Changes for version 0.1.5 - 2014-03-12
- Bio::Community::next_member is faster and now returns identical objects
- In generic and unifrac drivers, write member description if available, or ID otherwise
- Renamed Bio::Tools::RepresentativeIdConverter to Bio::Tools::IdConverter. Renamed the corresponding script from bc_use_repr_id to bc_convert_ids. In both module and script, added support for BLAST tabular files and conversion from member description.
- Added script bc_add_taxonomy that adds a taxonomic lineage when members have a valid taxonomic ID
- Rarefaction module and script can now assume an infinite number of bootstrap repetitions
Add a taxonomic lineage to community members
Remove low-count, low-prevalence community members
Merge/split community files and convert between formats
Convert member ID from member attribute or file
Try fixing incorrect taxonomic assignments, using a reference community
Get information about a community file
Include, delete, merge, sort or rename samples
Measure alpha diversity of communities
Measure beta diversity between communities
Rarefy communities
Convert relative abundances into absolute
Remove community members not expected to occur, based on a reference community
Summarize community composition
A biological community
Calculate the alpha diversity of a community
Read and write files that describe communities
Driver to read and write files in the sparse BIOM format
Dummy driver (does nothing)
Driver to read and write files in the GAAS format
Driver to read and write files in a generic tab-delimited site-by-species table format
Driver to read and write files in the QIIME format
Driver to read and write files in the (Fast)Unifrac format
Determine the format used by a community file
The basic constituent of a biological community
A metacommunity, or group of communities
Beta diversity or distance separating communities
Calculate the gamma diversity of a metacommunity
Role for objects that have a taxonomic classification
Role for objects that have a description
Role for IO layer
Role for objects that can be locked (made read-only)
Role for objects that use a pseudo-random number generator
Role for objects that have a sequence
Role to read/write data tables and provide random access to their cells
Role for objects that have a weight
Functions for manipulating taxonomic lineages
Various methods to convert member ID
Normalize communities by count
Sample organisms according to their abundance
Remove low-count, low-abundance community members
Create a summary of communities
Arbitrary transformation of member counts
Data type definitions