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# File:
# Description: Read and write meta information
# URL:
# Revisions: Nov. 12/03 - P. Harvey Created
# (See html/history.html for revision history)
# Legal: Copyright (c) 2003-2007, Phil Harvey (phil at
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
use strict;
require 5.004; # require 5.004 for UNIVERSAL::isa (otherwise 5.002 would do)
require Exporter;
use vars qw($VERSION $RELEASE @ISA %EXPORT_TAGS $AUTOLOAD @fileTypes %allTables
@tableOrder $exifAPP1hdr $xmpAPP1hdr $psAPP13hdr $psAPP13old
$myAPP5hdr @loadAllTables %UserDefined);
$VERSION = '6.76';
$RELEASE = '';
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
# all public non-object-oriented functions
Public => [qw(
ImageInfo GetTagName GetShortcuts GetAllTags GetWritableTags
GetAllGroups GetDeleteGroups GetFileType CanWrite CanCreate
DataAccess => [qw(
ReadValue GetByteOrder SetByteOrder ToggleByteOrder Get8u Get8s Get16u
Get16s Get32u Get32s GetFloat GetDouble GetFixed32s Write WriteValue
Tell Set8u Set8s Set16u Set32u
Utils => [qw(
GetTagTable TagTableKeys GetTagInfoList GenerateTagIDs SetFileType
Vars => [qw(
%allTables @tableOrder @fileTypes
# set all of our EXPORT_TAGS in EXPORT_OK
Exporter::export_ok_tags(keys %EXPORT_TAGS);
# The following functions defined in Image::ExifTool::Writer are declared
# here so their prototypes will be available. The Writer routines will be
# autoloaded when any of these are called.
sub SetNewValue($;$$%);
sub SetNewValuesFromFile($$;@);
sub GetNewValues($;$$);
sub CountNewValues($);
sub SaveNewValues($);
sub RestoreNewValues($);
sub WriteInfo($$;$$);
sub SetFileModifyDate($$;$);
sub SetFileName($$;$);
sub GetAllTags(;$);
sub GetWritableTags(;$);
sub GetAllGroups($);
sub GetNewGroups($);
sub GetDeleteGroups();
# non-public routines below
sub InsertTagValues($$$;$);
sub IsWritable($);
sub GetNewFileName($$);
sub LoadAllTables();
sub GetNewTagInfoList($;$);
sub GetNewTagInfoHash($@);
sub Get64s($$);
sub Get64u($$);
sub GetExtended($$);
sub DecodeBits($$);
sub EncodeBits($$);
sub HexDump($;$%);
sub DumpTrailer($$);
sub DumpUnknownTrailer($$);
sub VerboseInfo($$$%);
sub VerboseDir($$;$$);
sub VPrint($$@);
sub Rationalize($;$);
sub Write($@);
sub ProcessTrailers($$);
sub WriteTrailerBuffer($$$);
sub Tell($);
sub WriteValue($$;$$$$);
sub WriteDirectory($$$;$);
sub WriteBinaryData($$$);
sub CheckBinaryData($$$);
sub WriteTIFF($$$);
# list of main tag tables to load in LoadAllTables() (sub-tables are recursed
# automatically). Note: They will appear in this order in the documentation
# (unless tweaked in BuildTagLookup::GetTableOrder()), so put Exif first.
@loadAllTables = qw(
PhotoMechanic Exif GeoTiff CanonRaw KyoceraRaw MinoltaRaw SigmaRaw JPEG
Jpeg2000 BMP BMP PICT PNG MNG MIFF PDF PostScript Photoshop::Header
Panasonic::Raw Sony::SR2SubIFD ID3 Vorbis FLAC APE APE::NewHeader
APE::OldHeader MPC MPEG::Audio MPEG::Video QuickTime QuickTime::ImageFile
Flash Real::Media Real::Audio Real::Metafile RIFF AIFF ASF DICOM MIE HTML
# recognized file types, in the order we test unknown files
# Notes: 1) There is no need to test for like types separately here
# 2) Put types with no file signature at end of list to avoid false matches
# file types that we can write (edit)
# file types that we can create from scratch
my @createTypes = qw(XMP ICC MIE);
# file type lookup for all recognized file extensions
my %fileTypeLookup = (
ACR => ['DICM', 'American College of Radiology ACR-NEMA'],
AI => [['PDF','PS'], 'Adobe Illustrator (PDF-like or PS-like)'],
AIF => ['AIFF', 'Audio Interchange File Format'],
AIFC => ['AIFF', 'Audio Interchange File Format Compressed'],
AIFF => ['AIFF', 'Audio Interchange File Format'],
APE => ['APE', "Monkey's Audio format"],
ARW => ['TIFF', 'Sony Alpha RAW format (TIFF-like)'],
ASF => ['ASF', 'Microsoft Advanced Systems Format'],
AVI => ['RIFF', 'Audio Video Interleaved (RIFF-based)'],
BMP => ['BMP', 'Windows BitMaP'],
CIFF => ['CRW', 'Camera Image File Format (same as CRW)'],
CR2 => ['TIFF', 'Canon RAW 2 format (TIFF-like)'],
CRW => ['CRW', 'Canon RAW format'],
DC3 => ['DICM', 'DICOM image file'],
DCM => ['DICM', 'DICOM image file'],
DIB => ['BMP', 'Device Independent Bitmap (aka. BMP)'],
DIC => ['DICM', 'DICOM image file'],
DICM => ['DICM', 'DICOM image file'],
DNG => ['TIFF', 'Digital Negative (TIFF-like)'],
DOC => ['FPX', 'Microsoft Word Document (FPX-like)'],
EPS => ['EPS', 'Encapsulated PostScript Format'],
EPSF => ['EPS', 'Encapsulated PostScript Format'],
ERF => ['TIFF', 'Epson Raw Format (TIFF-like)'],
FLAC => ['FLAC', 'Free Lossless Audio Codec'],
FPX => ['FPX', 'FlashPix'],
GIF => ['GIF', 'Compuserve Graphics Interchange Format'],
HTM => ['HTML', 'HyperText Markup Language'],
HTML => ['HTML', 'HyperText Markup Language'],
ICC => ['ICC', 'International Color Consortium'],
ICM => ['ICC', 'International Color Consortium'],
JNG => ['PNG', 'JPG Network Graphics (PNG-like)'],
JP2 => ['JP2', 'JPEG 2000 file'],
JPEG => ['JPEG', 'Joint Photographic Experts Group'],
JPG => ['JPEG', 'Joint Photographic Experts Group'],
JPX => ['JP2', 'JPEG 2000 file'],
M4A => ['MOV', 'MPG4 Audio (QuickTime-based)'],
MIE => ['MIE', 'Meta Information Encapsulation format'],
MIF => ['MIFF', 'Magick Image File Format'],
MIFF => ['MIFF', 'Magick Image File Format'],
MNG => ['PNG', 'Multiple-image Network Graphics (PNG-like)'],
MOS => ['TIFF', 'Creo Leaf Mosaic (TIFF-like)'],
MOV => ['MOV', 'Apple QuickTime movie'],
MP3 => ['MP3', 'MPEG Layer 3 audio (uses ID3 information)'],
MP4 => ['MOV', 'MPEG Layer 4 video (QuickTime-based)'],
MPC => ['MPC', 'Musepack Audio'],
MPEG => ['MPEG', 'MPEG audio/video format 1'],
MPG => ['MPEG', 'MPEG audio/video format 1'],
MRW => ['MRW', 'Minolta RAW format'],
NEF => ['TIFF', 'Nikon (RAW) Electronic Format (TIFF-like)'],
OGG => ['OGG', 'Ogg Vorbis audio file'],
ORF => ['ORF', 'Olympus RAW format'],
PBM => ['PPM', 'Portable BitMap (PPM-like)'],
PCT => ['PICT', 'Apple PICTure'],
PDF => ['PDF', 'Adobe Portable Document Format'],
PEF => ['TIFF', 'Pentax (RAW) Electronic Format (TIFF-like)'],
PGM => ['PPM', 'Portable Gray Map (PPM-like)'],
PICT => ['PICT', 'Apple PICTure'],
PNG => ['PNG', 'Portable Network Graphics'],
PPM => ['PPM', 'Portable Pixel Map'],
PPT => ['FPX', 'Microsoft PowerPoint presentation (FPX-like)'],
PS => ['PS', 'PostScript'],
PSD => ['PSD', 'PhotoShop Drawing'],
QIF => ['QTIF', 'QuickTime Image File'],
QT => ['MOV', 'QuickTime movie'],
QTI => ['QTIF', 'QuickTime Image File'],
QTIF => ['QTIF', 'QuickTime Image File'],
RA => ['Real', 'Real Audio'],
RAF => ['RAF', 'FujiFilm RAW Format'],
RAM => ['Real', 'Real Audio Metafile'],
RAW => ['RAW', 'Kyocera Contax N Digital RAW or Panasonic RAW'],
RIF => ['RIFF', 'Resource Interchange File Format'],
RIFF => ['RIFF', 'Resource Interchange File Format'],
RM => ['Real', 'Real Media'],
RMVB => ['Real', 'Real Media Variable Bitrate'],
RPM => ['Real', 'Real Media Plug-in Metafile'],
RV => ['Real', 'Real Video'],
SR2 => ['TIFF', 'Sony RAW Format 2 (TIFF-like)'],
SRF => ['TIFF', 'Sony RAW Format (TIFF-like)'],
SWF => ['SWF', 'Shockwave Flash'],
THM => ['JPEG', 'Canon Thumbnail (aka. JPG)'],
TIF => ['TIFF', 'Tagged Image File Format'],
TIFF => ['TIFF', 'Tagged Image File Format'],
VRD => ['VRD', 'Canon VRD Recipe Data (written by DPP)'],
WAV => ['RIFF', 'WAVeform (Windows digital audio format)'],
WDP => ['TIFF', 'Windows Media Photo (TIFF-based)'],
WMA => ['ASF', 'Windows Media Audio (ASF-based)'],
WMV => ['ASF', 'Windows Media Video (ASF-based)'],
X3F => ['X3F', 'Sigma RAW format'],
XHTML=> ['HTML', 'Extensible HyperText Markup Language'],
XLS => ['FPX', 'Microsoft Excel worksheet (FPX-like)'],
XMP => ['XMP', 'Extensible Metadata Platform data file'],
# MIME types for applicable file types above
# (missing entries default to 'application/unknown')
my %mimeType = (
AIFF => 'audio/aiff',
APE => 'audio/x-monkeys-audio',
ASF => 'video/x-ms-asf',
ARW => 'image/x-raw',
AVI => 'video/avi',
BMP => 'image/bmp',
CR2 => 'image/x-raw',
CRW => 'image/x-raw',
EPS => 'application/postscript',
ERF => 'image/x-raw',
DICM => 'application/dicom',
DNG => 'image/x-raw',
DOC => 'application/msword',
FLAC => 'audio/flac',
FPX => 'image/vnd.fpx',
GIF => 'image/gif',
HTML => 'text/html',
JNG => 'image/jng',
JP2 => 'image/jpeg2000',
JPEG => 'image/jpeg',
M4A => 'audio/mp4',
MIE => 'application/x-mie',
MIFF => 'application/x-magick-image',
MNG => 'video/mng',
MOS => 'image/x-raw',
MOV => 'video/quicktime',
MP3 => 'audio/mpeg',
MP4 => 'video/mp4',
MPC => 'audio/x-musepack',
MPEG => 'video/mpeg',
MRW => 'image/x-raw',
NEF => 'image/x-raw',
OGG => 'audio/x-ogg',
ORF => 'image/x-raw',
PBM => 'image/x-portable-bitmap',
PDF => 'application/pdf',
PEF => 'image/x-raw',
PGM => 'image/x-portable-graymap',
PICT => 'image/pict',
PNG => 'image/png',
PPM => 'image/x-portable-pixmap',
PPT => 'application/',
PS => 'application/postscript',
PSD => 'application/photoshop',
QTIF => 'image/x-quicktime',
RA => 'audio/x-pn-realaudio',
RAF => 'image/x-raw',
RAM => 'audio/x-pn-realaudio',
RAW => 'image/x-raw',
RM => 'application/vnd.rn-realmedia',
RMVB => 'application/vnd.rn-realmedia-vbr',
RPM => 'audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin',
RV => 'video/vnd.rn-realvideo',
SR2 => 'image/x-raw',
SRF => 'image/x-raw',
SWF => 'application/x-shockwave-flash',
TIFF => 'image/tiff',
WAV => 'audio/x-wav',
WDP => 'image/',
WMA => 'audio/x-ms-wma',
WMV => 'video/x-ms-wmv',
X3F => 'image/x-raw',
XLS => 'application/',
XMP => 'application/rdf+xml',
# module names for each file type
# (missing entries have same module name as file type)
my %moduleName = (
CRW => 'CanonRaw',
EPS => 'PostScript',
ICC => 'ICC_Profile',
FPX => 'FlashPix',
JP2 => 'Jpeg2000',
JPEG => '', # (in the current module)
MOV => 'QuickTime',
MP3 => 'ID3',
MRW => 'MinoltaRaw',
OGG => 'Vorbis',
ORF => 'Olympus',
PS => 'PostScript',
PSD => 'Photoshop',
QTIF => 'QuickTime',
RAF => 'FujiFilm',
RAW => 'KyoceraRaw',
SWF => 'Flash',
TIFF => '',
VRD => 'CanonVRD',
X3F => 'SigmaRaw',
# default group priority for writing
my @defaultWriteGroups = qw(EXIF IPTC XMP MakerNotes Photoshop ICC_Profile);
# group hash for ExifTool-generated tags
my %allGroupsExifTool = ( 0 => 'ExifTool', 1 => 'ExifTool', 2 => 'ExifTool' );
# headers for various segment types
$exifAPP1hdr = "Exif\0\0";
$xmpAPP1hdr = "\0";
$psAPP13hdr = "Photoshop 3.0\0";
$psAPP13old = 'Adobe_Photoshop2.5:';
sub DummyWriteProc { return 1; }
# tag information for preview image -- this should be used for all
# PreviewImage tags so they are handled properly when reading/writing
%Image::ExifTool::previewImageTagInfo = (
Name => 'PreviewImage',
Writable => 'undef',
# a value of 'none' is ok...
WriteCheck => '$val eq "none" ? undef : $self->CheckImage(\$val)',
DataTag => 'PreviewImage',
# we allow preview image to be set to '', but we don't want a zero-length value
# in the IFD, so set it temorarily to 'none'. Note that the length is <= 4,
# so this value will fit in the IFD so the preview fixup won't be generated.
ValueConv => '$self->ValidateImage(\$val,$tag)',
ValueConvInv => '$val eq "" and $val="none"; $val',
# extra tags that aren't truly EXIF tags, but are generated by the script
# Note: any tag in this list with a name corresponding to a Group0 name is
# used to write the entire corresponding directory as a block.
%Image::ExifTool::Extra = (
GROUPS => { 0 => 'File', 1 => 'File', 2 => 'Image' },
DID_TAG_ID => 1, # tag ID's aren't meaningful for these tags
WRITE_PROC => \&DummyWriteProc,
Comment => {
Name => 'Comment',
Notes => 'comment embedded in JPEG, GIF89a or PPM/PGM/PBM image',
Writable => 1,
WriteGroup => 'Comment',
Priority => 0, # to preserve order of JPEG COM segments
Directory => {
Name => 'Directory',
Writable => 1,
Protected => 1,
# translate backslashes in directory names and add trailing '/'
ValueConvInv => '$_=$val; tr/\\\\/\//; m{[^/]$} and $_ .= "/"; $_',
FileName => {
Name => 'FileName',
Writable => 1,
Protected => 1,
ValueConvInv => '$val=~tr/\\\\/\//; $val',
FileSize => {
Name => 'FileSize',
PrintConv => sub {
my $val = shift;
$val < 2048 and return "$val bytes";
$val < 2097152 and return sprintf('%.0f kB', $val / 1024);
return sprintf('%.0f MB', $val / 1048576);
FileType => { Name => 'FileType' },
FileModifyDate => {
Name => 'FileModifyDate',
Description => 'File Modification Date/Time',
Notes => 'the filesystem modification time',
Groups => { 2 => 'Time' },
Writable => 1,
Shift => 'Time',
ValueConv => 'ConvertUnixTime($val,"local")',
ValueConvInv => 'GetUnixTime($val,"local")',
PrintConv => '$self->ConvertDateTime($val)',
PrintConvInv => '$val',
MIMEType => { Name => 'MIMEType' },
ImageWidth => { Name => 'ImageWidth' },
ImageHeight => { Name => 'ImageHeight' },
XResolution => { Name => 'XResolution' },
YResolution => { Name => 'YResolution' },
MaxVal => { Name => 'MaxVal' }, # max pixel value in PPM or PGM image
EXIF => {
Name => 'EXIF',
Notes => 'the full EXIF data block',
Groups => { 0 => 'EXIF' },
Binary => 1,
ICC_Profile => {
Name => 'ICC_Profile',
Notes => 'the full ICC_Profile data block',
Groups => { 0 => 'ICC_Profile' },
Flags => ['Writable' ,'Protected', 'Binary'],
WriteCheck => q{
require Image::ExifTool::ICC_Profile;
return Image::ExifTool::ICC_Profile::ValidateICC(\$val);
XMP => {
Name => 'XMP',
Notes => 'the full XMP data block',
Groups => { 0 => 'XMP' },
Flags => [ 'Writable', 'Binary' ],
WriteCheck => q{
require Image::ExifTool::XMP;
return Image::ExifTool::XMP::CheckXMP($self, $tagInfo, \$val);
CanonVRD => {
Name => 'CanonVRD',
Notes => 'the full Canon DPP VRD trailer block',
Groups => { 0 => 'CanonVRD' },
Binary => 1,
ExifToolVersion => {
Name => 'ExifToolVersion',
Description => 'ExifTool Version Number',
Groups => \%allGroupsExifTool
Encryption => { Name => 'Encryption' },
Error => { Name => 'Error', Priority => 0, Groups => \%allGroupsExifTool },
Warning => { Name => 'Warning', Priority => 0, Groups => \%allGroupsExifTool },
# static private ExifTool variables
%allTables = ( ); # list of all tables loaded (except composite tags)
@tableOrder = ( ); # order the tables were loaded
my $didTagID; # flag indicating we are accessing tag ID's
my $evalWarning; # eval warning message
# composite tags (accumulation of all Composite tag tables)
%Image::ExifTool::Composite = (
GROUPS => { 0 => 'Composite', 1 => 'Composite' },
DID_TAG_ID => 1, # want empty tagID's for composite tags
WRITE_PROC => \&DummyWriteProc,
# JFIF APP0 definitions
%Image::ExifTool::JFIF::Main = (
PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData,
WRITE_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::WriteBinaryData,
CHECK_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::CheckBinaryData,
GROUPS => { 0 => 'JFIF', 1 => 'JFIF', 2 => 'Image' },
0 => {
Name => 'JFIFVersion',
Format => 'int8u[2]',
PrintConv => '$val=~tr/ /./;$val',
2 => {
Name => 'ResolutionUnit',
Writable => 1,
PrintConv => {
0 => 'None',
1 => 'inches',
2 => 'cm',
Priority => -1,
3 => {
Name => 'XResolution',
Format => 'int16u',
Writable => 1,
Priority => -1,
5 => {
Name => 'YResolution',
Format => 'int16u',
Writable => 1,
Priority => -1,
%Image::ExifTool::JFIF::Extension = (
GROUPS => { 0 => 'JFIF', 1 => 'JFIF', 2 => 'Image' },
0x10 => {
Name => 'ThumbnailImage',
ValueConv => '$self->ValidateImage(\$val,$tag)',
# special tag names (not used for tag info)
my %specialTags = (
# New - create new ExifTool object
# Inputs: 0) reference to exiftool object or ExifTool class name
sub new
local $_;
my $that = shift;
my $class = ref($that) || $that || 'Image::ExifTool';
my $self = bless {}, $class;
# make sure our main Exif tag table has been loaded
$self->ClearOptions(); # create default options hash
$self->{VALUE} = { }; # must initialize this for warning messages
$self->{DEL_GROUP} = { }; # list of groups to delete when writing
# initialize our new groups for writing
return $self;
# ImageInfo - return specified information from image file
# Inputs: 0) [optional] ExifTool object reference
# 1) filename, file reference, or scalar data reference
# 2-N) list of tag names to find (or tag list reference or options reference)
# Returns: reference to hash of tag/value pairs (with "Error" entry on error)
# Notes:
# - if no tags names are specified, the values of all tags are returned
# - tags may be specified with leading '-' to exclude
# - can pass a reference to list of tags to find, in which case the list will
# be updated with the tags found in the proper case and in the specified order.
# - can pass reference to hash specifying options
# - returned tag values may be scalar references indicating binary data
# - see ClearOptions() below for a list of options and their default values
# Examples:
# use Image::ExifTool 'ImageInfo';
# my $info = ImageInfo($file, 'DateTimeOriginal', 'ImageSize');
# - or -
# my $exifTool = new Image::ExifTool;
# my $info = $exifTool->ImageInfo($file, \@tagList, {Sort=>'Group0'} );
sub ImageInfo($;@)
local $_;
# get our ExifTool object ($self) or create one if necessary
my $self;
if (ref $_[0] and UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],'Image::ExifTool')) {
$self = shift;
} else {
$self = new Image::ExifTool;
my %saveOptions = %{$self->{OPTIONS}}; # save original options
# initialize file information
$self->{FILENAME} = $self->{RAF} = undef;
$self->ParseArguments(@_); # parse our function arguments
$self->ExtractInfo(undef); # extract meta information from image
my $info = $self->GetInfo(undef); # get requested information
$self->{OPTIONS} = \%saveOptions; # restore original options
return $info; # return requested information
# Get/set ExifTool options
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference,
# 1) Parameter name, 2) Value to set the option
# 3-N) More parameter/value pairs
# Returns: original value of last option specified
sub Options($$;@)
local $_;
my $self = shift;
my $oldVal;
while (@_) {
my $param = shift;
$oldVal = $self->{OPTIONS}->{$param};
last unless @_;
$self->{OPTIONS}->{$param} = shift;
return $oldVal;
# ClearOptions - set options to default values
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference
sub ClearOptions($)
local $_;
my $self = shift;
# create options hash with default values
# (commented out options don't need initializing)
$self->{OPTIONS} = {
Binary => 0, # flag to extract binary values even if tag not specified
# ByteOrder => undef, # default byte order when creating EXIF information
Charset => 'UTF8', # character set for converting Unicode characters
# Compact => undef, # compact XMP and IPTC data
Composite => 1, # flag to calculate Composite tags
# CoordFormat => undef, # GPS lat/long coordinate format
# DateFormat => undef, # format for date/time
Duplicates => 1, # flag to save duplicate tag values
# Exclude => undef, # tags to exclude
# FixBase => undef, # fix maker notes base offsets
# Group# => undef, # return tags for specified groups in family #
HtmlDump => 0, # HTML dump (0-3, higher # = bigger limit)
# IgnoreMinorErrors => undef, # ignore minor errors when reading/writing
# List => undef, # extract lists of PrintConv values into arrays
# MakerNotes => undef, # extract maker notes as a block
# MissingTagValue =>undef,# value for missing tags when expanded in expressions
PrintConv => 1, # flag to enable print conversion
Sort => 'Input', # order to sort found tags (Input, File, Alpha, Group#)
# StrictDate => undef, # flag to return undef for invalid date conversions
TextOut => \*STDOUT,# file for Verbose/HtmlDump output
Unknown => 0, # flag to get values of unknown tags (0-2)
Verbose => 0, # print verbose messages (0-4, higher # = more verbose)
# Extract meta information from image
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference
# 1-N) Same as ImageInfo()
# Returns: 1 if this was a valid image, 0 otherwise
# Notes: pass an undefined value to avoid parsing arguments
sub ExtractInfo($;@)
local $_;
my $self = shift;
my $options = $self->{OPTIONS}; # pointer to current options
my %saveOptions;
if (defined $_[0]) {
%saveOptions = %{$self->{OPTIONS}}; # save original options
# only initialize filename if called with arguments
$self->{FILENAME} = undef; # name of file (or '' if we didn't open it)
$self->{RAF} = undef; # RandomAccess object reference
$self->ParseArguments(@_); # initialize from our arguments
# initialize ExifTool object members
delete $self->{MAKER_NOTE_FIXUP}; # fixup information for extracted maker notes
delete $self->{MAKER_NOTE_BYTE_ORDER};
delete $self->{DONE_ID3};
my $filename = $self->{FILENAME}; # image file name ('' if already open)
my $raf = $self->{RAF}; # RandomAccess object
# return our version number
$self->FoundTag('ExifToolVersion', "$VERSION$RELEASE");
local *EXIFTOOL_FILE; # avoid clashes with global namespace
unless ($raf) {
# save file name
if (defined $filename and $filename ne '') {
unless ($filename eq '-') {
my $name = $filename;
# extract file name from pipe if necessary
$name =~ /\|$/ and $name =~ s/.*?"(.*)".*/$1/;
my $dir;
if (eval 'require File::Basename') {
$dir = File::Basename::dirname($name);
$name = File::Basename::basename($name);
} else {
$name =~ tr/\\/\//;
if ($name =~ s/(.*)\///) { # remove path
$dir = length($1) ? $1 : '/';
$self->FoundTag('FileName', $name);
$self->FoundTag('Directory', $dir) if defined $dir and length $dir;
# open the file
if (open(EXIFTOOL_FILE,$filename)) {
my $filePt = \*EXIFTOOL_FILE;
# create random access file object
$raf = new File::RandomAccess($filePt);
# patch to force pipe to be buffered because seek returns success
# in Windows cmd shell pipe even though it really failed
$raf->{TESTED} = -1 if $filename eq '-' or $filename =~ /\|$/;
$self->{RAF} = $raf;
} else {
$self->Error('Error opening file');
} else {
$self->Error('No file specified');
if ($raf) {
# get file size and last modified time if this is a plain file
if ($raf->{FILE_PT} and -f $raf->{FILE_PT}) {
my $fileSize = -s _;
my $fileTime = -M _;
$self->FoundTag('FileSize', $fileSize) if defined $fileSize;
$self->FoundTag('FileModifyDate', $^T - $fileTime*(24*3600)) if defined $fileTime;
# get list of file types to check
my $tiffType;
$self->{FILE_EXT} = GetFileExtension($filename);
my @fileTypeList = GetFileType($filename);
if (@fileTypeList) {
# add remaining types to end of list so we test them all
my $pat = join '|', @fileTypeList;
push @fileTypeList, grep(!/^($pat)$/, @fileTypes);
$tiffType = $self->{FILE_EXT};
} else {
# scan through all recognized file types
@fileTypeList = @fileTypes;
$tiffType = 'TIFF';
push @fileTypeList, ''; # end of list marker
# initialize the input file for seeking in binary data
$raf->BinMode(); # set binary mode before we start reading
my $pos = $raf->Tell(); # get file position so we can rewind
my %dirInfo = ( RAF => $raf, Base => $pos );
# loop through list of file types to test
for (;;) {
my $type = shift @fileTypeList;
unless ($type) {
unless (defined $type) {
# if we were given a single image with a known type there
# must be a format error since we couldn't read it, otherwise
# it is likely we don't support images of this type
$self->Error(GetFileType($filename) ?
'File format error' : 'Unknown file type');
last; # all done
# last ditch effort to scan past unknown header for JPEG/TIFF
my $buff;
$raf->Read($buff, 1024);
next unless $buff =~ /(\xff\xd8\xff|MM\0\x2a|II\x2a\0)/g;
$type = ($1 eq "\xff\xd8\xff") ? 'JPEG' : 'TIFF';
my $skip = pos($buff) - length($1);
$dirInfo{Base} = $pos + $skip;
$raf->Seek($pos + $skip, 0);
$self->Warn("Skipped unknown $skip byte header");
# save file type in member variable
$self->{FILE_TYPE} = $type;
$dirInfo{Parent} = ($type eq 'TIFF') ? $tiffType : $type;
my $module = $moduleName{$type};
$module = $type unless defined $module;
my $func = "Process$type";
# load module if necessary
if ($module) {
require "Image/ExifTool/$";
$func = "Image::ExifTool::${module}::$func";
# process the file
no strict 'refs';
&$func($self, \%dirInfo) and last;
use strict 'refs';
# seek back to try again from the same position in the file
unless ($raf->Seek($pos, 0)) {
$self->Error('Error seeking in file');
# extract binary EXIF data block only if requested
if (defined $self->{EXIF_DATA} and $self->{REQ_TAG_LOOKUP}->{exif}) {
$self->FoundTag('EXIF', $self->{EXIF_DATA});
# calculate composite tags
$self->BuildCompositeTags() if $options->{Composite};
# do our HTML dump if requested
if ($self->{HTML_DUMP}) {
my $pos = $self->Options('HtmlDumpBase');
$pos = ($self->{FIRST_EXIF_POS} || 0) unless defined $pos;
my $dataPt = defined $self->{EXIF_DATA} ? \$self->{EXIF_DATA} : undef;
undef $dataPt if defined $self->{EXIF_POS} and $pos != $self->{EXIF_POS};
$self->{HTML_DUMP}->Print($raf, $dataPt, $pos,
$self->{OPTIONS}->{TextOut}, $self->{OPTIONS}->{HtmlDump},
$self->{FILENAME} ? "HTML Dump ($self->{FILENAME})" : 'HTML Dump');
$raf->Close() if $filename; # close the file if we opened it
# restore original options
%saveOptions and $self->{OPTIONS} = \%saveOptions;
return exists $self->{VALUE}->{Error} ? 0 : 1;
# Get hash of extracted meta information
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference
# 1-N) options hash reference, tag list reference or tag names
# Returns: Reference to information hash
# Notes: - pass an undefined value to avoid parsing arguments
# - If groups are specified, first groups take precedence if duplicate
# tags found but Duplicates option not set.
sub GetInfo($;@)
local $_;
my $self = shift;
my %saveOptions;
unless (@_ and not defined $_[0]) {
%saveOptions = %{$self->{OPTIONS}}; # save original options
# must set FILENAME so it isn't parsed from the arguments
$self->{FILENAME} = '' unless defined $self->{FILENAME};
# get reference to list of tags for which we will return info
my $rtnTags = $self->SetFoundTags();
# build hash of tag information
my (%info, %ignored);
my $conv = $self->{OPTIONS}->{PrintConv} ? 'PrintConv' : 'ValueConv';
foreach (@$rtnTags) {
my $val = $self->GetValue($_, $conv);
defined $val or $ignored{$_} = 1, next;
$info{$_} = $val;
# remove ignored tags from the list
my $reqTags = $self->{REQUESTED_TAGS} || [ ];
if (%ignored and not @$reqTags) {
my @goodTags;
foreach (@$rtnTags) {
push @goodTags, $_ unless $ignored{$_};
$rtnTags = $self->{FOUND_TAGS} = \@goodTags;
# return sorted tag list if provided with a list reference
if ($self->{IO_TAG_LIST}) {
# use file order by default if no tags specified
# (no such thing as 'Input' order in this case)
my $sortOrder = $self->{OPTIONS}->{Sort};
unless (@$reqTags or ($sortOrder and $sortOrder ne 'Input')) {
$sortOrder = 'File';
# return tags in specified sort order
@{$self->{IO_TAG_LIST}} = $self->GetTagList($rtnTags, $sortOrder);
# restore original options
%saveOptions and $self->{OPTIONS} = \%saveOptions;
return \%info;
# Combine information from a list of info hashes
# Unless Duplicates is enabled, first entry found takes priority
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1-N) list of info hash references
# Returns: Combined information hash reference
sub CombineInfo($;@)
local $_;
my $self = shift;
my (%combinedInfo, $info);
if ($self->{OPTIONS}->{Duplicates}) {
while ($info = shift) {
my $key;
foreach $key (keys %$info) {
$combinedInfo{$key} = $$info{$key};
} else {
my (%haveInfo, $tag);
while ($info = shift) {
foreach $tag (keys %$info) {
my $tagName = GetTagName($tag);
next if $haveInfo{$tagName};
$haveInfo{$tagName} = 1;
$combinedInfo{$tag} = $$info{$tag};
return \%combinedInfo;
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference
# 1) [optional] reference to info hash or tag list ref (default is found tags)
# 2) [optional] sort order ('File', 'Input', ...)
# Returns: List of tags in specified order
sub GetTagList($;$$)
local $_;
my ($self, $info, $sortOrder) = @_;
my $foundTags;
if (ref $info eq 'HASH') {
my @tags = keys %$info;
$foundTags = \@tags;
} elsif (ref $info eq 'ARRAY') {
$foundTags = $info;
my $fileOrder = $self->{FILE_ORDER};
if ($foundTags) {
# make sure a FILE_ORDER entry exists for all tags
# (note: already generated bogus entries for FOUND_TAGS case below)
foreach (@$foundTags) {
next if defined $$fileOrder{$_};
$$fileOrder{$_} = 999;
} else {
$sortOrder = $info if $info and not $sortOrder;
$foundTags = $self->{FOUND_TAGS} || $self->SetFoundTags() or return undef;
$sortOrder or $sortOrder = $self->{OPTIONS}->{Sort};
# return original list if no sort order specified
return @$foundTags unless $sortOrder and $sortOrder ne 'Input';
if ($sortOrder eq 'Alpha') {
return sort @$foundTags;
} elsif ($sortOrder =~ /^Group(\d*)/) {
my $family = $1 || 0;
# want to maintain a basic file order with the groups
# ordered in the way they appear in the file
my (%groupCount, %groupOrder);
my $numGroups = 0;
my $tag;
foreach $tag (sort { $$fileOrder{$a} <=> $$fileOrder{$b} } @$foundTags) {
my $group = $self->GetGroup($tag, $family);
my $num = $groupCount{$group};
$num or $num = $groupCount{$group} = ++$numGroups;
$groupOrder{$tag} = $num;
return sort { $groupOrder{$a} <=> $groupOrder{$b} or
$$fileOrder{$a} <=> $$fileOrder{$b} } @$foundTags;
} else {
return sort { $$fileOrder{$a} <=> $$fileOrder{$b} } @$foundTags;
# Get list of found tags in specified sort order
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) sort order ('File', 'Input', ...)
# Returns: List of tags in specified order
# Notes: If not specified, sort order is taken from OPTIONS
sub GetFoundTags($;$)
local $_;
my ($self, $sortOrder) = @_;
my $foundTags = $self->{FOUND_TAGS} || $self->SetFoundTags() or return undef;
return $self->GetTagList($foundTags, $sortOrder);
# Get list of requested tags
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference
# Returns: List of requested tags
sub GetRequestedTags($)
local $_;
return @{$_[0]->{REQUESTED_TAGS}};
# Get tag value
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) tag key
# 2) [optional] Value type: PrintConv, ValueConv, Both or Raw, the default
# is PrintConv or ValueConv, depending on the PrintConv option setting
# Returns: Scalar context: tag value or undefined
# List context: list of values or empty list
sub GetValue($$;$)
local $_;
my ($self, $tag, $type) = @_;
# start with the raw value
my $value = $self->{VALUE}->{$tag};
return wantarray ? () : undef unless defined $value;
# figure out what conversions to do
my (@convTypes, $tagInfo);
$type or $type = $self->{OPTIONS}->{PrintConv} ? 'PrintConv' : 'ValueConv';
unless ($type eq 'Raw') {
$tagInfo = $self->{TAG_INFO}->{$tag};
push @convTypes, 'ValueConv';
push @convTypes, 'PrintConv' unless $type eq 'ValueConv';
# do the conversions
my (@val, @prt, @raw, $convType, $valueConv);
foreach $convType (@convTypes) {
last if ref $value eq 'SCALAR'; # don't convert a scalar reference
my $conversion = $$tagInfo{$convType};
unless (defined $conversion) {
if ($convType eq 'ValueConv') {
next unless $$tagInfo{Binary};
$conversion = '\$val'; # return scalar reference for binary values
} else {
# use PRINT_CONV from tag table if PrintConv not defined
next unless defined($conversion = $tagInfo->{Table}->{PRINT_CONV});
# save old ValueConv value if we want Both
$valueConv = $value if $type eq 'Both' and $convType eq 'PrintConv';
# initialize array so we can iterate over values in list
my ($i, $val, $vals, @values);
if (ref $value eq 'ARRAY') {
$i = 0;
$vals = $value;
$val = $$vals[0];
} else {
$val = $value;
# loop through all values in list
for (;;) {
if (ref $conversion eq 'HASH') {
# look up converted value in hash
unless (defined($value = $$conversion{$val})) {
if ($$conversion{BITMASK}) {
$value = DecodeBits($val, $$conversion{BITMASK});
} else {
if ($$tagInfo{PrintHex} and $val and IsInt($val) and
$convType eq 'PrintConv')
$val = sprintf('0x%x',$val);
$value = "Unknown ($val)";
} else {
# call subroutine or do eval to convert value
local $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { $evalWarning = $_[0]; };
undef $evalWarning;
if (ref($conversion) eq 'CODE') {
$value = &$conversion($val, $self);
} else {
# get values of required tags if this is composite
if (ref $val eq 'HASH' and not @val) {
foreach (keys %$val) {
$raw[$_] = $self->{VALUE}->{$$val{$_}};
($val[$_], $prt[$_]) = $self->GetValue($$val{$_}, 'Both');
next if defined $val[$_] or not $tagInfo->{Require}->{$_};
return wantarray ? () : undef;
#### eval ValueConv/PrintConv ($val, $self, @val, @prt, @raw)
$value = eval $conversion;
$@ and $evalWarning = $@;
if ($evalWarning) {
chomp $evalWarning;
$evalWarning =~ s/ at \(eval .*//s;
delete $SIG{'__WARN__'};
warn "$convType $tag: $evalWarning\n";
last unless $vals;
# save this converted value and step to next value in list
push @values, $value if defined $value;
if (++$i >= scalar(@$vals)) {
$value = \@values if @values;
$val = $$vals[$i];
# return undefined now if no value
return wantarray ? () : undef unless defined $value;
if ($type eq 'Both') {
# $valueConv is undefined if there was no print conversion done
$valueConv = $value unless defined $valueConv;
# return Both values as a list (ValueConv, PrintConv)
return ($valueConv, $value);
if (ref $value eq 'ARRAY') {
# return array if requested
return @$value if wantarray;
# return list reference for Raw, ValueConv or if List option set
return $value if @convTypes < 2 or $self->{OPTIONS}->{List};
# otherwise join in comma-separated string
$value = join ', ', @$value;
return $value;
# Get tag identification number
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) tag key
# Returns: Tag ID if available, otherwise ''
sub GetTagID($$)
local $_;
my ($self, $tag) = @_;
my $tagInfo = $self->{TAG_INFO}->{$tag};
if ($tagInfo) {
GenerateAllTagIDs(); # make sure tag ID's are generated
defined $$tagInfo{TagID} and return $$tagInfo{TagID};
# no ID for this tag (shouldn't happen)
return '';
# Get description for specified tag
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) tag key
# Returns: Tag description
# Notes: Will always return a defined value, even if description isn't available
sub GetDescription($$)
local $_;
my ($self, $tag) = @_;
my $tagInfo = $self->{TAG_INFO}->{$tag};
# ($tagInfo should be defined for any extracted tag,
# but we might as well handle the case where it isn't)
my $desc;
$desc = $$tagInfo{Description} if $tagInfo;
# just make the tag more readable if description doesn't exist
unless ($desc) {
$desc = MakeDescription(GetTagName($tag));
# save description in tag information
$$tagInfo{Description} = $desc if $tagInfo;
return $desc;
# Get group name for specified tag
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference
# 1) tag key (or reference to tagInfo hash, not part of the public API)
# 2) [optional] group family number (-1 to get extended group list)
# Returns: Scalar context: Group name (for family 0 if not otherwise specified)
# Array context: Group name if family specified, otherwise list of
# group names for each family.
sub GetGroup($$;$)
local $_;
my ($self, $tag, $family) = @_;
my ($tagInfo, @groups, $extra);
if (ref $tag eq 'HASH') {
$tagInfo = $tag;
$tag = $tagInfo->{Name};
} else {
$tagInfo = $self->{TAG_INFO}->{$tag} or return '';
my $groups = $$tagInfo{Groups};
# fill in default groups unless already done
unless ($$tagInfo{GotGroups}) {
my $tagTablePtr = $$tagInfo{Table};
if ($tagTablePtr) {
# construct our group list
$groups or $groups = $$tagInfo{Groups} = { };
# fill in default groups
foreach (keys %{$$tagTablePtr{GROUPS}}) {
$$groups{$_} or $$groups{$_} = $tagTablePtr->{GROUPS}->{$_};
# set flag indicating group list was built
$$tagInfo{GotGroups} = 1;
if (defined $family and $family >= 0) {
return $$groups{$family} || 'Other' unless $family == 1;
$groups[$family] = $$groups{$family};
} else {
return $$groups{0} unless wantarray;
foreach (0..2) { $groups[$_] = $$groups{$_}; }
# modify family 1 group name if necessary
if ($extra = $self->{GROUP1}->{$tag}) {
if ($extra =~ /^\+(.*)/) {
$groups[1] .= $1;
} else {
$groups[1] = $extra;
if ($family) {
return $groups[1] if $family == 1;
# add additional matching group names to list
# ie) for MIE-Doc, also add MIE1, MIE1-Doc, MIE-Doc1 and MIE1-Doc1
# and for MIE2-Doc3, also add MIE2, MIE-Doc3, MIE2-Doc and MIE-Doc
if ($groups[1] =~ /^MIE(\d*)-(.+?)(\d*)$/) {
push @groups, 'MIE' . ($1 || '1');
push @groups, 'MIE' . ($1 ? '' : '1') . "-$2$3";
push @groups, "MIE$1-$2" . ($3 ? '' : '1');
push @groups, 'MIE' . ($1 ? '' : '1') . "-$2" . ($3 ? '' : '1');
return @groups;
# Get group names for specified tags
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference
# 1) [optional] information hash reference (default all extracted info)
# 2) [optional] group family number (default 0)
# Returns: List of group names in alphabetical order
sub GetGroups($;$$)
local $_;
my $self = shift;
my $info = shift;
my $family;
# figure out our arguments
if (ref $info ne 'HASH') {
$family = $info;
$info = $self->{VALUE};
} else {
$family = shift;
$family = 0 unless defined $family;
# get a list of all groups in specified information
my ($tag, %groups);
foreach $tag (keys %$info) {
$groups{ $self->GetGroup($tag, $family) } = 1;
return sort keys %groups;
# set priority for group where new values are written
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference,
# 1-N) group names (reset to default if no groups specified)
sub SetNewGroups($;@)
local $_;
my ($self, @groups) = @_;
@groups or @groups = @defaultWriteGroups;
my $count = @groups;
my %priority;
foreach (@groups) {
$priority{lc($_)} = $count--;
$priority{file} = 10; # 'File' group is always written (Comment)
$priority{composite} = 10; # 'Composite' group is always written
# set write priority (higher # is higher priority)
$self->{WRITE_PRIORITY} = \%priority;
$self->{WRITE_GROUPS} = \@groups;
# Build composite tags from required tags
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference
# Note: Tag values are calculated in alphabetical order unless a tag Require's
# or Desire's another composite tag, in which case the calculation is
# deferred until after the other tag is calculated.
sub BuildCompositeTags($)
local $_;
my $self = shift;
# first, add user-defined composite tags if necessary
if (defined %UserDefined and $UserDefined{'Image::ExifTool::Composite'}) {
delete $UserDefined{'Image::ExifTool::Composite'};
my @tagList = sort keys %Image::ExifTool::Composite;
my %tagsUsed;
my $rawValue = $self->{VALUE};
for (;;) {
my %notBuilt;
foreach (@tagList) {
$notBuilt{$_} = 1;
my @deferredTags;
my $tag;
foreach $tag (@tagList) {
next if $specialTags{$tag};
my $tagInfo = $self->GetTagInfo(\%Image::ExifTool::Composite, $tag);
next unless $tagInfo;
# put required tags into array and make sure they all exist
my (%tagKey, $type, $found);
foreach $type ('Require','Desire') {
my $req = $$tagInfo{$type} or next;
# save Require'd and Desire'd tag values in list
my $index;
foreach $index (keys %$req) {
my $reqTag = $$req{$index};
# allow tag group to be specified
if ($reqTag =~ /(.+?):(.+)/) {
my ($reqGroup, $name) = ($1, $2);
my $family;
$family = $1 if $reqGroup =~ s/^(\d+)//;
my $i = 0;
for (;;++$i) {
$reqTag = $name;
$reqTag .= " ($i)" if $i;
last unless defined $$rawValue{$reqTag};
my @groups = $self->GetGroup($reqTag, $family);
last if grep { $reqGroup eq $_ } @groups;
} elsif ($notBuilt{$reqTag}) {
# calculate this tag later if it relies on another
# Composite tag which hasn't been calculated yet
push @deferredTags, $tag;
if (defined $$rawValue{$reqTag}) {
$found = 1;
} else {
# don't continue if we require this tag
$type eq 'Require' and next COMPOSITE_TAG;
$tagKey{$index} = $reqTag;
delete $notBuilt{$tag}; # this tag is OK to build now
next unless $found; # can't build tag if no values found
# keep track of all require'd tag keys
foreach (keys %tagKey) {
# only tag keys with same name as a composite tag can be replaced
# (also eliminates keys with instance numbers which can't be replaced either)
next unless $Image::ExifTool::Composite{$tagKey{$_}};
my $keyRef = \$tagKey{$_};
$tagsUsed{$$keyRef} or $tagsUsed{$$keyRef} = [ ];
push @{$tagsUsed{$$keyRef}}, $keyRef;
# save reference to tag key lookup as value for composite tag
my $key = $self->FoundTag($tagInfo, \%tagKey);
# check to see if we just replaced one of the tag keys we require'd
next unless defined $key and $tagsUsed{$key};
foreach (@{$tagsUsed{$key}}) {
$$_ = $self->{MOVED_KEY}; # replace with new tag key
delete $tagsUsed{$key}; # can't be replaced again
last unless @deferredTags;
if (@deferredTags == @tagList) {
# everything was deferred in the last pass,
# must be a circular dependency
warn "Circular dependency in Composite tags\n";
@tagList = @deferredTags; # calculate deferred tags now
# Get tag name (removes copy index)
# Inputs: 0) Tag key
# Returns: Tag name
sub GetTagName($)
local $_;
$_[0] =~ /^(\S+)/;
return $1;
# Get list of shortcuts
# Returns: Shortcut list (sorted alphabetically)
sub GetShortcuts()
local $_;
return sort keys %Image::ExifTool::Shortcuts::Main;
# Get file type for specified extension
# Inputs: 0) file name or extension (case is not significant)
# 1) flag to return long description instead of type
# Returns: File type (or desc) or undef if extension not supported. In array
# context, may return more than one file type if the file may be
# different formats. Returns list of all recognized extensions if no
# file specified
sub GetFileType(;$$)
local $_;
my ($file, $desc) = @_;
return sort keys %fileTypeLookup unless defined $file;
my $fileType;
my $fileExt = GetFileExtension($file);
$fileExt = uc($file) unless $fileExt;
$fileExt and $fileType = $fileTypeLookup{$fileExt}; # look up the file type
return $$fileType[1] if $desc; # return description if specified
$fileType = $$fileType[0]; # get file type (or list of types)
if (wantarray) {
return () unless $fileType;
return @$fileType if ref $fileType eq 'ARRAY';
} elsif ($fileType) {
$fileType = $fileExt if ref $fileType eq 'ARRAY';
return $fileType;
# return true if we can write the specified file type
# Inputs: 0) file name or ext,
# Returns: true if writable, 0 if not writable, undef if unrecognized
sub CanWrite($)
local $_;
my $file = shift or return undef;
my $type = GetFileType($file) or return undef;
return scalar(grep /^$type$/, @writeTypes);
# return true if we can create the specified file type
# Inputs: 0) file name or ext,
# Returns: true if creatable, 0 if not writable, undef if unrecognized
sub CanCreate($)
local $_;
my $file = shift or return undef;
my $type = GetFileType($file) or return undef;
return scalar(grep /^$type$/, @createTypes);
# Functions below this are not part of the public API
# initialize member variables
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference
sub Init($)
local $_;
my $self = shift;
# delete all DataMember variables (lower-case names)
foreach (keys %$self) {
/[a-z]/ and delete $self->{$_};
delete $self->{FOUND_TAGS}; # list of found tags
delete $self->{EXIF_DATA}; # the EXIF data block
delete $self->{EXIF_POS}; # EXIF position in file
delete $self->{FIRST_EXIF_POS}; # position of first EXIF in file
delete $self->{EXIF_BYTE_ORDER};# the EXIF byte ordering
delete $self->{HTML_DUMP}; # html dump information
$self->{FILE_ORDER} = { }; # hash of tag order in file
$self->{VALUE} = { }; # hash of raw tag values
$self->{TAG_INFO} = { }; # hash of tag information
$self->{GROUP1} = { }; # hash of family 1 group names
$self->{PRIORITY} = { }; # priority of current tags
$self->{PROCESSED} = { }; # hash of processed directory start positions
$self->{DIR_COUNT} = { }; # count various types of directories
$self->{NUM_FOUND} = 0; # total number of tags found (incl. duplicates)
$self->{CHANGED} = 0; # number of tags changed (writer only)
$self->{INDENT} = ' '; # initial indent for verbose messages
$self->{PRIORITY_DIR} = ''; # the priority directory name
$self->{TIFF_TYPE} = ''; # type of TIFF data (APP1, TIFF, NEF, etc...)
$self->{CameraMake} = ''; # camera make
$self->{CameraModel}= ''; # camera model
$self->{CameraType} = ''; # Olympus camera type
if ($self->Options('HtmlDump')) {
$self->{HTML_DUMP} = new Image::ExifTool::HtmlDump;
# make sure our TextOut is a file reference
$self->{OPTIONS}->{TextOut} = \*STDOUT unless ref $self->{OPTIONS}->{TextOut};
# parse function arguments and set member variables accordingly
# Inputs: Same as ImageInfo()
sub ParseArguments($;@)
my $self = shift;
my $options = $self->{OPTIONS};
my @exclude;
my @oldGroupOpts = grep /^Group/, keys %{$self->{OPTIONS}};
my $wasExcludeOpt;
$self->{REQUESTED_TAGS} = [ ];
$self->{REQ_TAG_LOOKUP} = { };
$self->{IO_TAG_LIST} = undef;
# handle our input arguments
while (@_) {
my $arg = shift;
if (ref $arg) {
if (ref $arg eq 'ARRAY') {
$self->{IO_TAG_LIST} = $arg;
foreach (@$arg) {
if (/^-(.*)/) {
push @exclude, $1;
} else {
push @{$self->{REQUESTED_TAGS}}, $_;
} elsif (ref $arg eq 'HASH') {
my $opt;
foreach $opt (keys %$arg) {
# a single new group option overrides all old group options
if (@oldGroupOpts and $opt =~ /^Group/) {
foreach (@oldGroupOpts) {
delete $options->{$_};
undef @oldGroupOpts;
$options->{$opt} = $$arg{$opt};
$opt eq 'Exclude' and $wasExcludeOpt = 1;
} elsif (ref $arg eq 'SCALAR' or UNIVERSAL::isa($arg,'GLOB')) {
next if defined $self->{RAF};
# convert image data from UTF-8 to character stream if necessary
# (patches RHEL 3 UTF8 LANG problem)
if (ref $arg eq 'SCALAR' and eval 'require Encode; Encode::is_utf8($$arg)') {
my $buff = pack('C*', unpack('U*', $$arg));
$arg = \$buff;
$self->{RAF} = new File::RandomAccess($arg);
# set filename to empty string to indicate that
# we have a file but we didn't open it
$self->{FILENAME} = '';
} else {
warn "Don't understand ImageInfo argument $arg\n";
} elsif (defined $self->{FILENAME}) {
if ($arg =~ /^-(.*)/) {
push @exclude, $1;
} else {
push @{$self->{REQUESTED_TAGS}}, $arg;
} else {
$self->{FILENAME} = $arg;
# expand shortcuts in tag arguments if provided
if (@{$self->{REQUESTED_TAGS}}) {
# initialize lookup for requested tags
foreach (@{$self->{REQUESTED_TAGS}}) {
$self->{REQ_TAG_LOOKUP}->{lc(/.+?:(.+)/ ? $1 : $_)} = 1;
if (@exclude or $wasExcludeOpt) {
# must add existing excluded tags
if ($options->{Exclude}) {
if (ref $options->{Exclude} eq 'ARRAY') {
push @exclude, @{$options->{Exclude}};
} else {
push @exclude, $options->{Exclude};
$options->{Exclude} = \@exclude;
# expand shortcuts in new exclude list
# Set list of found tags
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference
# Returns: Reference to found tags list (in order of requested tags)
sub SetFoundTags($)
my $self = shift;
my $options = $self->{OPTIONS};
my $reqTags = $self->{REQUESTED_TAGS} || [ ];
my $duplicates = $options->{Duplicates};
my $exclude = $options->{Exclude};
my $fileOrder = $self->{FILE_ORDER};
my @groupOptions = sort grep /^Group/, keys %$options;
my $doDups = $duplicates || $exclude || @groupOptions;
my ($tag, $rtnTags);
# only return requested tags if specified
if (@$reqTags) {
$rtnTags or $rtnTags = [ ];
# scan through the requested tags and generate a list of tags we found
my $tagHash = $self->{VALUE};
my $reqTag;
foreach $reqTag (@$reqTags) {
my (@matches, $group, $family, $allGrp, $allTag);
if ($reqTag =~ /^(\d+)?(.+?):(.+)/) {
($family, $group, $tag) = ($1, $2, $3);
$allGrp = 1 if $group =~ /^(\*|all)$/i;
$family = -1 unless defined $family;
} else {
$tag = $reqTag;
$family = -1;
if (defined $tagHash->{$reqTag} and not $doDups) {
$matches[0] = $tag;
} elsif ($tag =~ /^(\*|all)$/i) {
# tag name of '*' or 'all' matches all tags
if ($doDups or $allGrp) {
@matches = keys %$tagHash;
} else {
@matches = grep(!/ /, keys %$tagHash);
next unless @matches; # don't want entry in list for '*' tag
$allTag = 1;
} elsif ($doDups or defined $group) {
# must also look for tags like "Tag (1)"
@matches = grep(/^$tag(\s|$)/i, keys %$tagHash);
} else {
# find first matching value
# (use in list context to return value instead of count)
($matches[0]) = grep /^$tag$/i, keys %$tagHash;
defined $matches[0] or undef @matches;
if (defined $group and not $allGrp) {
# keep only specified group
my @grpMatches;
foreach (@matches) {
my @groups = $self->GetGroup($_, $family);
next unless grep /^$group$/i, @groups;
push @grpMatches, $_;
@matches = @grpMatches;
next unless @matches or not $allTag;
if (@matches > 1) {
# maintain original file order for multiple tags
@matches = sort { $$fileOrder{$a} <=> $$fileOrder{$b} } @matches;
# return only the highest priority tag unless duplicates wanted
unless ($doDups or $allTag or $allGrp) {
$tag = shift @matches;
my $oldPriority = $self->{PRIORITY}->{$tag} || 1;
foreach (@matches) {
my $priority = $self->{PRIORITY}->{$_};
$priority = 1 unless defined $priority;
next unless $priority >= $oldPriority;
$tag = $_;
$oldPriority = $priority || 1;
@matches = ( $tag );
} elsif (not @matches) {
# put entry in return list even without value (value is undef)
$matches[0] = "$tag (0)";
# bogus file order entry to avoid warning if sorting in file order
$self->{FILE_ORDER}->{$matches[0]} = 999;
push @$rtnTags, @matches;
} else {
# no requested tags, so we want all tags
my @allTags;
if ($doDups) {
@allTags = keys %{$self->{VALUE}};
} else {
foreach (keys %{$self->{VALUE}}) {
# only include tag if it doesn't end in a copy number
push @allTags, $_ unless / /;
$rtnTags = \@allTags;
# filter excluded tags and group options
while (($exclude or @groupOptions) and @$rtnTags) {
if ($exclude) {
my @filteredTags;
EX_TAG: foreach $tag (@$rtnTags) {
my $tagName = GetTagName($tag);
my @matches = grep /(^|:)($tagName|\*|all)$/i, @$exclude;
foreach (@matches) {
next EX_TAG unless /^(\d+)?(.+?):/;
my ($family, $group) = ($1, $2);
next EX_TAG if $group =~ /^(\*|all)$/i;
$family = -1 unless defined $family;
my @groups = $self->GetGroup($tag, $family);
next EX_TAG if grep /^$group$/i, @groups;
push @filteredTags, $tag;
$rtnTags = \@filteredTags; # use new filtered tag list
last if $duplicates and not @groupOptions;
# filter groups if requested, or to remove duplicates
my (%keepTags, %wantGroup, $family, $groupOpt);
my $allGroups = 1;
# build hash of requested/excluded group names for each group family
my $wantOrder = 0;
foreach $groupOpt (@groupOptions) {
$groupOpt =~ /^Group(\d*)/ or next;
$family = $1 || 0;
$wantGroup{$family} or $wantGroup{$family} = { };
my $groupList;
if (ref $options->{$groupOpt} eq 'ARRAY') {
$groupList = $options->{$groupOpt};
} else {
$groupList = [ $options->{$groupOpt} ];
foreach (@$groupList) {
# groups have priority in order they were specified
my ($groupName, $want);
if (/^-(.*)/) {
# excluded group begins with '-'
$groupName = $1;
$want = 0; # we don't want tags in this group
} else {
$groupName = $_;
$want = $wantOrder; # we want tags in this group
$allGroups = 0; # don't want all groups if we requested one
$wantGroup{$family}->{$groupName} = $want;
# loop through all tags and decide which ones we want
my (@tags, %bestTag);
GR_TAG: foreach $tag (@$rtnTags) {
my $wantTag = $allGroups; # want tag by default if want all groups
foreach $family (keys %wantGroup) {
my $group = $self->GetGroup($tag, $family);
my $wanted = $wantGroup{$family}->{$group};
next unless defined $wanted;
next GR_TAG unless $wanted; # skip tag if group excluded
# take lowest non-zero want flag
next if $wantTag and $wantTag < $wanted;
$wantTag = $wanted;
next unless $wantTag;
if ($duplicates) {
push @tags, $tag;
} else {
my $tagName = GetTagName($tag);
my $bestTag = $bestTag{$tagName};
if (defined $bestTag) {
next if $wantTag > $keepTags{$bestTag};
if ($wantTag == $keepTags{$bestTag}) {
# want two tags with the same name -- keep the latest one
if ($tag =~ / \((\d+)\)$/) {
my $tagNum = $1;
next if $bestTag !~ / \((\d+)\)$/ or $1 > $tagNum;
# this tag is better, so delete old best tag
delete $keepTags{$bestTag};
$keepTags{$tag} = $wantTag; # keep this tag (for now...)
$bestTag{$tagName} = $tag; # this is our current best tag
unless ($duplicates) {
# construct new tag list with no duplicates, preserving order
foreach $tag (@$rtnTags) {
push @tags, $tag if $keepTags{$tag};
$rtnTags = \@tags;
# save found tags and return reference
return $self->{FOUND_TAGS} = $rtnTags;
# Utility to load our write routines if required (called via AUTOLOAD)
# Inputs: 0) autoload function, 1-N) function arguments
# Returns: result of function or dies if function not available
# To Do: Generalize this routine so it works on systems that don't use '/'
# as a path name separator.
sub DoAutoLoad(@)
my $autoload = shift;
my @callInfo = split(/::/, $autoload);
my $file = 'Image/ExifTool/Write';
return if $callInfo[$#callInfo] eq 'DESTROY';
if (@callInfo == 4) {
# load Image/ExifTool/
$file .= "$callInfo[2].pl";
} else {
# load Image/ExifTool/
$file .= '';
# attempt to load the package
eval "require '$file'" or die "Error while attempting to call $autoload\n$@\n";
unless (defined &$autoload) {
my @caller = caller(0);
# reproduce Perl's standard 'undefined subroutine' message:
die "Undefined subroutine $autoload called at $caller[1] line $caller[2]\n";
no strict 'refs';
return &$autoload(@_); # call the function
# AutoLoad our writer routines when necessary
return DoAutoLoad($AUTOLOAD, @_);
# Add warning tag
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) warning message, 2) true if minor
# Returns: true if warning tag was added
sub Warn($$;$)
my ($self, $str, $ignorable) = @_;
if ($ignorable) {
return 0 if $self->{OPTIONS}->{IgnoreMinorErrors};
$str = "[minor] $str";
$self->FoundTag('Warning', $str);
return 1;
# Add error tag
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) error message, 2) true if minor
# Returns: true if error tag was added, otherwise warning was added
sub Error($$;$)
my ($self, $str, $ignorable) = @_;
if ($ignorable) {
if ($self->{OPTIONS}->{IgnoreMinorErrors}) {
return 0;
$str = "[minor] $str";
$self->FoundTag('Error', $str);
return 1;
# Expand shortcuts
# Inputs: 0) reference to list of tags
# Notes: Handles leading '-' indicating excluded tag
sub ExpandShortcuts($)
my $tagList = shift || return;
# expand shortcuts
my @expandedTags;
my ($entry, $tag);
foreach $entry (@$tagList) {
($tag = $entry) =~ s/^-//; # remove leading '-'
my ($match) = grep /^\Q$tag\E$/i, keys %Image::ExifTool::Shortcuts::Main;
if ($match) {
if ($tag eq $entry) {
push @expandedTags, @{$Image::ExifTool::Shortcuts::Main{$match}};
} else {
# entry starts with '-', so exclude all tags in this shortcut
foreach (@{$Image::ExifTool::Shortcuts::Main{$match}}) {
/^-/ and next; # ignore excluded exclude tags
push @expandedTags, "-$_";
} else {
push @expandedTags, $entry;
@$tagList = @expandedTags;
# Add hash of composite tags to our composites
# Inputs: 0) hash reference to table of composite tags to add or module name,
# 1) overwrite existing tag
sub AddCompositeTags($;$)
local $_;
my ($add, $overwrite) = @_;
my $module;
unless (ref $add) {
$module = $add;
$add .= '::Composite';
no strict 'refs';
$add = \%$add;
my $defaultGroups = $$add{GROUPS};
# make sure default groups are defined in families 0 and 1
if ($defaultGroups) {
$defaultGroups->{0} or $defaultGroups->{0} = 'Composite';
$defaultGroups->{1} or $defaultGroups->{1} = 'Composite';
$defaultGroups->{2} or $defaultGroups->{2} = 'Other';
} else {
$defaultGroups = $$add{GROUPS} = { 0 => 'Composite', 1 => 'Composite', 2 => 'Other' };
my $tagID;
foreach $tagID (keys %$add) {
next if $specialTags{$tagID}; # must skip special tags
my $tagInfo = $$add{$tagID};
# tagID's MUST be the exact tag name for logic in BuildCompositeTags()
my $tag = $$tagInfo{Name};
$$tagInfo{Module} = $module if $$tagInfo{Writable};
# allow composite tags with the same name
my ($t, $n);
while ($Image::ExifTool::Composite{$tag} and not $overwrite) {
$n ? $n += 1 : $n = 2, $t = $tag;
$tag = "${t}_$n";
# add this composite tag to our main composite table
$$tagInfo{Table} = \%Image::ExifTool::Composite;
$Image::ExifTool::Composite{$tag} = $tagInfo;
# set all default groups in tag
my $groups = $$tagInfo{Groups};
$groups or $groups = $$tagInfo{Groups} = { };
# fill in default groups
foreach (keys %$defaultGroups) {
$$groups{$_} or $$groups{$_} = $$defaultGroups{$_};
# set flag indicating group list was built
$$tagInfo{GotGroups} = 1;
# Expand tagInfo Flags
# Inputs: 0) tagInfo hash ref
# Notes: $$tagInfo{Flags} must be defined to call this routine
sub ExpandFlags($)
my $tagInfo = shift;
my $flags = $$tagInfo{Flags};
if (ref $flags eq 'ARRAY') {
foreach (@$flags) {
$$tagInfo{$_} = 1;
} elsif (ref $flags eq 'HASH') {
my $key;
foreach $key (keys %$flags) {
$$tagInfo{$key} = $$flags{$key};
} else {
$$tagInfo{$flags} = 1;
# Set up tag table (must be done once for each tag table used)
# Inputs: 0) Reference to tag table
# Notes: - generates 'Name' field from key if it doesn't exist
# - stores 'Table' pointer
# - expands 'Flags' for quick lookup
sub SetupTagTable($)
my $tagTablePtr = shift;
my $tagID;
foreach $tagID (TagTableKeys($tagTablePtr)) {
my @infoArray = GetTagInfoList($tagTablePtr,$tagID);
# process conditional tagInfo arrays
my $tagInfo;
foreach $tagInfo (@infoArray) {
$$tagInfo{Table} = $tagTablePtr;
my $tag = $$tagInfo{Name};
unless (defined $tag) {
# generate name equal to tag ID if 'Name' doesn't exist
$tag = $tagID;
$$tagInfo{Name} = ucfirst($tag); # make first char uppercase
$$tagInfo{Flags} and ExpandFlags($tagInfo);
# Utilities to check for numerical types
# Inputs: 0) value; Returns: true if value is a numerical type
# Notes: May change commas to decimals in floats for use in other locales
sub IsFloat($) {
return 1 if $_[0] =~ /^([+-]?)(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?$/;
# allow comma separators (for other locales)
return 0 unless $_[0] =~ /^([+-]?)(?=\d|,\d)\d*(,\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?$/;
$_[0] =~ tr/,/./; # but translate ',' to '.'
return 1;
sub IsInt($) { return scalar($_[0] =~ /^[+-]?\d+$/); }
sub IsHex($) { return scalar($_[0] =~ /^(0x)?[0-9a-f]{1,8}$/i); }
# round floating point value to specified number of significant digits
# Inputs: 0) value, 1) number of sig digits; Returns: rounded number
sub RoundFloat($$)
my ($val, $sig) = @_;
$val == 0 and return 0;
my $sign = $val < 0 ? ($val=-$val, -1) : 1;
my $log = log($val) / log(10);
my $exp = int($log) - $sig + ($log > 0 ? 1 : 0);
return $sign * int(10 ** ($log - $exp) + 0.5) * 10 ** $exp;
# Utility routines to for reading binary data values from file
my $swapBytes; # set if EXIF header is not native byte ordering
my $swapWords; # swap 32-bit words in doubles (ARM quirk)
my $currentByteOrder = 'MM'; # current byte ordering ('II' or 'MM')
my %unpackMotorola = ( S => 'n', L => 'N', C => 'C', c => 'c' );
my %unpackIntel = ( S => 'v', L => 'V', C => 'C', c => 'c' );
my %unpackStd = %unpackMotorola;
# Swap bytes in data if necessary
# Inputs: 0) data, 1) number of bytes
# Returns: swapped data
sub SwapBytes($$)
return $_[0] unless $swapBytes;
my ($val, $bytes) = @_;
my $newVal = '';
$newVal .= substr($val, $bytes, 1) while $bytes--;
return $newVal;
# Swap words. Inputs: 8 bytes of data, Returns: swapped data
sub SwapWords($)
return $_[0] unless $swapWords and length($_[0]) == 8;
return substr($_[0],4,4) . substr($_[0],0,4)
# Unpack value, letting unpack() handle byte swapping
# Inputs: 0) unpack template, 1) data reference, 2) offset
# Returns: unpacked number
# - uses value of %unpackStd to determine the unpack template
# - can only be called for 'S' or 'L' templates since these are the only
# templates for which you can specify the byte ordering.
sub DoUnpackStd(@)
$_[2] and return unpack("x$_[2] $unpackStd{$_[0]}", ${$_[1]});
return unpack($unpackStd{$_[0]}, ${$_[1]});
# Pack value
# Inputs: 0) template, 1) value, 2) data ref (or undef), 3) offset (if data ref)
# Returns: packed value
sub DoPackStd(@)
my $val = pack($unpackStd{$_[0]}, $_[1]);
$_[2] and substr(${$_[2]}, $_[3], length($val)) = $val;
return $val;
# Unpack value, handling the byte swapping manually
# Inputs: 0) # bytes, 1) unpack template, 2) data reference, 3) offset
# Returns: unpacked number
# - uses value of $swapBytes to determine byte ordering
sub DoUnpack(@)
my ($bytes, $template, $dataPt, $pos) = @_;
my $val;
if ($swapBytes) {
$val = '';
$val .= substr($$dataPt,$pos+$bytes,1) while $bytes--;
} else {
$val = substr($$dataPt,$pos,$bytes);
defined($val) or return undef;
return unpack($template,$val);
# Unpack double value
# Inputs: 0) unpack template, 1) data reference, 2) offset
# Returns: unpacked number
sub DoUnpackDbl(@)
my ($template, $dataPt, $pos) = @_;
my $val = substr($$dataPt,$pos,8);
defined($val) or return undef;
# swap bytes and 32-bit words (ARM quirk) if necessary, then unpack value
return unpack($template, SwapWords(SwapBytes($val, 8)));
# Inputs: 0) data reference, 1) offset into data
sub Get8s($$) { return DoUnpackStd('c', @_); }
sub Get8u($$) { return DoUnpackStd('C', @_); }
sub Get16s($$) { return DoUnpack(2, 's', @_); }
sub Get16u($$) { return DoUnpackStd('S', @_); }
sub Get32s($$) { return DoUnpack(4, 'l', @_); }
sub Get32u($$) { return DoUnpackStd('L', @_); }
sub GetFloat($$) { return DoUnpack(4, 'f', @_); }
sub GetDouble($$) { return DoUnpackDbl('d', @_); }
sub GetRational32s($$)
my ($dataPt, $pos) = @_;
my $denom = Get16s($dataPt, $pos + 2) or return 'inf';
# round off to a reasonable number of significant figures
return RoundFloat(Get16s($dataPt,$pos) / $denom, 7);
sub GetRational32u($$)
my ($dataPt, $pos) = @_;
my $denom = Get16u($dataPt, $pos + 2) or return 'inf';
return RoundFloat(Get16u($dataPt,$pos) / $denom, 7);
sub GetRational64s($$)
my ($dataPt, $pos) = @_;
my $denom = Get32s($dataPt, $pos + 4) or return 'inf';
return RoundFloat(Get32s($dataPt,$pos) / $denom, 7);
sub GetRational64u($$)
my ($dataPt, $pos) = @_;
my $denom = Get32u($dataPt, $pos + 4) or return 'inf';
return RoundFloat(Get32u($dataPt,$pos) / $denom, 7);
sub GetFixed16s($$)
my ($dataPt, $pos) = @_;
my $val = Get16s($dataPt, $pos) / 0x100;
return int($val * 1000 + ($val<0 ? -0.5 : 0.5)) / 1000;
sub GetFixed16u($$)
my ($dataPt, $pos) = @_;
return int((Get16u($dataPt, $pos) / 0x100) * 1000 + 0.5) / 1000;
sub GetFixed32s($$)
my ($dataPt, $pos) = @_;
my $val = Get32s($dataPt, $pos) / 0x10000;
# remove insignificant digits
return int($val * 1e5 + ($val>0 ? 0.5 : -0.5)) / 1e5;
sub GetFixed32u($$)
my ($dataPt, $pos) = @_;
# remove insignificant digits
return int((Get32u($dataPt, $pos) / 0x10000) * 1e5 + 0.5) / 1e5;
# Inputs: 0) value, 1) data ref, 2) offset
sub Set8s(@) { return DoPackStd('c', @_); }
sub Set8u(@) { return DoPackStd('C', @_); }
sub Set16u(@) { return DoPackStd('S', @_); }
sub Set32u(@) { return DoPackStd('L', @_); }
# Get current byte order ('II' or 'MM')
sub GetByteOrder() { return $currentByteOrder; }
# set byte ordering
# Inputs: 0) 'II'=intel, 'MM'=motorola
# Returns: 1 on success
sub SetByteOrder($)
my $order = shift;
if ($order eq 'MM') { # big endian (Motorola)
%unpackStd = %unpackMotorola;
} elsif ($order eq 'II') { # little endian (Intel)
%unpackStd = %unpackIntel;
} else {
return 0;
my $val = unpack('S','A ');
my $nativeOrder;
if ($val == 0x4120) { # big endian
$nativeOrder = 'MM';
} elsif ($val == 0x2041) { # little endian
$nativeOrder = 'II';
} else {
warn sprintf("Unknown native byte order! (pattern %x)\n",$val);
return 0;
$currentByteOrder = $order; # save current byte order
# swap bytes if our native CPU byte ordering is not the same as the EXIF
$swapBytes = ($order ne $nativeOrder);
# little-endian ARM has big-endian words for doubles (thanks Riku Voipio)
# (Note: Riku's patch checked for '0ff3', but I think it should be 'f03f' since
# 1 is '000000000000f03f' on an x86 -- so check for both, but which is correct?)
my $pack1d = pack('d', 1);
$swapWords = ($pack1d eq "\0\0\x0f\xf3\0\0\0\0" or
$pack1d eq "\0\0\xf0\x3f\0\0\0\0");
return 1;
# change byte order
sub ToggleByteOrder()
SetByteOrder(GetByteOrder() eq 'II' ? 'MM' : 'II');
# hash lookups for reading values from data
my %formatSize = (
int8s => 1,
int8u => 1,
int16s => 2,
int16u => 2,
int32s => 4,
int32u => 4,
int64s => 8,
int64u => 8,
rational32s => 4,
rational32u => 4,
rational64s => 8,
rational64u => 8,
fixed16s => 2,
fixed16u => 2,
fixed32s => 4,
fixed32u => 4,
float => 4,
double => 8,
extended => 10,
string => 1,
binary => 1,
'undef' => 1,
ifd => 4,
my %readValueProc = (
int8s => \&Get8s,
int8u => \&Get8u,
int16s => \&Get16s,
int16u => \&Get16u,
int32s => \&Get32s,
int32u => \&Get32u,
int64s => \&Get64s,
int64u => \&Get64u,
rational32s => \&GetRational32s,
rational32u => \&GetRational32u,
rational64s => \&GetRational64s,
rational64u => \&GetRational64u,
fixed16s => \&GetFixed16s,
fixed16u => \&GetFixed16u,
fixed32s => \&GetFixed32s,
fixed32u => \&GetFixed32u,
float => \&GetFloat,
double => \&GetDouble,
extended => \&GetExtended,
ifd => \&Get32u,
sub FormatSize($) { return $formatSize{$_[0]}; }
# read value from binary data (with current byte ordering)
# Inputs: 0) data reference, 1) value offset, 2) format string,
# 3) number of values (or undef to use all data)
# 4) valid data length relative to offset
# Returns: converted value, or undefined if data isn't there
# or list of values in list context
sub ReadValue($$$$$)
my ($dataPt, $offset, $format, $count, $size) = @_;
my $len = $formatSize{$format};
unless ($len) {
warn "Unknown format $format";
$len = 1;
unless ($count) {
return '' if defined $count or $size < $len;
$count = int($size / $len);
# make sure entry is inside data
if ($len * $count > $size) {
$count = int($size / $len); # shorten count if necessary
$count < 1 and return undef; # return undefined if no data
my @vals;
my $proc = $readValueProc{$format};
if ($proc) {
for (;;) {
push @vals, &$proc($dataPt, $offset);
last if --$count <= 0;
$offset += $len;
} else {
# handle undef/binary/string
$vals[0] = substr($$dataPt, $offset, $count);
# truncate string at null terminator if necessary
$vals[0] =~ s/\0.*//s if $format eq 'string';
if (wantarray) {
return @vals;
} elsif (@vals > 1) {
return join(' ', @vals);
} else {
return $vals[0];
# Decode bit mask
# Inputs: 0) value to decode, 1) Reference to hash for decoding
sub DecodeBits($$)
my ($bits, $lookup) = @_;
my $outStr = '';
my $i;
for ($i=0; $i<32; ++$i) {
next unless $bits & (1 << $i);
$outStr .= ', ' if $outStr;
if ($$lookup{$i}) {
$outStr .= $$lookup{$i};
} else {
$outStr .= "[$i]";
return $outStr || '(none)';
# Validate an extracted image and repair if necessary
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) image reference, 2) tag name
# Returns: image reference or undef if it wasn't valid
sub ValidateImage($$$)
my ($self, $imagePt, $tag) = @_;
return undef if $$imagePt eq 'none';
unless ($$imagePt =~ /^(Binary data|\xff\xd8\xff)/ or
# the first byte of the preview of some Minolta cameras is wrong,
# so check for this and set it back to 0xff if necessary
$$imagePt =~ s/^.(\xd8\xff\xdb)/\xff$1/ or
# issue warning only if the tag was specifically requested
if ($self->{REQ_TAG_LOOKUP}->{lc($tag)}) {
$self->Warn("$tag is not a valid JPEG image",1);
return undef;
return $imagePt;
# make description from a tag name
# Inputs: 0) tag name 1) optional tagID to add at end of description
# Returns: description
sub MakeDescription($;$)
my ($tag, $tagID) = @_;
# start with the tag name and force first letter to be upper case
my $desc = ucfirst($tag);
$desc =~ tr/_/ /; # translate underlines to spaces
# put a space between lower/UPPER case and lower/number combinations
$desc =~ s/([a-z])([A-Z\d])/$1 $2/g;
# put a space between acronyms and words
$desc =~ s/([A-Z])([A-Z][a-z])/$1 $2/g;
# put spaces after numbers (if more than one character following number)
$desc =~ s/(\d)([A-Z]\S)/$1 $2/g;
# remove space in hex number
$desc =~ s/ 0x ([\dA-Fa-f])/ 0x$1/g;
$desc .= ' ' . $tagID if defined $tagID;
return $desc;
# return printable value
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference
# 1) value to print, 2) true for unlimited line length
sub Printable($;$)
my ($self, $outStr, $unlimited) = @_;
return '(undef)' unless defined $outStr;
$outStr =~ tr/\x01-\x1f\x7f-\xff/./;
$outStr =~ s/\x00//g;
# limit length if verbose < 4
if (length($outStr) > 60 and not $unlimited and $self->{OPTIONS}->{Verbose} < 4) {
$outStr = substr($outStr,0,54) . '[snip]';
return $outStr;
# Convert date/time from Exif format
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) Date/time in EXIF format
# Returns: Formatted date/time string
sub ConvertDateTime($$)
my ($self, $date) = @_;
my $dateFormat = $self->{OPTIONS}->{DateFormat};
# only convert date if a format was specified and the date is recognizable
if ($dateFormat) {
if ($date =~ /^(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\s+(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/ and eval 'require POSIX') {
$date = POSIX::strftime($dateFormat, $6, $5, $4, $3, $2-1, $1-1900);
} elsif ($self->{OPTIONS}->{StrictDate}) {
undef $date;
return $date;
# Convert Unix time to EXIF date/time string
# Inputs: 0) Unix time value, 1) non-zero to use local instead of GMT time
# Returns: EXIF date/time string
sub ConvertUnixTime($;$)
my $time = shift;
return '0000:00:00 00:00:00' if $time == 0;
my @tm = shift() ? localtime($time) : gmtime($time);
return sprintf("%4d:%.2d:%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d", $tm[5]+1900, $tm[4]+1,
$tm[3], $tm[2], $tm[1], $tm[0]);
# Get Unix time from EXIF-formatted date/time string
# Inputs: 0) EXIF date/time string, 1) non-zero to use local instead of GMT time
# Returns: Unix time or undefined on error
sub GetUnixTime($;$)
my $timeStr = shift;
return 0 if $timeStr eq '0000:00:00 00:00:00';
my @tm = ($timeStr =~ /^(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\s+(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/);
return undef unless @tm == 6;
return undef unless eval 'require Time::Local';
$tm[0] -= 1900; # convert year
$tm[1] -= 1; # convert month
@tm = reverse @tm; # change to order required by timelocal()
return shift() ? Time::Local::timelocal(@tm) : Time::Local::timegm(@tm);
# Save information for HTML dump
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool hash ref, 1) start offset, 2) data size
# 3) comment string, 4) tool tip (or SAME), 5) flags
sub HtmlDump($$$$;$$)
my $self = shift;
$self->{HTML_DUMP} and $self->{HTML_DUMP}->Add(@_);
# JPEG constants
my %jpegMarker = (
0x01 => 'TEM',
0xc0 => 'SOF0', # to SOF15, with a few exceptions below
0xc4 => 'DHT',
0xc8 => 'JPGA',
0xcc => 'DAC',
0xd0 => 'RST0',
0xd8 => 'SOI',
0xd9 => 'EOI',
0xda => 'SOS',
0xdb => 'DQT',
0xdc => 'DNL',
0xdd => 'DRI',
0xde => 'DHP',
0xdf => 'EXP',
0xe0 => 'APP0', # to APP15
0xf0 => 'JPG0',
0xfe => 'COM',
# Get JPEG marker name
# Inputs: 0) Jpeg number
# Returns: marker name
sub JpegMarkerName($)
my $marker = shift;
my $markerName = $jpegMarker{$marker};
unless ($markerName) {
$markerName = $jpegMarker{$marker & 0xf0};
if ($markerName and $markerName =~ /^([A-Z]+)\d+$/) {
$markerName = $1 . ($marker & 0x0f);
} else {
$markerName = sprintf("marker 0x%.2x", $marker);
return $markerName;
# Identify trailer ending at specified offset from end of file
# Inputs: 0) RAF reference, 1) offset from end of file (0 by default)
# Returns: Trailer info hash (with RAF and DirName set),
# or undef if no recognized trailer was found
# Notes: leaves file position unchanged
sub IdentifyTrailer($;$)
my $raf = shift;
my $offset = shift || 0;
my $pos = $raf->Tell();
my ($buff, $type, $len);
while ($raf->Seek(-$offset, 2) and ($len = $raf->Tell()) > 0) {
# read up to 64 bytes before specified offset from end of file
$len = 64 if $len > 64;
$raf->Seek(-$len, 1) and $raf->Read($buff, $len) == $len or last;
if ($buff =~ /AXS(!|\*).{8}$/s) {
$type = 'AFCP';
} elsif ($buff =~ /\xa1\xb2\xc3\xd4$/) {
$type = 'FotoStation';
} elsif ($buff =~ /cbipcbbl$/) {
$type = 'PhotoMechanic';
} elsif ($buff =~ /^CANON OPTIONAL DATA\0/) {
$type = 'CanonVRD';
} elsif ($buff =~ /~\0\x04\0zmie~\0\0\x06.{4}[\x10\x18]\x04$/s or
$buff =~ /~\0\x04\0zmie~\0\0\x0a.{8}[\x10\x18]\x08$/s)
$type = 'MIE';
$raf->Seek($pos, 0); # restore original file position
return $type ? { RAF => $raf, DirName => $type } : undef;
# Extract EXIF information from a jpg image
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) directory information ref
# Returns: 1 on success, 0 if this wasn't a valid JPEG file
sub ProcessJPEG($$)
my ($self, $dirInfo) = @_;
my ($ch,$s,$length);
my $verbose = $self->{OPTIONS}->{Verbose};
my $out = $self->{OPTIONS}->{TextOut};
my $raf = $$dirInfo{RAF};
my $htmlDump = $self->{HTML_DUMP};
my %dumpParms = ( Out => $out );
my ($success, $icc_profile, $wantPreview, $trailInfo);
# check to be sure this is a valid JPG file
return 0 unless $raf->Read($s, 2) == 2 and $s eq "\xff\xd8";
$dumpParms{MaxLen} = 128 if $verbose < 4;
$self->SetFileType(); # set FileType tag
$self->HtmlDump(0, 2, 'JPEG header', 'SOI Marker');
# set input record separator to 0xff (the JPEG marker) to make reading quicker
my $oldsep = $/;
$/ = "\xff";
my ($nextMarker, $nextSegDataPt, $nextSegPos, $combinedSegData, $dumpEnd);
# read file until we reach an end of image (EOI) or start of scan (SOS)
Marker: for (;;) {
# set marker and data pointer for current segment
my $marker = $nextMarker;
my $segDataPt = $nextSegDataPt;
my $segPos = $nextSegPos;
undef $nextMarker;
undef $nextSegDataPt;
# read ahead to the next segment unless we have reached EOI or SOS
unless ($marker and ($marker==0xd9 or ($marker==0xda and not $wantPreview))) {
# read up to next marker (JPEG markers begin with 0xff)
my $buff;
$raf->ReadLine($buff) or last;
# JPEG markers can be padded with unlimited 0xff's
for (;;) {
$raf->Read($ch, 1) or last Marker;
$nextMarker = ord($ch);
last unless $nextMarker == 0xff;
# read the next segment
# handle SOF markers: SOF0-SOF15, except DHT(0xc4), JPGA(0xc8) and DAC(0xcc)
if (($nextMarker & 0xf0) == 0xc0 and
($nextMarker == 0xc0 or $nextMarker & 0x03))
last unless $raf->Read($buff, 7) == 7;
$nextSegDataPt = \$buff;
# read data for all markers except 0xd9 (EOI) and stand-alone
# markers 0x00, 0x01 and 0xd0-0xd7 (NULL, TEM, RST0-RST7)
} elsif ($nextMarker!=0xd9 and $nextMarker!=0x00 and $nextMarker!=0x01 and
($nextMarker<0xd0 or $nextMarker>0xd7))
# read record length word
last unless $raf->Read($s, 2) == 2;
my $len = unpack('n',$s); # get data length
last unless defined($len) and $len >= 2;
$nextSegPos = $raf->Tell();
$len -= 2; # subtract size of length word
last unless $raf->Read($buff, $len) == $len;
$nextSegDataPt = \$buff; # set pointer to our next data
# read second segment too if this was the first
next unless defined $marker;
# set some useful variables for the current segment
my $hdr = "\xff" . chr($marker); # header for this segment
my $markerName = JpegMarkerName($marker);
# parse the current segment
# handle SOF markers: SOF0-SOF15, except DHT(0xc4), JPGA(0xc8) and DAC(0xcc)
if (($marker & 0xf0) == 0xc0 and ($marker == 0xc0 or $marker & 0x03)) {
$verbose and print $out "JPEG $markerName:\n";
# get the image size;
my ($h, $w) = unpack('n'x2, substr($$segDataPt, 3));
$self->FoundTag('ImageWidth', $w);
$self->FoundTag('ImageHeight', $h);
} elsif ($marker == 0xd9) { # EOI
$verbose and print $out "JPEG EOI\n";
my $pos = $raf->Tell();
if ($htmlDump and $dumpEnd) {
$self->HtmlDump($dumpEnd, $pos-2-$dumpEnd, '[JPEG Image Data]', undef, 0x08);
$self->HtmlDump($pos-2, 2, 'JPEG EOI', undef);
$dumpEnd = 0;
$success = 1;
# we are here because we are looking for trailer information
if ($wantPreview and $self->{VALUE}->{PreviewImageStart}) {
my $buff;
# most previews start right after the JPEG EOI, but the Olympus E-20
# preview is 508 bytes into the trailer, and the K-M Maxxum 7D preview
# is 979 bytes in, but Minolta previews can have a random first byte...
if ($raf->Read($buff, 1024) and ($buff =~ /\xff\xd8\xff./g or
($self->{CameraMake} =~ /Minolta/i and $buff =~ /.\xd8\xff\xdb/g)))
# adjust PreviewImageStart to this location
my $start = $self->{VALUE}->{PreviewImageStart};
my $actual = $pos + pos($buff) - 4;
if ($start ne $actual and $verbose > 1) {
print $out "(Fixed PreviewImage location: $start -> $actual)\n";
$self->{VALUE}->{PreviewImageStart} = $actual;
$raf->Seek($pos, 0);
# process trailer now or finish processing trailers
# and scan for AFCP if necessary
my $fromEnd = 0;
if ($trailInfo) {
$$trailInfo{ScanForAFCP} = 1; # scan now if necessary
# save offset from end of file to start of first trailer
$fromEnd = $$trailInfo{Offset};
undef $trailInfo;
# finally, dump remaining information in JPEG trailer
if ($verbose or $htmlDump) {
$raf->Seek(0, 2);
my $endPos = $raf->Tell() - $fromEnd;
RAF => $raf,
DataPos => $pos,
DirLen => $endPos - $pos
}) if $endPos > $pos;
last; # all done parsing file
} elsif ($marker == 0xda) { # SOS
# all done with meta information unless we have a trailer
$verbose and print $out "JPEG SOS\n";
unless ($self->Options('FastScan')) {
$trailInfo = IdentifyTrailer($raf);
# process trailer now unless we are doing verbose dump
if ($trailInfo and $verbose < 3 and not $htmlDump) {
# process trailers (keep trailInfo to finish processing later
# only if we can't finish without scanning from end of file)
$self->ProcessTrailers($trailInfo) and undef $trailInfo;
if ($wantPreview) {
# seek ahead and validate preview image
my $buff;
my $curPos = $raf->Tell();
if ($raf->Seek($self->GetValue('PreviewImageStart'), 0) and
$raf->Read($buff, 4) == 4 and
$buff =~ /^.\xd8\xff[\xc4\xdb\xe0-\xef]/)
undef $wantPreview;
$raf->Seek($curPos, 0) or last;
next if $trailInfo or $wantPreview or $verbose > 2 or $htmlDump;
# nothing interesting to parse after start of scan (SOS)
$success = 1;
last; # all done parsing file
} elsif ($marker==0x00 or $marker==0x01 or ($marker>=0xd0 and $marker<=0xd7)) {
# handle stand-alone markers 0x00, 0x01 and 0xd0-0xd7 (NULL, TEM, RST0-RST7)
$verbose and $marker and print $out "JPEG $markerName:\n";
# handle all other markers
my $dumpType = '';
$length = length($$segDataPt);
if ($verbose) {
print $out "JPEG $markerName ($length bytes):\n";
if ($verbose > 2) {
my %extraParms = ( Addr => $segPos );
$extraParms{MaxLen} = 128 if $verbose == 4;
HexDump($segDataPt, undef, %dumpParms, %extraParms);
if ($marker == 0xe0) { # APP0 (JFIF, CIFF)
if ($$segDataPt =~ /^JFIF\0/) {
$dumpType = 'JFIF';
my %dirInfo = (
DataPt => $segDataPt,
DataPos => $segPos,
DirStart => 5,
DirLen => $length - 5,
my $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::JFIF::Main');
$self->ProcessDirectory(\%dirInfo, $tagTablePtr);
} elsif ($$segDataPt =~ /^JFXX\0\x10/) {
$dumpType = 'JFXX';
my $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::JFIF::Extension');
my $tagInfo = $self->GetTagInfo($tagTablePtr, 0x10);
$self->FoundTag($tagInfo, substr($$segDataPt, 6));
} elsif ($$segDataPt =~ /^(II|MM).{4}HEAPJPGM/s) {
$dumpType = 'CIFF';
my %dirInfo = (
RAF => new File::RandomAccess($segDataPt),
$self->{SET_GROUP1} = 'CIFF';
Image::ExifTool::CanonRaw::ProcessCRW($self, \%dirInfo);
delete $self->{SET_GROUP1};
} elsif ($marker == 0xe1) { # APP1 (EXIF, XMP)
if ($$segDataPt =~ /^Exif\0/) { # (some Kodak cameras don't put a second \0)
# this is EXIF data --
# get the data block (into a common variable)
my $hdrLen = length($exifAPP1hdr);
my %dirInfo = (
Parent => $markerName,
DataPt => $segDataPt,
DataPos => $segPos,
DirStart => $hdrLen,
Base => $segPos + $hdrLen,
if ($htmlDump) {
$self->HtmlDump($segPos-4, 4, 'APP1 header',
"Data size: $length bytes");
$self->HtmlDump($segPos, $hdrLen, 'Exif header',
'APP1 data type: Exif');
$dumpEnd = $segPos + $length;
undef $dumpType; # (already dumped)
# extract the EXIF information (it is in standard TIFF format)
# avoid looking for preview unless necessary because it really slows
# us down -- only look for it if we found pointer, and preview is
# outside EXIF, and PreviewImage is specifically requested
my $start = $self->GetValue('PreviewImageStart');
my $length = $self->GetValue('PreviewImageLength');
if ($start and $length and
$start + $length > $self->{EXIF_POS} + length($self->{EXIF_DATA}) and
$wantPreview = 1;
} else {
# Hmmm. Could be XMP, let's see
my $processed;
if ($$segDataPt =~ /^http/ or $$segDataPt =~ /<exif:/) {
$dumpType = 'XMP';
my $start = ($$segDataPt =~ /^$xmpAPP1hdr/) ? length($xmpAPP1hdr) : 0;
my $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::XMP::Main');
my %dirInfo = (
Base => 0,
DataPt => $segDataPt,
DataPos => $segPos,
DataLen => $length,
DirStart => $start,
DirLen => $length - $start,
Parent => $markerName,
$processed = $self->ProcessDirectory(\%dirInfo, $tagTablePtr);
if ($verbose and not $processed) {
$self->Warn("Ignored EXIF block length $length (bad header)");
} elsif ($marker == 0xe2) { # APP2 (ICC Profile, FPXR)
if ($$segDataPt =~ /^ICC_PROFILE\0/) {
$dumpType = 'ICC_Profile';
# must concatenate blocks of profile
my $block_num = ord(substr($$segDataPt, 12, 1));
my $blocks_tot = ord(substr($$segDataPt, 13, 1));
$icc_profile = '' if $block_num == 1;
if (defined $icc_profile) {
$icc_profile .= substr($$segDataPt, 14);
if ($block_num == $blocks_tot) {
my $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::ICC_Profile::Main');
my %dirInfo = (
DataPt => \$icc_profile,
DataPos => $segPos + 14,
DataLen => length($icc_profile),
DirStart => 0,
DirLen => length($icc_profile),
Parent => $markerName,
$self->ProcessDirectory(\%dirInfo, $tagTablePtr);
undef $icc_profile;
} elsif ($$segDataPt =~ /^FPXR\0/) {
$dumpType = 'FPXR';
my $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::FlashPix::Main');
my %dirInfo = (
DataPt => $segDataPt,
DataPos => $segPos,
DataLen => $length,
DirStart => 0,
DirLen => $length,
Parent => $markerName,
# set flag if this is the last FPXR segment
LastFPXR => not ($nextMarker==$marker and $$nextSegDataPt=~/^FPXR\0/),
$self->ProcessDirectory(\%dirInfo, $tagTablePtr);
} elsif ($marker == 0xe3) { # APP3 (Kodak "Meta")
if ($$segDataPt =~ /^(Meta|META|Exif)\0\0/) {
my %dirInfo = (
Parent => $markerName,
DataPt => $segDataPt,
DataPos => $segPos,
DirStart => 6,
Base => $segPos + 6,
if ($htmlDump) {
$self->HtmlDump($segPos-4, 10, 'APP3 Meta header');
$dumpEnd = $segPos + $length;
undef $dumpType; # (already dumped)
my $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::Kodak::Meta');
$self->ProcessTIFF(\%dirInfo, $tagTablePtr);
} elsif ($marker == 0xe5) { # APP5 (Ricoh "RMETA")
if ($$segDataPt =~ /^RMETA\0/) {
$dumpType = 'Ricoh RMETA';
my %dirInfo = (
Parent => $markerName,
DataPt => $segDataPt,
DataPos => $segPos,
DirStart => 6,
Base => $segPos + 6,
my $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::Ricoh::RMETA');
$self->ProcessDirectory(\%dirInfo, $tagTablePtr);
} elsif ($marker == 0xe6) { # APP6 (Toshiba EPPIM)
if ($$segDataPt =~ /^EPPIM\0/) {
my %dirInfo = (
Parent => $markerName,
DataPt => $segDataPt,
DataPos => $segPos,
DirStart => 6,
Base => $segPos + 6,
if ($htmlDump) {
$self->HtmlDump($segPos-4, 10, 'APP6 EPPIM header');
$dumpEnd = $segPos + $length;
undef $dumpType; # (already dumped)
my $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::JPEG::APP6');
$self->ProcessTIFF(\%dirInfo, $tagTablePtr);
} elsif ($marker == 0xe8) { # APP8 (SPIFF)
# my sample SPIFF has 32 bytes of data, but spec states 30
if ($$segDataPt =~ /^SPIFF\0/ and $length == 32) {
$dumpType = 'SPIFF';
my %dirInfo = (
DataPt => $segDataPt,
DataPos => $segPos,
DirStart => 6,
DirLen => $length - 6,
my $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::JPEG::APP8');
$self->ProcessDirectory(\%dirInfo, $tagTablePtr);
} elsif ($marker == 0xea) { # APP10 (PhotoStudio Unicode comments)
if ($$segDataPt =~ /^UNICODE\0/) {
my $comment = $self->Unicode2Byte(substr($$segDataPt,8), 'MM');
$self->FoundTag('Comment', $comment);
} elsif ($marker == 0xec) { # APP12 (Ducky, Picture Info)
if ($$segDataPt =~ /^Ducky\0/) {
$dumpType = 'Ducky';
my %dirInfo = (
DataPt => $segDataPt,
DataPos => $segPos,
DirStart => 5,
DirLen => $length - 5,
my $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::APP12::Ducky');
$self->ProcessDirectory(\%dirInfo, $tagTablePtr);
} else {
my %dirInfo = ( DataPt => $segDataPt );
my $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::APP12::Main');
$self->ProcessDirectory(\%dirInfo, $tagTablePtr) and $dumpType = 'Picture Info';
} elsif ($marker == 0xed) { # APP13 (Photoshop)
my $isOld;
if ($$segDataPt =~ /^$psAPP13hdr/ or ($$segDataPt =~ /^$psAPP13old/ and $isOld=1)) {
$dumpType = 'Photoshop';
# add this data to the combined data if it exists
if (defined $combinedSegData) {
$combinedSegData .= substr($$segDataPt,length($psAPP13hdr));
$segDataPt = \$combinedSegData;
$length = length $combinedSegData; # update length
# peek ahead to see if the next segment is photoshop data too
if ($nextMarker == $marker and $$nextSegDataPt =~ /^$psAPP13hdr/) {
# initialize combined data if necessary
$combinedSegData = $$segDataPt unless defined $combinedSegData;
next; # will handle the combined data the next time around
my $hdrlen = $isOld ? 27 : 14;
# process APP13 Photoshop record
my $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::Photoshop::Main');
my %dirInfo = (
DataPt => $segDataPt,
DataPos => $segPos,
DataLen => $length,
DirStart => $hdrlen, # directory starts after identifier
DirLen => $length - $hdrlen,
Parent => $markerName,
$self->ProcessDirectory(\%dirInfo, $tagTablePtr);
undef $combinedSegData;
} elsif ($$segDataPt =~ /^\x1c\x02/) {
# this is written in IPTC format by photoshop, but is
# all messed up, so we ignore it
} else {
$self->Warn('Unknown APP13 data');
} elsif ($marker == 0xee) { # APP14 (Adobe)
if ($$segDataPt =~ /^Adobe/) {
$dumpType = 'Adobe';
my $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::JPEG::APP14');
my %dirInfo = (
DataPt => $segDataPt,
DataPos => $segPos,
DirStart => 5,
DirLen => $length - 5,
$self->ProcessDirectory(\%dirInfo, $tagTablePtr);
} elsif ($marker == 0xef) { # APP15 (GraphicConverter)
if ($$segDataPt =~ /^Q\s*(\d+)/ and $length == 4) {
$dumpType = 'GraphicConverter';
my $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::JPEG::APP15');
$self->HandleTag($tagTablePtr, 'Q', $1);
} elsif ($marker == 0xfe) { # COM (JPEG comment)
$self->FoundTag('Comment', $$segDataPt);
} elsif (($marker & 0xf0) != 0xe0) {
undef $dumpType; # only dump unknown APP segments
if ($htmlDump and defined $dumpType) {
my $desc = $markerName . ($dumpType ? " $dumpType" : '') . ' segment';
$self->HtmlDump($segPos-4, $length+4, $desc, undef, 0x08);
$dumpEnd = $segPos + $length;
undef $$segDataPt;
$/ = $oldsep; # restore separator to original value
$success or $self->Warn('JPEG format error');
return 1;
# Process TIFF data
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) directory information reference
# 2) optional tag table reference
# Returns: 1 if this looked like a valid EXIF block, 0 otherwise, or -1 on write error
sub ProcessTIFF($$;$)
my ($self, $dirInfo, $tagTablePtr) = @_;
my $dataPt = $$dirInfo{DataPt};
my $fileType = $$dirInfo{Parent} || '';
my $raf = $$dirInfo{RAF};
my $base = $$dirInfo{Base} || 0;
my $outfile = $$dirInfo{OutFile};
my ($length, $err, $canonSig);
# read the image file header and offset to 0th IFD if necessary
if ($raf) {
if ($outfile) {
$raf->Seek(0, 0) or return 0;
if ($base) {
$raf->Read($$dataPt, $base) == $base or return 0;
Write($outfile, $$dataPt) or $err = 1;
} else {
$raf->Seek($base, 0) or return 0;
$raf->Read($self->{EXIF_DATA}, 8) == 8 or return 0;
} elsif ($dataPt) {
# save a copy of the EXIF data
my $dirStart = $$dirInfo{DirStart} || 0;
$self->{EXIF_DATA} = substr(${$$dirInfo{DataPt}}, $dirStart);
} elsif ($outfile) {
# create TIFF information from scratch
$self->{EXIF_DATA} = "MM\0\x2a\0\0\0\x08";
} else {
$self->{EXIF_DATA} = '';
$self->{FIRST_EXIF_POS} = $base unless defined $self->{FIRST_EXIF_POS};
$self->{EXIF_POS} = $base;
$dataPt = \$self->{EXIF_DATA};
# set byte ordering
SetByteOrder(substr($$dataPt,0,2)) or return 0;
# save EXIF byte ordering
$self->{EXIF_BYTE_ORDER} = GetByteOrder();
# verify the byte ordering
my $identifier = Get16u($dataPt, 2);
# identifier is 0x2a for TIFF (but 0x4f52, 0x5352 or ?? for ORF)
# no longer do this because ORF files use different values
# return 0 unless $identifier == 0x2a;
# get offset to IFD0
my $offset = Get32u($dataPt, 4);
$offset >= 8 or return 0;
if ($self->{HTML_DUMP}) {
my $o = (GetByteOrder() eq 'II') ? 'Little' : 'Big';
$self->HtmlDump($base, 4, "TIFF header", "Byte order: $o endian", 0);
$self->HtmlDump($base+4, 4, "IFD0 pointer", sprintf("Offset: 0x%.4x",$offset), 0);
if ($raf) {
# Canon CR2 images usually have an offset of 16, but it may be
# greater if edited by PhotoMechanic, so check the 4-byte signature
if ($identifier == 0x2a and $offset >= 16) {
$raf->Read($canonSig, 8) == 8 or return 0;
$$dataPt .= $canonSig;
if ($canonSig =~ /^CR\x02\0/) {
$fileType = 'CR2';
} else {
undef $canonSig;
} elsif ($identifier == 0x55 and $fileType =~ /^(RAW|TIFF)$/) {
$fileType = 'RAW'; # Panasonic RAW file
$tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::Panasonic::Raw');
} elsif (Get8u($dataPt, 2) == 0xbc and $fileType eq 'TIFF') {
$fileType = 'WDP'; # Windows Media Photo file
# we have a valid TIFF (or whatever) file
if ($fileType and not $self->{VALUE}->{FileType}) {
# remember where we found the TIFF data (APP1, APP3, TIFF, NEF, etc...)
$self->{TIFF_TYPE} = $fileType;
# get reference to the main EXIF table
$tagTablePtr or $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::Exif::Main');
# build directory information hash
my %dirInfo = (
Base => $base,
DataPt => $dataPt,
DataLen => length $$dataPt,
DataPos => 0,
DirStart => $offset,
DirLen => length $$dataPt,
RAF => $raf,
DirName => 'IFD0',
Parent => $fileType,
ImageData=> 1, # set flag to get information to copy image data later
# extract information from the image
unless ($outfile) {
# process the directory
$self->ProcessDirectory(\%dirInfo, $tagTablePtr);
# process GeoTiff information if available
if ($self->{VALUE}->{GeoTiffDirectory}) {
# process information in recognized trailers
if ($raf) {
my $trailInfo = IdentifyTrailer($raf);
if ($trailInfo) {
$$trailInfo{ScanForAFCP} = 1; # scan to find AFCP if necessary
return 1;
# rewrite the image
if ($$dirInfo{NoTiffEnd}) {
delete $self->{TIFF_END};
} else {
# initialize TIFF_END so it will be updated by WriteExif()
$self->{TIFF_END} = 0;
if ($canonSig) {
# write Canon CR2 specially because it has a header we want to preserve,
# and possibly trailers added by the Canon utilities and/or PhotoMechanic
$dirInfo{OutFile} = $outfile;
Image::ExifTool::CanonRaw::WriteCR2($self, \%dirInfo, $tagTablePtr) or $err = 1;
} else {
# write TIFF header (8 bytes to be immediately followed by IFD)
$dirInfo{NewDataPos} = 8;
# preserve padding between image data blocks in ORF images
# (otherwise dcraw has problems because it assumes fixed block spacing)
$dirInfo{PreserveImagePadding} = 1 if $fileType eq 'ORF' or $identifier != 0x2a;
my $newData = $self->WriteDirectory(\%dirInfo, $tagTablePtr);
if (not defined $newData) {
$err = 1;
} elsif (length($newData)) {
my $offset = 8;
my $header = substr($$dataPt, 0, 4) . Set32u($offset);
Write($outfile, $header, $newData) or $err = 1;
undef $newData; # free memory
# copy over image data now if necessary
if (ref $dirInfo{ImageData} and not $err) {
$self->CopyImageData($dirInfo{ImageData}, $outfile) or $err = 1;
delete $dirInfo{ImageData};
# rewrite trailers if they exist
if ($raf and $self->{TIFF_END} and not $err) {
my ($buf, $trailInfo);
$raf->Seek(0, 2) or $err = 1;
my $extra = $raf->Tell() - $self->{TIFF_END};
# check for trailer and process if possible
for (;;) {
last unless $extra > 12;
$raf->Seek($self->{TIFF_END}); # seek back to end of image
$trailInfo = IdentifyTrailer($raf);
last unless $trailInfo;
my $tbuf = '';
$$trailInfo{OutFile} = \$tbuf; # rewrite trailer(s)
$$trailInfo{ScanForAFCP} = 1; # scan for AFCP if necessary
# rewrite all trailers to buffer
unless ($self->ProcessTrailers($trailInfo)) {
undef $trailInfo;
$err = 1;
# calculate unused bytes before trailer
$extra = $$trailInfo{DataPos} - $self->{TIFF_END};
last; # yes, the 'for' loop was just a cheap 'goto'
# ignore a single zero byte if used for padding
# (note that Photoshop CS adds a trailer with 2 zero bytes
# for some reason, and these will be preserved)
if ($extra > 0 and $self->{TIFF_END} & 0x01) {
$raf->Seek($self->{TIFF_END}, 0) or $err = 1;
$raf->Read($buf, 1) or $err = 1;
$buf eq "\0" and --$extra, ++$self->{TIFF_END};
if ($extra > 0) {
if ($self->{DEL_GROUP}->{Trailer}) {
$self->VPrint(0, " Deleting trailer ($extra bytes)\n");
} else {
$self->VPrint(0, " Preserving unknown trailer ($extra bytes)\n");
$raf->Seek($self->{TIFF_END}, 0) or $err = 1;
while ($extra) {
my $n = $extra < 65536 ? $extra : 65536;
$raf->Read($buf, $n) == $n or $err = 1, last;
Write($outfile, $buf) or $err = 1, last;
$extra -= $n;
# write trailer buffer if necessary
$self->WriteTrailerBuffer($trailInfo, $outfile) or $err = 1 if $trailInfo;
delete $self->{TIFF_END};
return $err ? -1 : 1;
# Return list of tag table keys (ignoring special keys)
# Inputs: 0) reference to tag table
# Returns: List of table keys
sub TagTableKeys($)
local $_;
my $tagTablePtr = shift;
my @keyList;
foreach (keys %$tagTablePtr) {
push(@keyList, $_) unless $specialTags{$_};
return @keyList;
# GetTagTable
# Inputs: 0) table name
# Returns: tag table reference, or undefined if not found
# Notes: Always use this function instead of requiring module and using table
# directly since this function also does the following the first time the table
# is loaded:
# - requires new module if necessary
# - generates default GROUPS hash and Group 0 name from module name
# - registers Composite tags if Composite table found
# - saves descriptions for tags in specified table
# - generates default TAG_PREFIX to be used for unknown tags
sub GetTagTable($)
my $tableName = shift or return undef;
my $table = $allTables{$tableName};
unless ($table) {
no strict 'refs';
unless (defined %$tableName) {
# try to load module for this table
if ($tableName =~ /(.*)::/) {
my $module = $1;
unless (eval "require $module") {
$@ and warn $@;
unless (defined %$tableName) {
warn "Can't find table $tableName\n";
return undef;
no strict 'refs';
$table = \%$tableName;
use strict 'refs';
# set default group 0 and 1 from module name unless already specified
my $defaultGroups = $$table{GROUPS};
$defaultGroups or $defaultGroups = $$table{GROUPS} = { };
unless ($$defaultGroups{0} and $$defaultGroups{1}) {
if ($tableName =~ /Image::.*?::([^:]*)/) {
$$defaultGroups{0} = $1 unless $$defaultGroups{0};
$$defaultGroups{1} = $1 unless $$defaultGroups{1};
} else {
$$defaultGroups{0} = $tableName unless $$defaultGroups{0};
$$defaultGroups{1} = $tableName unless $$defaultGroups{1};
$$defaultGroups{2} = 'Other' unless $$defaultGroups{2};
# generate a tag prefix for unknown tags if necessary
unless ($$table{TAG_PREFIX}) {
my $tagPrefix;
if ($tableName =~ /Image::.*?::(.*)::Main/ || $tableName =~ /Image::.*?::(.*)/) {
($tagPrefix = $1) =~ s/::/_/g;
} else {
$tagPrefix = $tableName;
$$table{TAG_PREFIX} = $tagPrefix;
# set up the new table
# add any user-defined tags
if (defined %UserDefined and $UserDefined{$tableName}) {
my $tagID;
foreach $tagID (TagTableKeys($UserDefined{$tableName})) {
my $tagInfo = $UserDefined{$tableName}->{$tagID};
if (ref $tagInfo eq 'HASH') {
$$tagInfo{Name} or $$tagInfo{Name} = ucfirst($tagID);
} else {
$tagInfo = { Name => $tagInfo };
if ($$table{WRITABLE} and not defined $$tagInfo{Writable} and
not $$tagInfo{SubDirectory})
$$tagInfo{Writable} = $$table{WRITABLE};
delete $$table{$tagID}; # replace any existing entry
AddTagToTable($table, $tagID, $tagInfo);
# generate tag ID's if necessary
GenerateTagIDs($table) if $didTagID;
# remember order we loaded the tables in
push @tableOrder, $tableName;
# insert newly loaded table into list
$allTables{$tableName} = $table;
return $table;
# Process an image directory
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) directory information reference
# 2) tag table reference, 3) optional reference to processing procedure
# Returns: Result from processing (1=success)
sub ProcessDirectory($$$;$)
my ($self, $dirInfo, $tagTablePtr, $processProc) = @_;
return 0 unless $tagTablePtr and $dirInfo;
# use default proc from tag table if no proc specified
$processProc or $processProc = $$tagTablePtr{PROCESS_PROC};
# set directory name from default group0 name if not done already
$$dirInfo{DirName} or $$dirInfo{DirName} = $tagTablePtr->{GROUPS}->{0};
# guard against cyclical recursion into the same directory
if (defined $$dirInfo{DirStart} and defined $$dirInfo{DataPos}) {
my $addr = $$dirInfo{DirStart} + $$dirInfo{DataPos} + ($$dirInfo{Base}||0);
if ($self->{PROCESSED}->{$addr}) {
$self->Warn("$$dirInfo{DirName} pointer references previous $self->{PROCESSED}->{$addr} directory");
return 0;
$self->{PROCESSED}->{$addr} = $$dirInfo{DirName};
# otherwise process as an EXIF directory
$processProc or $processProc = \&Image::ExifTool::Exif::ProcessExif;
my $oldOrder = GetByteOrder();
my $oldIndent = $self->{INDENT};
my $oldDir = $self->{DIR_NAME};
$self->{INDENT} .= '| ';
$self->{DIR_NAME} = $$dirInfo{DirName};
my $rtnVal = &$processProc($self, $dirInfo, $tagTablePtr);
$self->{INDENT} = $oldIndent;
$self->{DIR_NAME} = $oldDir;
return $rtnVal;
# get standardized file extension
# Inputs: 0) file name
# Returns: standardized extension (all uppercase)
sub GetFileExtension($)
my $filename = shift;
my $fileExt;
if ($filename and $filename =~ /.*\.(.+)$/) {
$fileExt = uc($1); # change extension to upper case
# convert TIF extension to TIFF because we use the
# extension for the file type tag of TIFF images
$fileExt eq 'TIF' and $fileExt = 'TIFF';
return $fileExt;
# Get list of tag information hashes for given tag ID
# Inputs: 0) Tag table reference, 1) tag ID
# Returns: Array of tag information references
# Notes: Generates tagInfo hash if necessary
sub GetTagInfoList($$)
my ($tagTablePtr, $tagID) = @_;
my $tagInfo = $$tagTablePtr{$tagID};
if (ref $tagInfo eq 'HASH') {
return ($tagInfo);
} elsif (ref $tagInfo eq 'ARRAY') {
return @$tagInfo;
} elsif ($tagInfo) {
# create hash with name
$tagInfo = $$tagTablePtr{$tagID} = { Name => $tagInfo };
return ($tagInfo);
return ();
# Find tag information, processing conditional tags
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) tagTable pointer, 2) tag ID
# 3) optional value reference
# Returns: pointer to tagInfo hash, undefined if none found, or '' if $valPt needed
# Notes: You should always call this routine to find a tag in a table because
# this routine will evaluate conditional tags.
# Argument 3 is only required if the information type allows $valPt in a Condition
# and if not given when needed, this routine returns ''.
sub GetTagInfo($$$;$)
my ($self, $tagTablePtr, $tagID, $valPt) = @_;
my @infoArray = GetTagInfoList($tagTablePtr, $tagID);
# evaluate condition
my $tagInfo;
foreach $tagInfo (@infoArray) {
my $condition = $$tagInfo{Condition};
if ($condition) {
return '' if $condition =~ /\$valPt\b/ and not $valPt;
# set old value for use in condition if needed
my $oldVal = $self->{VALUE}->{$$tagInfo{Name}};
#### eval Condition ($self, $oldVal, [$valPt])
unless (eval $condition) {
$@ and warn "Condition $$tagInfo{Name}: $@";
if ($$tagInfo{Unknown} and not $self->{OPTIONS}->{Unknown}) {
# don't return Unknown tags unless that option is set
return undef;
# return the tag information we found
return $tagInfo;
# generate information for unknown tags (numerical only) if required
if (not $tagInfo and $self->{OPTIONS}->{Unknown} and $tagID =~ /^\d+$/) {
my $printConv;
if (defined $$tagTablePtr{PRINT_CONV}) {
$printConv = $$tagTablePtr{PRINT_CONV};
} else {
# limit length of printout (can be very long)
$printConv = 'length($val) > 60 ? substr($val,0,55) . "[...]" : $val';
my $hex = sprintf("0x%.4x", $tagID);
my $prefix = $$tagTablePtr{TAG_PREFIX};
$tagInfo = {
Name => "${prefix}_$hex",
Description => MakeDescription($prefix, $hex),
Unknown => 1,
Writable => 0, # can't write unknown tags
PrintConv => $printConv,
# add tag information to table
AddTagToTable($tagTablePtr, $tagID, $tagInfo);
} else {
undef $tagInfo;
return $tagInfo;
# add new tag to table (must use this routine to add new tags to a table)
# Inputs: 0) reference to tag table, 1) tag ID
# 2) reference to tag information hash
# Notes: - will not overwrite existing entry in table
# - info need contain no entries when this routine is called
sub AddTagToTable($$$)
my ($tagTablePtr, $tagID, $tagInfo) = @_;
# define necessary entries in information hash
if ($$tagInfo{Groups}) {
# fill in default groups from table GROUPS
foreach (keys %{$$tagTablePtr{GROUPS}}) {
next if $tagInfo->{Groups}->{$_};
$tagInfo->{Groups}->{$_} = $tagTablePtr->{GROUPS}->{$_};
} else {
$$tagInfo{Groups} = $$tagTablePtr{GROUPS};
$$tagInfo{Flags} and ExpandFlags($tagInfo);
$$tagInfo{GotGroups} = 1,
$$tagInfo{Table} = $tagTablePtr;
$$tagInfo{TagID} = $tagID;
unless ($$tagInfo{Name}) {
my $prefix = $$tagTablePtr{TAG_PREFIX};
$$tagInfo{Name} = "${prefix}_$tagID";
# make description to prevent tagID from getting mangled by MakeDescription()
$$tagInfo{Description} = MakeDescription($prefix, $tagID);
# add tag to table, but never overwrite existing entries (could potentially happen
# if someone thinks there isn't any tagInfo because a condition wasn't satisfied)
$$tagTablePtr{$tagID} = $tagInfo unless defined $$tagTablePtr{$tagID};
# handle simple extraction of new tag information
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object ref, 1) tag table reference, 2) tagID, 3) value,
# 4-N) parameters hash: Index, DataPt, DataPos, Start, Size, Parent, TagInfo
# Returns: tag key or undef if tag not found
sub HandleTag($$$$;%)
my ($self, $tagTablePtr, $tag, $val, %parms) = @_;
my $verbose = $self->{OPTIONS}->{Verbose};
my $tagInfo = $parms{TagInfo} || $self->GetTagInfo($tagTablePtr, $tag);
my $dataPt = $parms{DataPt};
my $subdir;
if ($tagInfo) {
$subdir = $$tagInfo{SubDirectory}
} else {
return undef unless $verbose;
# read value if not done already (not necessary for subdir)
unless (defined $val or $subdir) {
my $start = $parms{Start} || 0;
my $size = $parms{Size} || 0;
# read from data in memory if possible
if ($dataPt and $start >= 0 and $start + $size <= length($$dataPt)) {
$val = substr($$dataPt, $start, $size);
} else {
my $name = $tagInfo ? $$tagInfo{Name} : "tag $tag";
$self->Warn("Error extracting value for $name");
return undef;
# do verbose print if necessary
if ($verbose) {
$parms{Value} = $val;
$parms{Table} = $tagTablePtr;
$self->VerboseInfo($tag, $tagInfo, %parms);
if ($tagInfo) {
if ($subdir) {
$dataPt or $dataPt = \$val;
# process subdirectory information
my %dirInfo = (
DirName => $$tagInfo{Name},
DataPt => $dataPt,
DataLen => length $$dataPt,
DataPos => $parms{DataPos},
DirStart => $parms{Start},
DirLen => $parms{Size},
Parent => $parms{Parent},
my $subTablePtr = GetTagTable($$subdir{TagTable}) || $tagTablePtr;
$self->ProcessDirectory(\%dirInfo, $subTablePtr, $$subdir{ProcessProc});
} else {
return $self->FoundTag($tagInfo, $val);
return undef;
# found specified tag
# Inputs: 0) reference to ExifTool object
# 1) reference to tagInfo hash or tag name
# 2) data value (or reference to require hash if composite)
# Returns: tag key or undef if no value
sub FoundTag($$$)
local $_;
my ($self, $tagInfo, $value) = @_;
my $tag;
if (ref $tagInfo eq 'HASH') {
$tag = $$tagInfo{Name} or warn("No tag name\n"), return undef;
} else {
$tag = $tagInfo;
# look for tag in Extra
$tagInfo = $self->GetTagInfo(GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::Extra'), $tag);
# make temporary hash if tag doesn't exist in Extra
# (not advised to do this since the tag won't show in list)
$tagInfo or $tagInfo = { Name => $tag, Groups => \%allGroupsExifTool };
$self->{OPTIONS}->{Verbose} and $self->VerboseInfo(undef, $tagInfo, Value => $value);
my $rawValueHash = $self->{VALUE};
if ($$tagInfo{RawConv}) {
my $conv = $$tagInfo{RawConv};
my $val = $value; # must do this in case eval references $val
# initialize @val for use in Composite RawConv expressions
my @val;
if (ref $val eq 'HASH') {
foreach (keys %$val) { $val[$_] = $$rawValueHash{$$val{$_}}; }
if (ref($conv) eq 'CODE') {
$value = &$conv($val, $self);
} else {
#### eval RawConv ($self, $val)
$value = eval $conv;
$@ and warn "RawConv: $@\n";
return undef unless defined $value;
# get tag priority
my $priority = $$tagInfo{Priority};
defined $priority or $priority = $tagInfo->{Table}->{PRIORITY};
# handle duplicate tag names
if (defined $rawValueHash->{$tag}) {
if ($$tagInfo{List} and $tagInfo eq $self->{TAG_INFO}->{$tag} and
not $self->{NO_LIST})
# use a list reference for multiple values
if (ref $rawValueHash->{$tag} ne 'ARRAY') {
$rawValueHash->{$tag} = [ $rawValueHash->{$tag} ];
push @{$rawValueHash->{$tag}}, $value;
return $tag; # return without creating a new entry
# get next available tag key
my $nextTag = NextTagKey($rawValueHash, $tag);
# take tag with highest priority
# promote existing 0-priority tag so it takes precedence over a new 0-tag
my $oldPriority = $self->{PRIORITY}->{$tag} || 1;
# set priority for this tag (default is 1)
$priority = 1 if not defined $priority or
# increase 0-priority tags if this is the priority directory
($priority == 0 and $self->{DIR_NAME} and $self->{PRIORITY_DIR} and
$self->{DIR_NAME} eq $self->{PRIORITY_DIR});
if ($priority >= $oldPriority) {
$self->{MOVED_KEY} = $nextTag; # used in BuildCompositeTags()
$self->{PRIORITY}->{$nextTag} = $self->{PRIORITY}->{$tag};
$rawValueHash->{$nextTag} = $rawValueHash->{$tag};
$self->{FILE_ORDER}->{$nextTag} = $self->{FILE_ORDER}->{$tag};
$self->{TAG_INFO}->{$nextTag} = $self->{TAG_INFO}->{$tag};
if ($self->{GROUP1}->{$tag}) {
$self->{GROUP1}->{$nextTag} = $self->{GROUP1}->{$tag};
delete $self->{GROUP1}->{$tag};
} else {
$tag = $nextTag; # don't override the existing tag
$self->{PRIORITY}->{$tag} = $priority;
} elsif ($priority) {
# set tag priority (only if exists and non-zero)
$self->{PRIORITY}->{$tag} = $priority;
# save the converted values, file order, and tag groups
$rawValueHash->{$tag} = $value;
$self->{FILE_ORDER}->{$tag} = ++$self->{NUM_FOUND};
$self->{TAG_INFO}->{$tag} = $tagInfo;
$self->{GROUP1}->{$tag} = $self->{SET_GROUP1} if $self->{SET_GROUP1};
return $tag;
# get next available tag key
# Inputs: 0) hash reference (keys are tag keys), 1) tag name
# Returns: next available tag key
sub NextTagKey($$)
my ($info, $tag) = @_;
if (exists $$info{$tag}) {
my $name = $tag;
my $i;
for ($i=1; ; ++$i) {
$tag = "$name ($i)";
last unless exists $$info{$tag};
return $tag;
# make current directory the priority directory if not set already
# Inputs: 0) reference to ExifTool object
sub SetPriorityDir($)
my $self = shift;
$self->{PRIORITY_DIR} = $self->{DIR_NAME} unless $self->{PRIORITY_DIR};
# set family 1 group name specific to this tag instance
# Inputs: 0) reference to ExifTool object, 1) tag key, 2) group name
sub SetGroup1($$$)
my ($self, $tagKey, $extra) = @_;
$self->{GROUP1}->{$tagKey} = $extra;
# set ID's for all tags in specified table
# Inputs: 0) tag table reference
sub GenerateTagIDs($)
my $table = shift;
unless ($$table{DID_TAG_ID}) {
$$table{DID_TAG_ID} = 1; # set flag so we won't do this table again
my ($tagID, $tagInfo);
foreach $tagID (keys %$table) {
next if $specialTags{$tagID};
# define tag ID in each element of conditional array
my @infoArray = GetTagInfoList($table,$tagID);
foreach $tagInfo (@infoArray) {
# define tag ID's in info hash
$$tagInfo{TagID} = $tagID;
# Generate TagID's for all loaded tables
# Inputs: None
# Notes: Causes subsequently loaded tables to automatically generate TagID's too
sub GenerateAllTagIDs()
unless ($didTagID) {
my $tableName;
foreach $tableName (keys %allTables) {
# generate tag ID's for all tags in this table
$didTagID = 1;
# delete specified tag
# Inputs: 0) reference to ExifTool object
# 1) tag key
sub DeleteTag($$)
my ($self, $tag) = @_;
delete $self->{VALUE}->{$tag};
delete $self->{FILE_ORDER}->{$tag};
delete $self->{TAG_INFO}->{$tag};
delete $self->{GROUP1}->{$tag};
# Set the FileType and MIMEType tags
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference
# 1) Optional file type (uses FILE_TYPE if not specified)
sub SetFileType($;$)
my $self = shift;
my $baseType = $self->{FILE_TYPE};
my $fileType = shift || $baseType;
my $mimeType = $mimeType{$fileType};
# use base file type if necessary (except if 'TIFF', which is a special case)
$mimeType = $mimeType{$baseType} unless $mimeType or $baseType eq 'TIFF';
$self->FoundTag('FileType', $fileType);
$self->FoundTag('MIMEType', $mimeType || 'application/unknown');
# Modify the value of the MIMEType tag
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) file or MIME type
# Notes: combines existing type with new type: ie) a/b + c/d => c/b-d
sub ModifyMimeType($;$)
my ($self, $mime) = @_;
$mime =~ m{/} or $mime = $mimeType{$mime} or return;
my $old = $self->{VALUE}->{MIMEType};
if (defined $old) {
my ($a, $b) = split '/', $old;
my ($c, $d) = split '/', $mime;
$d =~ s/^x-//;
$self->{VALUE}->{MIMEType} = "$c/$b-$d";
$self->VPrint(0, " Modified MIMEType = $c/$b-$d\n");
} else {
$self->FoundTag('MIMEType', $mime);
# Print verbose output
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool ref, 1) verbose level (prints if level > this), 2-N) print args
sub VPrint($$@)
my $self = shift;
my $level = shift;
if ($self->{OPTIONS}->{Verbose} and $self->{OPTIONS}->{Verbose} > $level) {
my $out = $self->{OPTIONS}->{TextOut};
print $out @_;
# Verbose dump
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool ref, 1) data ref, 2-N) HexDump options
sub VerboseDump($$;%)
my $self = shift;
my $dataPt = shift;
if ($self->{OPTIONS}->{Verbose} and $self->{OPTIONS}->{Verbose} > 2) {
HexDump($dataPt, undef,
Out => $self->{OPTIONS}->{TextOut},
MaxLen => $self->{OPTIONS}->{Verbose} < 4 ? 96 : undef,
# extract binary data from file
# 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) offset, 2) length, 3) tag name if conditional
# Returns: binary data, or undef on error
# Notes: Returns "Binary data #### bytes" instead of data unless tag is
# specifically requested or the Binary option is set
sub ExtractBinary($$$;$)
my ($self, $offset, $length, $tag) = @_;
if ($tag and not $self->{OPTIONS}->{Binary} and
not $self->{REQ_TAG_LOOKUP}->{lc($tag)})
return "Binary data $length bytes";
my $buff;
unless ($self->{RAF}->Seek($offset,0)
and $self->{RAF}->Read($buff, $length) == $length)
$tag or $tag = 'binary data';
$self->Warn("Error reading $tag from file");
return undef;
return $buff;
# process binary data
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) directory information reference
# 2) tag table reference
# Returns: 1 on success
sub ProcessBinaryData($$$)
my ($self, $dirInfo, $tagTablePtr) = @_;
my $dataPt = $$dirInfo{DataPt};
my $offset = $$dirInfo{DirStart} || 0;
my $size = $$dirInfo{DirLen} || (length($$dataPt) - $offset);
my $base = $$dirInfo{Base} || 0;
my $verbose = $self->{OPTIONS}->{Verbose};
my $unknown = $self->{OPTIONS}->{Unknown};
my $dataPos;
# get default format ('int8u' unless specified)
my $defaultFormat = $$tagTablePtr{FORMAT} || 'int8u';
my $increment = $formatSize{$defaultFormat};
unless ($increment) {
warn "Unknown format $defaultFormat\n";
$defaultFormat = 'int8u';
$increment = $formatSize{$defaultFormat};
# prepare list of tag numbers to extract
my @tags;
if ($unknown > 1 and defined $$tagTablePtr{FIRST_ENTRY}) {
# scan through entire binary table
@tags = ($$tagTablePtr{FIRST_ENTRY}..(int($size/$increment) - 1));
} elsif ($$dirInfo{DataMember}) {
@tags = @{$$dirInfo{DataMember}};
$verbose = 0; # no verbose output of extracted values when writing
} else {
# extract known tags in numerical order
@tags = sort { $a <=> $b } TagTableKeys($tagTablePtr);
if ($verbose) {
$self->VerboseDir('BinaryData', undef, $size);
$dataPos = $$dirInfo{DataPos} || 0;
my $index;
my $nextIndex = 0;
my %val;
foreach $index (@tags) {
my $tagInfo;
if ($$tagTablePtr{$index}) {
$tagInfo = $self->GetTagInfo($tagTablePtr, $index) or next;
next if $$tagInfo{Unknown} and $$tagInfo{Unknown} > $unknown;
} else {
# don't generate unknown tags in binary tables unless Unknown > 1
next unless $unknown > 1;
next if $index < $nextIndex; # skip if data already used
$tagInfo = $self->GetTagInfo($tagTablePtr, $index) or next;
$$tagInfo{Unknown} = 2; # set unknown to 2 for binary unknowns
my $count = 1;
my $format = $$tagInfo{Format};
my $entry = $index * $increment; # relative offset of this entry
if ($format) {
if ($format =~ /(.*)\[(.*)\]/) {
$format = $1;
$count = $2;
# evaluate count to allow count to be based on previous values
#### eval Format (%val, $size)
$count = eval $count;
$@ and warn("Format $$tagInfo{Name}: $@"), next;
next if $count < 0;
} elsif ($format eq 'string') {
# allow string with no specified count to run to end of block
$count = ($size > $entry) ? $size - $entry : 0;
} else {
$format = $defaultFormat;
if ($unknown > 1) {
# calculate next valid index for unknown tag
$nextIndex = $index + ($formatSize{$format} * $count) / $increment;
my $val = ReadValue($dataPt, $entry+$offset, $format, $count, $size-$entry);
next unless defined $val;
if ($verbose) {
my $len = $count * ($formatSize{$format} || 1);
$len > $size - $entry and $len = $size - $entry;
$self->VerboseInfo($index, $tagInfo,
Table => $tagTablePtr,
Value => $val,
DataPt => $dataPt,
Size => $len,
Start => $entry+$offset,
Addr => $entry+$offset+$base+$dataPos,
Format => $format,
Count => $count,
$val += $base if $$tagInfo{IsOffset};
$val{$index} = $val;
return 1;
# Load .ExifTool_config file from user's home directory (unless 'noConfig' set)
unless ($Image::ExifTool::noConfig) {
my $config = '.ExifTool_config';
# get our home directory (HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH are used in Windows cmd shell)
my $home = $ENV{EXIFTOOL_HOME} || $ENV{HOME} ||
($ENV{HOMEDRIVE} || '') . ($ENV{HOMEPATH} || '') || '.';
# look for the config file in 1) the home directory, 2) the program dir
my $file = "$home/$config";
-r $file or $file = ($0 =~ /(.*[\\\/])/ ? $1 : './') . $config;
if (-r $file) {
eval "require '$file'"; # load the config file
# print warning (minus "Compilation failed" part)
$@ and $_=$@, s/Compilation failed.*//s, warn $_;
1; # end