Bio::Community::Member - The basic constituent of a biological community


use Bio::Community::Member;

my $member1 = Bio::Community::Member->new( -id => 2, -desc => 'Homo sapiens' );
print "Got member ".$member1->desc." (ID ".$member1->id.")\n";

my $member2 = Bio::Community::Member->new( );
my $member2_id = $member2->id;


A Bio::Community::Member represents an organism, individual, species, amplicon sequence, shotgun sequence or anything you like.



my $member = Bio::Community::Member->new();

The new() class method constructs a new Bio::Community::Member object and accepts the following parameters:



The identifier for this community member. An ID is necessary and sufficient to identify a community member, but additional information can be attached to a member.

my $obj1 = Bio::Community::Member->new( -id => 153 );
my $obj2 = $obj1;
my $obj3 = Bio::Community::Member->new( -id => 153 );
my $obj4 = Bio::Community::Member->new( -id => 6123 );
my $obj5 = Bio::Community::Member->new( ); # automatically assigned ID

In the above example, $obj1, $obj2 and $obj3 represent the same member, while $obj4 represents a different member, and $obj5 yet another member.


Florent Angly


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If you have found a bug, please report it on the BioPerl bug tracking system to help us keep track the bugs and their resolution:


Copyright 2011,2012,2013 by the BioPerl Team

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.1 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.


The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _


Function: Create a new Bio::Community::Member object
Usage   : my $member = Bio::Community::Member->new( );
Args    : -id, -desc, -taxon, -seqs, -weights
Returns : a new Bio::Community::Member object


Function: my $description = $member->id();
Usage   : Get or set the ID for the member. If an ID is not provided, a unique
          ID prefixed with 'bc' is generated, e.g. 'bc1', 'bc2', etc. This
          makes it easy to distinguish IDs assigned by Bio::Community::Member
          from IDs obtained from other sources, e.g. Greengenes taxa ID or
          QIIME aritrary OTU ID. Use of the 'bc' prefix is restricted to the
          L<Bio::Community::Member> module; please refrain from using it yourself.
Args    : A string
Returns : A string


Usage   : my $description = $member->desc();
Function: Get or set a description for this object.
          See L<Bio::Community::Role::Described>.
Args    : A string
Returns : A string


Usage   : my $taxon = $member->taxon();
Function: Get or set a taxon (or species) for this object.
          See L<Bio::Community::Role::Classified>.
Args    : A Bio::Taxon object
Returns : A Bio::Taxon object


Usage   : my $seqs = $member->seqs();
Function: Get or set some sequences for this object.
          See L<Bio::Community::Role::Sequenced>.
Args    : An arrayref of Bio::SeqI objects
Returns : An arrayref of Bio::SeqI objects


Usage   : my $weights = $member->weights();
Function: Get or set some weights for this object. Weights represent how biased
          the sampling of this organism is. For example, when random shotgun
          sequencing microorganisms in the environment, the relative abundance
          of reads in the sequence library is not proportional to the relative
          abundance of the genomes because larger genomes contribute
          disproportionalely more reads than small genomes. In such a case, you
          could set the weight to the length of the genome. See
          L<Bio::Community::Role::Weighted>. Also see get_count() and get_rel_ab()
          in L<Bio::Community>.
Args    : An arrayref of positive integers
Returns : An arrayref of positive integers

1 POD Error

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