#labels Phase-Implementation #Rules develop Foorum
Before Release
* $ cd Misc/bin
* $ perl js-min.pl
# minify the javascript under root/static/js to root/static/js/min
* $ perl css-min.pl
# minify the css under root/static/css to root/static/css/min
* $ perl bdfgw.pl
# build docs from GoogleCode wiki
* $ perl g2b.pl
# tranlate lib/Foorum/I18N/cn.po to lib/Foorum/I18N/tw.po and etc.
* $ perl perltidy.pl
# make all .pl .pm .t clean
* $ perl perlcritic.pl
# use Perl::Critic; to all .pl .pm .t files.
* $ perl Makefile.PL
* $ make
# or 'nmake' under Win32
* $ make manifest
* $ make test
* $ make dist
* $ make realclean
# just do those stuff as normal Perl distribution.