Changes for version 1.3
- updated packaging to use Dist::Zilla
- enable the distribution to be installed through cpan/cpanm client
- added test
- fixed strict pragma violations in ZooZ/
- new issue for ver1.3
- non fatal error when clicking new project
- occurs when placed in bin/ or generally any directory other than the root distribution path.
- something about Tk container
- will try to track and change to adapt it on this new packaging model.
- non fatal error when clicking new project
A Perl/Tk GUI builder in pure Perl/Tk.
in lib/ZooZ/
in lib/ZooZ/
in lib/ZooZ/
in lib/ZooZ/
in lib/ZooZ/
in lib/ZooZ/
in lib/ZooZ/
in lib/ZooZ/
in lib/ZooZ/
in lib/ZooZ/