 FlashBits Y
32 FocusContinuous Y
36 ZoomedResolution Y
37 ZoomedResolutionBase Y
42 ColorTone Y
Canon FocalLength Tags
Index Tag Name Writable
----- -------- --------
1 FocalLength Y
2 FocalPlaneXSize Y
3 FocalPlaneYSize Y
Canon ShotInfo Tags
Index Tag Name Writable
----- -------- --------
6 ExposureCompensation Y
7 WhiteBalance Y
9 SequenceNumber Y
14 IxusAFPoint Y
15 FlashExposureComp Y
16 AutoExposureBracketing Y
17 AEBBracketValue Y
19 FocusDistanceUpper Y
20 FocusDistanceLower Y
21 FNumber Y
22 ExposureTime Y
24 BulbDuration int32s
27 AutoRotate Y
29 Self-timer2 Y
Canon ColorInfoD30 Tags
Index Tag Name Writable
----- -------- --------
9 ColorTemperature Y
10 ColorMatrix Y
CanonCustom Functions10D Tags
Tag ID Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
0x0001 SetButtonFunction Y
0x0002 ShutterReleaseNoCFCard Y
0x0003 FlashSyncSpeedAv Y
0x0004 Shutter-AELock Y
0x0005 AFAssist Y
0x0006 ExposureLevelIncrements Y
0x0007 AFPointRegistration Y
0x0008 RawAndJpgRecording Y
0x0009 AEBSequence Y
0x000a SuperimposedDisplay Y
0x000b MenuButtonDisplayPosition Y
0x000c MirrorLockup Y
0x000d AssistButtonFunction Y
0x000e FillFlashAutoReduction Y
0x000f ShutterCurtainSync Y
0x0010 SafetyShiftInAvOrTv Y
0x0011 LensAFStopButton Y
CanonCustom Functions20D Tags
Tag ID Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
0x0000 SetFunctionWhenShooting Y
0x0001 LongExposureNoiseReduction Y
0x0002 FlashSyncSpeedAv Y
0x0003 Shutter-AELock Y
0x0004 AFAssistBeam Y
0x0005 ExposureLevelIncrements Y
0x0006 FlashFiring Y
0x0007 ISOExpansion Y
0x0008 AEBSequence Y
0x0009 SuperimposedDisplay Y
0x000a MenuButtonDisplayPosition Y
0x000b MirrorLockup Y
0x000c AFPointSelectionMethod Y
0x000d ETTLII Y
0x000e ShutterCurtainSync Y
0x000f SafetyShiftInAVorTV Y
0x0010 LensAFStopButton Y
0x0011 AddOriginalDecisionData Y
CanonCustom Functions Tags
Tag ID Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
0x0001 LongExposureNoiseReduction Y
0x0002 Shutter-AELock Y
0x0003 MirrorLockup Y
0x0004 ExposureLevelIncrements Y
0x0005 AFAssist Y
0x0006 FlashSyncSpeedAv Y
0x0007 AEBSequence Y
0x0008 ShutterCurtainSync Y
0x0009 LensAFStopButton Y
0x000a FillFlashAutoReduction Y
0x000b MenuButtonReturn Y
0x000c SetButtonFunction Y
0x000d SensorCleaning Y
0x000e SuperimposedDisplay Y
0x000f ShutterReleaseNoCFCard Y
Canon PictureInfo Tags
Index Tag Name Writable
----- -------- --------
2 CanonImageWidth Y
3 CanonImageHeight Y
4 CanonImageWidthAsShot Y
5 CanonImageHeightAsShot Y
22 AFPointsUsed Y
CanonCustom Functions1D Tags
Tag ID Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
0x0000 FocusingScreen Y
0x0001 FinderDisplayDuringExposure Y
0x0002 ShutterReleaseNoCFCard Y
0x0003 ISOSpeedExpansion Y
0x0004 ShutterAELButton Y
0x0005 ManualTv Y
0x0006 ExposureLevelIncrements Y
0x0007 USMLensElectronicMF Y
0x0008 LCDPanels Y
0x0009 AEBSequence Y
0x000a AFPointIllumination Y
0x000b AFPointSelection Y
0x000c MirrorLockup Y
0x000d AFPointSpotMetering Y
0x000e FillFlashAutoReduction Y
0x000f ShutterCurtainSync Y
0x0010 SafetyShiftInAvOrTv Y
0x0011 AFPointActivationArea Y
0x0012 SwitchToRegisteredAFPoint Y
0x0013 LensAFStopButton Y
0x0014 AIServoTrackingSensitivity Y
Canon FileInfo Tags
Index Tag Name Writable
----- -------- --------
1 FileNumber int32u
Canon ColorInfo Tags
Index Tag Name Writable
----- -------- --------
9 ColorTemperature Y
Canon WhiteBalance Tags
Index Tag Name Writable
----- -------- --------
0 RedBalanceAuto N
1 BlueBalanceAuto N
2 RedBalanceDaylight N
3 BlueBalanceDaylight N
4 RedBalanceCloudy N
5 BlueBalanceCloudy N
6 RedBalanceTungsten N
7 BlueBalanceTungsten N
8 RedBalanceFluorescent N
9 BlueBalanceFluorescent N
10 RedBalanceFlash N
11 BlueBalanceFlash N
12 RedBalanceCustom N
13 BlueBalanceCustom N
14 RedBalanceB&W N
15 BlueBalanceB&W N
16 RedBalanceShade N
17 BlueBalanceShade N
Canon PreviewImageInfo Tags
Index Tag Name Writable
----- -------- --------
2 PreviewImageLength N*
3 PreviewImageWidth Y
4 PreviewImageHeight Y
5 PreviewImageStart N*
6 PreviewFocalPlaneXResolution rational32s
8 PreviewFocalPlaneYResolution rational32s
FujiFilm Tags
Tag ID Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
0x0000 Version undef
0x1000 Quality string
0x1001 Sharpness int16u
0x1002 WhiteBalance int16u
0x1003 Saturation int16u
0x1004 Contrast int16u
0x1010 FujiFlashMode int16u
0x1011 FlashStrength rational32s
0x1020 Macro int16u
0x1021 FocusMode int16u
0x1030 SlowSync int16u
0x1031 PictureMode int16u
0x1100 AutoBracketing int16u
0x1300 BlurWarning int16u
0x1301 FocusWarning int16u
0x1302 ExposureWarning int16u
Pentax Tags
Tag ID Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
0x0001 PentaxMode int16u
0x0002 PreviewImageSize int16u
0x0003 PreviewImageLength int32u*
0x0004 PreviewImageStart int32u*
0x0008 Quality int16u
0x0009 PentaxImageSize int16u
0x000b PictureMode int16u
0x000d FocusMode int16u
0x0014 ISO int16u
0x0017 MeteringMode int16u
0x0019 WhiteBalance int16u
0x001d FocalLength int32u
0x001e DigitalZoom int16u
0x001f Saturation int16u
0x0020 Contrast int16u
0x0021 Sharpness int16u
0x0039 RawImageSize int16u
0x003f LensType int8u
0x0e00 PrintIM PrintIM
PrintIM Tags
Tag ID Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
Olympus Tags
Tag ID Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
0x0200 SpecialMode int32u
0x0201 Quality int16u
0x0202 Macro int16u
0x0204 DigitalZoom rational32u
0x0207 SoftwareRelease Y
0x0208 PictInfo Y
0x0209 CameraID string
0x020b EpsonImageWidth int16u
0x020c EpsonImageHeight int16u
0x020d EpsonSoftware Y
0x0f00 DataDump N
0x1017 RedBalance int16u
0x1018 BlueBalance int16u
Panasonic Tags
Tag ID Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
0x0001 ImageQuality int16u
0x0002 FirmwareVersion int8u
0x0003 WhiteBalance int16u
0x0007 FocusMode int16u
0x000f SpotMode int8u
0x001a ImageStabilizer int16u
0x001c MacroMode int16u
0x001f ShootingMode int16u
0x0020 Audio int16u
0x0021 DataDump N
0x0023 WhiteBalanceBias int16s
0x0024 FlashBias int16s
0x0025 SerialNumber Y
0x0028 ColorEffect int16u
0x002c Contrast int16u
0x002d NoiseReduction int16u
0x0e00 PrintIM PrintIM
Nikon Tags
Tag ID Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
0x0001 FileSystemVersion undef
0x0002 ISO int16u
0x0003 ColorMode Y
0x0004 Quality Y
0x0005 WhiteBalance Y
0x0006 Sharpness Y
0x0007 FocusMode Y
0x0008 FlashSetting Y
0x0009 FlashType Y
0x000b WhiteBalanceFineTune int16u
0x000c ColorBalance1 Y
0x000f ISOSelection Y
0x0010 DataDump N
0x0011 NikonPreview Nikon PreviewImage
0x0012 FlashExposureComp int32s
0x0013 ISOSetting int16u
0x0016 ImageBoundry Y
0x0018 FlashExposureBracketValue int32s
0x0019 ExposureBracketValue rational32s
0x0080 ImageAdjustment Y
0x0081 ToneComp Y
0x0082 AuxiliaryLens Y
0x0083 LensType int8u
0x0084 Lens rational32u
0x0085 ManualFocusDistance rational32u
0x0086 DigitalZoom rational32u
0x0087 FlashMode int8u
0x0088 AFPoint int32u
0x0089 ShootingMode int16u
0x008c NEFCurve1 N
0x008d ColorHue Y
0x008f SceneMode Y
0x0090 LightSource Y
0x0092 HueAdjustment int16s
0x0094 Saturation Y
0x0095 NoiseReduction Y
0x0096 NEFCurve2 N
0x0097 ColorBalanceD70 Nikon ColorBalanceD70
ColorBalance2DH Nikon ColorBalanceD2H
ColorBalanceD100 Nikon ColorBalanceD100
0x0099 NEFThumbnailSize int16u
0x00a0 SerialNumber Y
0x00a7 ShutterCount int32u
0x00a9 ImageOptimization Y
0x00aa Saturation Y
0x00ab VariProgram Y
0x0e00 PrintIM PrintIM
0x0e0e NikonCaptureOffsets Nikon NikonCaptureOffsets
Nikon PreviewImage Tags
Tag ID Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
0x0103 Compression N
0x011a XResolution N
0x011b YResolution N
0x0128 ResolutionUnit N
0x0201 PreviewImageStart int32u*
0x0202 PreviewImageLength int32u*
0x0213 YCbCrPositioning N
Nikon ColorBalanceD70 Tags
Index Tag Name Writable
----- -------- --------
0 RedBalance Y
1 BlueBalance Y
Nikon ColorBalanceD2H Tags
Index Tag Name Writable
----- -------- --------
0 RedBalance Y
1 BlueBalance Y
Nikon ColorBalanceD100 Tags
Index Tag Name Writable
----- -------- --------
0 RedBalance Y
1 BlueBalance Y
Nikon NikonCaptureOffsets Tags
Tag ID Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
0x0001 IFD0_Offset N
0x0002 PreviewIFD_Offset N
0x0003 SubIFD_Offset N
Casio Type2 Tags
Tag ID Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
0x0002 PreviewImageSize int16u
0x0003 CasioPreviewLength Y
0x0004 CasioPreviewStart N
0x0008 QualityMode int16u
0x0009 CasioImageSize int16u
0x000d FocusMode int16u
0x0014 ISO int16u
0x0019 WhiteBalance int16u
0x001d FocalLength rational32u
0x001f Saturation int16u
0x0020 Contrast int16u
0x0021 Sharpness int16u
0x0e00 PrintIM PrintIM
0x2000 PreviewImage undef
0x2011 WhiteBalanceBias int16u
0x2012 WhiteBalance int16u
0x2022 ObjectDistance int32u
0x2034 FlashDistance int16u
0x3000 RecordMode int16u
0x3001 SelfTimer int16u
0x3002 Quality int16u
0x3003 FocusMode int16u
0x3006 TimeZone string
0x3007 BestshotMode int16u
0x3014 CCDISOSensitivity int16u
0x3015 ColorMode int16u
0x3016 Enhancement int16u
0x3017 Filter int16u
Casio Type1 Tags
Tag ID Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
0x0001 RecordingMode int16u
0x0002 Quality int16u
0x0003 FocusMode int16u
0x0004 FlashMode int16u
0x0005 FlashIntensity int16u
0x0006 ObjectDistance int32u
0x0007 WhiteBalance int16u
0x000a DigitalZoom int32u
0x000b Sharpness int16u
0x000c Contrast int16u
0x000d Saturation int16u
0x0014 CCDSensitivity int16u
Minolta Tags
Tag ID Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
0x0000 MakerNoteVersion Y
0x0001 MinoltaCameraSettingsOld Minolta CameraSettings
0x0003 MinoltaCameraSettings Minolta CameraSettings
0x0018 ImageStabilization N
0x0040 CompressedImageSize int32u
0x0081 PreviewImageData N
0x0088 PreviewImageStart int32u*
0x0089 PreviewImageLength int32u*
0x0101 ColorMode Y
0x0102 MinoltaQuality Y
0x0103 MinoltaQuality Y
0x0e00 PrintIM PrintIM
0x0f00 MinoltaCameraSettings2 N
Minolta CameraSettings Tags
Index Tag Name Writable
----- -------- --------
1 ExposureMode Y
2 FlashMode Y
3 WhiteBalance Y
4 MinoltaImageSize Y
5 MinoltaQuality Y
6 DriveMode Y
7 MeteringMode Y
8 MinoltaISO Y
9 MinoltaShutterSpeed Y
10 MinoltaAperture Y
11 MacroMode Y
12 DigitalZoom Y
13 ExposureCompensation Y
14 BracketStep Y
16 IntervalLength Y
17 IntervalNumber Y
18 FocalLength Y
19 FocusDistance Y
20 FlashFired Y
21 MinoltaDate Y
22 MinoltaTime Y
23 MaxAperture Y
26 FileNumberMemory Y
27 LastFileNumber Y
28 ColorBalanceRed Y
29 ColorBalanceGreen Y
30 ColorBalanceBlue Y
31 Saturation Y
32 Contrast Y
33 Sharpness Y
34 SubjectProgram Y
35 FlashExposureComp Y
36 ISOSetting Y
37 MinoltaModel Y
38 IntervalMode Y
39 FolderName Y
40 ColorMode Y
41 ColorFilter Y
42 BWFilter Y
43 InternalFlash Y
44 Brightness Y
45 SpotFocusPointX Y
46 SpotFocusPointY Y
47 WideFocusZone Y
48 FocusMode Y
49 FocusArea Y
50 DECPosition Y
Sanyo Tags
Tag ID Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
0x00ff MakerNoteOffset int32u
0x0100 SanyoThumbnail Y
0x0200 SpecialMode int32u
0x0201 SanyoQuality int16u
0x0202 Macro in16u
0x0204 DigitalZoom rational32u
0x0207 SoftwareVersion Y
0x0208 PictInfo Y
0x0209 CameraID Y
0x020e SequentialShot int16u
0x020f WideRange int16u
0x0210 ColorAdjustmentMode int16u
0x0213 QuickShot int16u
0x0214 SelfTimer int16u
0x0216 VoiceMemo int16u
0x0217 RecordShutterRelease int16u
0x0218 FlickerReduce int16u
0x0219 OpticalZoomOn int16u
0x021b DigitalZoomOn int16u
0x021d LightSourceSpecial int16u
0x021e Resaved int16u
0x021f SceneSelect int16u
0x0223 ManualFocusDistance rational32u
0x0224 SequenceShotInterval int16u
0x0225 FlashMode int16u
0x0e00 PrintIM PrintIM
0x0f00 DataDump N
Sigma Tags
Tag ID Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
0x0002 SerialNumber Y
0x0003 DriveMode Y
0x0004 ResolutionMode Y
0x0005 AFMode Y
0x0006 FocusSetting Y
0x0007 WhiteBalance Y
0x0008 ExposureMode Y
0x0009 MeteringMode Y
0x000a Lens Y
0x000b ColorSpace Y
0x000c ExposureCompensation Y
0x000d Contrast Y
0x000e Shadow Y
0x000f Highlight Y
0x0010 Saturation Y
0x0011 Sharpness Y
0x0012 X3FillLight Y
0x0014 ColorAdjustment Y
0x0015 AdjustmentMode Y
0x0016 Quality Y
0x0017 Firmware Y
0x0018 Software Y
0x0019 AutoBracket Y
Sony Tags
Tag ID Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
0x0e00 PrintIM PrintIM
Unknown Tags
Tag ID Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
0x0e00 PrintIM PrintIM
CanonRaw Tags
When writing CanonRaw information, the length of the information is preserved (and the new information is truncated or padded as required) unless Writable is 'resize'. Currently, only JpgFromRaw is allowed to change size.
Tag ID Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
0x0000 NullRecord Y
0x0001 FreeBytes Y
0x0032 CanonColorInfo1 N
0x0805 CanonFileDescription Y
0x080a CanonRawMakeModel CanonRaw MakeModel
0x080b CanonFirmwareVersion Y
0x080c ComponentVersion Y
0x080d ROMOperationMode Y
0x0810 OwnerName Y
0x0815 CanonImageType Y
0x0816 OriginalFileName Y
0x0817 ThumbnailFileName Y
0x100a TargetImageType Y
0x1010 ShutterReleaseMethod Y
0x1011 ShutterReleaseTiming Y
0x1016 ReleaseSetting Y
0x101c BaseISO Y
0x1029 CanonFocalLength Canon FocalLength
0x102a CanonShotInfo Canon ShotInfo
0x102c CanonColorInfo2 N
0x102d CanonCameraSettings Canon CameraSettings
0x1031 SensorInfo CanonRaw SensorInfo
0x1033 CanonCustomFunctions10D CanonCustom Functions10D
CanonCustomFunctions20D CanonCustom Functions20D
CanonCustomFunctions CanonCustom Functions
0x1038 CanonPictureInfo Canon PictureInfo
0x10a9 WhiteBalanceTable Canon WhiteBalance
0x10ae ColorTemperature Y
0x10b4 ColorSpace Y
0x1803 ImageFormat CanonRaw ImageFormat
0x1804 RecordID Y
0x1806 SelfTimerTime Y
0x1807 TargetDistanceSetting float
0x180b SerialNumber Y
0x180e TimeStamp CanonRaw TimeStamp
0x1810 ImageInfo CanonRaw ImageInfo
0x1813 FlashInfo CanonRaw FlashInfo
0x1814 MeasuredEV float
0x1817 FileNumber Y
0x1818 ExposureInfo CanonRaw ExposureInfo
0x1835 DecoderTable N
0x2005 RawData N
0x2007 JpgFromRaw resize
0x2804 ImageDescription CanonRaw
0x2807 CameraObject CanonRaw
0x3002 ShootingRecord CanonRaw
0x3003 MeasuredInfo CanonRaw
0x3004 CameraSpecification CanonRaw
0x300a ImageProps CanonRaw
0x300b ExifInformation CanonRaw
CanonRaw MakeModel Tags
Index Tag Name Writable
----- -------- --------
0 Make string[6]
6 Model string[$size-6]
CanonRaw SensorInfo Tags
Index Tag Name Writable
----- -------- --------
1 SensorWidth N
2 SensorHeight N
5 SensorLeftBorder N
6 SensorTopBorder N
7 SensorRightBorder N
8 SensorBottomBorder N
CanonRaw ImageFormat Tags
Index Tag Name Writable
----- -------- --------
0 FileFormat Y
1 TargetCompressionRatio float
CanonRaw TimeStamp Tags
Index Tag Name Writable
----- -------- --------
0 DateTimeOriginal Y
1 TimeZoneCode int32s
2 TimeZoneInfo Y
CanonRaw ImageInfo Tags
Index Tag Name Writable
----- -------- --------
0 ImageWidth N
1 ImageHeight N
2 PixelAspectRatio N
3 Rotation N
4 ComponentBitDepth N
5 ColorBitDepth N
6 ColorBW N
CanonRaw FlashInfo Tags
Index Tag Name Writable
----- -------- --------
0 FlashGuideNumber Y
1 FlashThreshold Y
CanonRaw ExposureInfo Tags
Index Tag Name Writable
----- -------- --------
0 ExposureCompensation Y
1 TvValue Y
2 AvValue Y
Photoshop Tags
Tag ID Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
0x03ee AlphaChannelsNames N
0x0404 IPTCData IPTC
0x0406 JPEG_Quality Photoshop JPEG_Quality
0x040b URL N
0x040c PhotoshopThumbnail N
Photoshop JPEG_Quality Tags
Index Tag Name Writable
----- -------- --------
0 PhotoshopQuality N
1 PhotoshopFormat N
2 ProgressiveScans N
GeoTiff Tags
Tag ID Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
0x0001 GeoTiffVersion N
0x0400 GTModelType N
0x0401 GTRasterType N
0x0402 GTCitation N
0x0800 GeographicType N
0x0801 GeogCitation N
0x0802 GeogGeodeticDatum N
0x0803 GeogPrimeMeridian N
0x0804 GeogLinearUnits N
0x0805 GeogLinearUnitSize N
0x0806 GeogAngularUnits N
0x0807 GeogAngularUnitSize N
0x0808 GeogEllipsoid N
0x0809 GeogSemiMajorAxis N
0x080a GeogSemiMinorAxis N
0x080b GeogInvFlattening N
0x080c GeogAzimuthUnits N
0x080d GeogPrimeMeridianLong N
0x0c00 ProjectedCSType N
0x0c01 PCSCitation N
0x0c02 Projection N
0x0c03 ProjCoordTrans N
0x0c04 ProjLinearUnits N
0x0c05 ProjLinearUnitSize N
0x0c06 ProjStdParallel1 N
0x0c07 ProjStdParallel2 N
0x0c08 ProjNatOriginLong N
0x0c09 ProjNatOriginLat N
0x0c0a ProjFalseEasting N
0x0c0b ProjFalseNorthing N
0x0c0c ProjFalseOriginLong N
0x0c0d ProjFalseOriginLat N
0x0c0e ProjFalseOriginEasting N
0x0c0f ProjFalseOriginNorthing N
0x0c10 ProjCenterLong N
0x0c11 ProjCenterLat N
0x0c12 ProjCenterEasting N
0x0c13 ProjCenterNorthing N
0x0c14 ProjScaleAtNatOrigin N
0x0c15 ProjScaleAtCenter N
0x0c16 ProjAzimuthAngle N
0x0c17 ProjStraightVertPoleLong N
0x0c18 ProjRectifiedGridAngle N
0x1000 VerticalCSType N
0x1001 VerticalCitation N
0x1002 VerticalDatum N
0x1003 VerticalUnits N
Jpeg2000 Tags
Tag ID Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
'asoc' Association N
'bfil' BinaryFilter N
'bpcc' BitsPerComponent N
'cdef' ComponentDefinition N
'cgrp' ColorGroup N
'chck' DigitalSignature N
'cmap' ComponentMapping N
'colr' ColorSpecification ICC_Profile
'comp' Composition N
'copt' CompositionOptions N
'cref' Cross-Reference N
'creg' CodestreamRegistration N
'drep' DesiredReproductions N
'dtbl' DataReference N
'flst' FragmentList N
'free' Free N
'ftbl' FragmentTable N
'ftyp' FileType N
'gtso' GraphicsTechnologyStandardOutput N
'ihdr' ImageHeader Jpeg2000 ImageHeader
'inst' InstructionSet N
'jP ' JP2Signature N
'jp2c' ContiguousCodestream N
'jp2h' JP2Header Jpeg2000
'jp2i' IntellectualProperty XMP
'jpch' CodestreamHeader Jpeg2000
'jplh' CompositingLayerHeader Jpeg2000
'lbl ' Label N
'mdat' MediaData N
'mp7b' MPEG7Binary N
'nlst' NumberList N
'opct' Opacity N
'pclr' Palette N
'prfl' Profile N
'res ' Resolution Jpeg2000
'resc' CaptureResolution Jpeg2000 CaptureResolution
'resd' DisplayResolution Jpeg2000 DisplayResolution
'roid' ROIDescription N
'rreq' ReaderRequirements N
'uinf' UUIDInfo Jpeg2000
'ulst' UUIDList N
'url ' URL N
'uuid' UUID EXIF
'xml ' XML XMP
Jpeg2000 ImageHeader Tags
Index Tag Name Writable
----- -------- --------
0 ImageHeight N
4 ImageWidth N
8 NumberOfComponents N
10 BitsPerComponent N
11 Compression N
Jpeg2000 CaptureResolution Tags
Index Tag Name Writable
----- -------- --------
0 CaptureYResolution N
4 CaptureXResolution N
8 CaptureYResolutionUnit N
9 CaptureXResolutionUnit N
Jpeg2000 DisplayResolution Tags
Index Tag Name Writable
----- -------- --------
0 DisplayYResolution N
4 DisplayXResolution N
8 DisplayYResolutionUnit N
9 DisplayXResolutionUnit N
Extra Tags
The extra tags represent information found in the image but not associated with any other tag group.
Tag ID Tag Name Writable
------ -------- --------
- Comment Y
- Error N
- ExifData N
- ExifToolVersion N
- FileName N
- FileSize N
- FileType N
- ImageHeight N
- ImageWidth N
- PreviewImage N
- Warning N
Composite Tags
The values of the composite tags are derived from the values of other tags. These are convenience tags which are calculated after all other information is extracted.
Tag Name Derived From Writable
-------- ------------ --------
Aperture FNumber N
ConditionalFEC FlashExposureComp N
DateTimeCreated DateCreated N
DateTimeOriginal DateTimeCreated N
DriveMode ContinuousDrive N
FlashOn FlashBits N
FlashType FlashBits N
FocalLength35efl FocalLength N
GPSDateTime GPSDateStamp N
ImageSize ImageWidth N
JpgFromRaw JpgFromRawStart N
Lens ShortFocal N
Lens35efl ShortFocal N
PreviewImage PreviewImageStart Y
PreviewImageSize PreviewImageWidth N
ProcessGeoTiff GeoTiffDirectory N
RedEyeReduction CanonFlashMode N
ScaleFactor35efl FocalLength N
ShootingMode CanonExposureMode N
ShutterCurtainHack FlashBits N
ShutterSpeed ExposureTime N
ThumbnailImage ThumbnailOffset Y
This document generated automatically by Image::ExifTool::BuildTagLookup.
Copyright 2003-2005, Phil Harvey (phil at owl.phy.queensu.ca)
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.