Bio::Community::Tools::RepresentativeIdConverter - Convert member ID to OTU representative ID or taxonomic ID
use Bio::Community::Tools::RepresentativeIdConverter;
my $converter = Bio::Community::Tools::Summarizer->new(
-metacommunity => $meta,
-cluster_file => 'gg_99_otu_map.txt',
my $meta_by_otu = $converter->get_converted_meta;
Given a metacommunity and an OTU cluster map file (or taxonomic assignment file), replace the ID of every member by that of its OTU cluster (or taxonomic) representative and add it in a new metacommunity.
Florent Angly
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The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
Function: Create a new Bio::Community::Tool::RepresentativeIdConverter object
Usage : my $converter = Bio::Community::Tool::RepresentativeIdConverter->new(
-metacommunity => $meta,
-cluster_file => '99_otu_map.txt',
# or
my $converter = Bio::Community::Tool::RepresentativeIdConverter->new(
-metacommunity => $meta,
-taxassign_file => 'rep_set_tax_assignments.txt',
Args : -metacommunity : See metacommunity().
-cluster_file : See cluster_file().
-taxassign_file : See taxassign_file().
Use either -cluster_file or -taxassign_file
Returns : a Bio::Community::Tools::RepresentativeIdConverter object
Function: Get/set communities, given as metacommunity, to summarize.
Usage : my $meta = $summarizer->metacommunity;
Args : A Bio::Community::Meta object
Returns : A Bio::Community::Meta object
Function: Get / set the tab-delimited file that defines the OTU clusters. The
columns are: OTU ID, ID of the representative sequence, IDs of the
other sequences in the OTU. For example:
0 367523
1 187144
2 544886 544649
3 310669
4 355095 310677 347705 563209
The OTU files distributed by Greengenes use this format (e.g.,
Usage : $summarizer->cluster_file('99_otu_map.txt');
Args : OTU cluster file name
Returns : OTU cluster file name
Function: Get / set the tab-delimited file that defines the OTU taxonomic
assignemts. The first four columns (out of 12) should be: OTU ID,
taxonomic string, E-value, taxonomic ID. For example:
345 k__Bacteria; p__Actinobacteria; c__Actinobacteria; o__Actinomycetales; f__Propionibacteriaceae; g__Propionibacterium; s__acnes 5e-138 1042485 95.67 300 13 0 1 300 878 579
346 k__Bacteria; p__Firmicutes; c__Bacilli; o__; f__; g__; s__ 8e-134 1064834 99.59 245 1 0 1 245 909 665
347 k__Bacteria; p__Proteobacteria; c__Gammaproteobacteria; o__Pseudomonadales; f__Pseudomonadaceae; g__Pseudomonas; s__ 2e-103 959954 98.99 198 2 0 103 300 718 521
The taxonomic assignment files generated by QIIME (rep_set_tax_assignments.txt)
follow this format.
Usage : $summarizer->taxassign_file('rep_set_tax_assignments.txt');
Args : taxonomic assignment file name
Returns : taxonomic assignment file name
Function: Convert the communities and return the corresponding metacommunity.
Usage : my $meta_by_otu = $converter->get_converted_meta;
Args : None
Returns : A Bio::Community::Meta object