File::RandomAccess - Random access reads of sequential file or scalar
= new File::RandomAccess(\
= new File::RandomAccess(\
Allows random access to sequential file by buffering the file if necessary. Also allows access to data in memory to be accessed as if it were a file.
- new
Creates a new RandomAccess object given a file reference or reference to data in memory.
# Read from open file or pipe
= new File::RandomAccess(\
# Read from data in memory
= new File::RandomAccess(\
- SeekTest
Performs test seek() on file to determine if buffering is necessary. If the seek() fails, then the file is buffered to allow random access. SeekTest() is automatically called from new unless specified.
- Tell
Get current position in file
- Seek
Seek to specified position in file. When buffered, this doesn't quite behave like seek() since it returns success even if you seek outside the limits of the file.
, 0);
- Read
Read data from the file.
, 1024);
- ReadLine
Read a line from file (end of line is $/).
- Slurp
Read whole file into buffer, without changing read pointer.
- BinMode
Set binary mode for file.
- Close
Close the file and free the buffer.
Copyright 2003-2013 Phil Harvey (phil at
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.