Bio::Community::Alpha - Calculate the alpha diversity of a community


use Bio::Community::Alpha;

my $alpha = Bio::Community::Alpha->new( -community => $community,
                                        -type      => 'observed'  );
my $richness = $alpha->get_alpha;


The Bio::Community::Alpha module calculates the alpha diversity within a community. The goal is to support many different alpha diversity metrics, but the only metric available at the moment is: richness.

For all these metrics, a higher value means that the community is more diverse.


Florent Angly


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Copyright 2011,2012,2013 by the BioPerl Team

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.1 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.


The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _


Function: Create a new Bio::Community::Alpha object
Usage   : my $alpha = Bio::Community::Alpha->new( ... );
Args    : -community : See community().
          -type      : See type().
Returns : a new Bio::Community::Alpha object


Function: Get or set the community to process.
Usage   : my $community = $alpha->community();
Args    : A Bio::Community object
Returns : A Bio::Community object


Function: Get or set the type of alpha diversity metric to measure.
Usage   : my $type = $alpha->type;
Args    : String for the desired type of alpha diversity ('observed' by default).

          Richness (or estimated number of species):
           * observed :  C<S>
           * menhinick:  C<S/sqrt(n)>, where C<n> is the total counts (observations).
           * margalef : C<(S-1)/ln(n)>
           * chao1    : Bias-corrected chao1 richness, C<S+n1*(n1-1)/(2*(n2+1))>
                        where C<n1> and C<n2> are the number of singletons and
                        doubletons, respectively. Particularly useful for data
                        skewed toward the low-abundance species, e.g. microbial.
                        Based on counts, not relative abundance.
           * ace      : Abundance-based Coverage Estimator (ACE). Based on
                        counts, not relative abundance.

          Evenness (or equitability):
           * buzas      : Buzas & Gibson's (or Sheldon's) evenness, C<e^H/S>.
                          Ranges from 0 to 1.
           * heip       : Heip's evenness, C<(e^H-1)/(S-1)>. Ranges from 0 to 1.
           * shannon_e  : Shannon's evenness, or the Shannon-Wiener index
                          divided by the maximum diversity possible in the
                          community. Ranges from 0 to 1.
           * simpson_e  : Simpson's evenness, or the Simpson's Index of Diversity
                          divided by the maximum diversity possible in the
                          community. Ranges from 0 to 1.
           * brillouin_e: Brillouin's evenness, or the Brillouin's index divided
                          by the maximum diversity possible in the community.
                          Ranges from 0 to 1.
           * hill_e     : Hill's C<E_2,1> evenness, i.e. Simpson's Reciprocal
                          index divided by C<e^H>.
           * mcintosh_e : McIntosh's evenness.
           * camargo    : Camargo's eveness. Ranges from 0 to 1.

          Indices (accounting for species abundance):
           * shannon  : Shannon-Wiener index C<H>. Emphasizes richness. Ranges
                        from 0 to infinity.
           * simpson  : Simpson's Index of Diversity C<1-D>, where C<D> is
                        Simpson's dominance index. C<1-D> is the probability
                        that two individuals taken randomly are not from the
                        same species. Emphasizes evenness. Ranges from 0 to 1.
           * simpson_r: Simpson's Reciprocal Index C<1/D>. Ranges from 1 to
           * brillouin: Brillouin's index, appropriate for small, completely
                        censused communities. Based on counts, not relative
           * hill     : Hill's C<N_inf> index, the inverse of the Berger-Parker
                        dominance. Ranges from 1 to infinity.
           * mcintosh : McIntosh's index. Based on counts, not relative abundance.

          Dominance (B<not> diversity metrics since the higher their value, the
          lower the diversity):
           * simpson_d: Simpson's Dominance Index C<D>. Ranges from 0 to 1.
           * berger   : Berger-Parker dominance, i.e. the proportion of the most
                        abundant species. Ranges from 0 to 1.

Returns : String for the desired type of alpha diversity.


Function: Calculate the alpha diversity of a community.
Usage   : my $metric = $alpha->get_alpha;
Args    : None
Returns : A number for the alpha diversity measurement