Bio::Community::Meta::Beta - Beta-diversity or distance separating communities


use Bio::Community::Meta;
use Bio::Community::Meta::Beta;

# Beta diversity of two communities
my $beta = Bio::Community::Meta::Beta->new(
   -metacommunity => Bio::Community::Meta->new(-communities => [$community1, $community2] ),
   -type          => 'euclidean',
my $value = $beta->get_beta;

# Beta diversity between all pairs of communities in the given metacommunity
$beta = Bio::Community::Meta::Beta->new(
   -metacommunity => $meta,
   -type          => 'hellinger',
my ($average_value, $value_hashref) = $beta->get_all_beta;


Calculate how dissimilar communities are by calculating their beta diversity. The more different communities are, the larger their beta diversity. Often, beta diversity metrics are actually a distance measurement.

Several types of beta diversity metrics are available: 1-norm, 2-norm (euclidean), and infinity-norm. They consider the communities as a n-dimensional space, where n is the total number of unique members across the communities.

Since the relative abundance of community members is not always proportional to member counts (see weights() in Bio::Community::Member and use_weights() in Bio::Community), the beta diversity measured here are always based on relative abundance (as a fractional number between 0 and 1, not as a percentage), even for beta-diversity metrics that are usually based on number of observations (counts).


Florent Angly


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This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.1 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.


The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _


Function: Create a new Bio::Community::Meta::Beta object
Usage   : my $beta = Bio::Community::Meta::Beta->new(
             -metacommunity => $meta,
             -type          => 'euclidean',
Args    : -metacommunity : See metacommunity(). This is required!
          -type          : See type().
Returns : a Bio::Community::Meta::Beta object


Function: Get or set the communities to process, given as a metacommunity.
Usage   : my $meta = $beta->metacommunity;
Args    : A Bio::Community::Meta object
Returns : A Bio::Community::Meta object


Function: Get or set the beta-diversity metric to calculate.
Usage   : my $type = $beta->type;
Args    : String for the desired type of beta diversity
           * 1-norm: the 1-norm distance
           * 2-norm (or euclidean): the euclidean distance
           * infinity-norm: the infinity-norm distance
           * hellinger: like the euclidean distance, but constrained between 0
               and 1
           * bray-curtis: the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity index, between 0 and 1
           * shared: percentage of species shared (between 0 and 100), relative
               to the least rich community. Note: this is the opposite
               of a beta-diversity measure: the higher the percent of 
               species shared, the smaller the beta-diversity.
           * permuted: a beta-diversity measure between 0 and 100, representing
               the percentage of the dominant species in the first community
               with a permuted abundance rank in the second community. As a
               special case, when no species are shared (and the percentage
               permuted is meaningless), undef is returned.
           * maxiphi: a beta-diversity measure between 0 and 1, based on the 
               percentage of species shared and the percentage of top species
               permuted (that have had a change in abundance rank)

Returns : String for the desired type of beta diversity


Function: Calculate the beta-diversity between two communities. The input
          metacommunity should contain exactly two communities. The distance is
          calculated based on the relative abundance (in %) of the members (not
          their counts).
Usage   : my $value = $beta->get_beta;
Args    : None
Returns : A number for the beta diversity value


Function: Similar to get_beta(), but return the beta diversity between all pairs
          of communities in the given metacommunity and also return their
          average beta diversity.
Usage   : my ($average, $betas) = $beta->get_all_beta;
Args    : None
Returns : * A number for the average beta diversity
          * A hashref of hashref with the value of all pairwise beta diversities,
            keyed by the community names. To get the beta diversity of a specific
            pair of communities, do:
               my $value = $betas->{$name1}->{$name2};
               my $value = $betas->{$name2}->{$name1};