Exporter::Easy - Takes the drudgery out of Exporting symbols


In module

package YourModule;
use Exporter::Easy (
  OK => [ 'munge', 'frobnicate' ] # symbols to export on request

In other files which wish to use YourModule:

use ModuleName qw(frobnicate);      # import listed symbols
frobnicate ($left, $right)          # calls YourModule::frobnicate


The Exporter::Easy module is a wrapper around Exporter. In it's simplest case it allows you to drop the boilerplate code that comes with using Exporter, so

require Exporter;
use base qw( Exporter );
use vars qw( @EXPORT );
@EXPORT = ( 'init' );


use Exporter::Easy ( EXPORT => [ 'init' ] );

and more complicated situations where you use tags to build lists and more tags become easy, like this

use Exporter (
	EXPORT => [qw( init :base )],
	TAGS => [
		base => [qw( open close )],
		read => [qw( read sysread readline )],
		write => [qw( print write writeline )],
		misc => [qw( select flush )],
		all => [qw( :base :read :write :misc)],
		no_misc => [qw( :all !:misc )],
	OK => [qw( some other stuff )],

All it does is set up @EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK, @EXPORT_FAIL and %EXPORT_TAGS in the current package and add Exporter to that packages @ISA. The rest is handled as normal by Exporter.



use Exporter::Easy ( KEY => value, ...);

In your package. Arguments are passes as key-value pairs, the following keys are available


The value should be a reference to a list of symbol names and tags. Any tags will be expanded and the resulting list of symbol names will be placed in the @EXPORT array in your package.


The value should be a reference to a list of symbol names and tags. The tags will be expanded and the resulting list of symbol names will be placed in the @EXPORT_FAIL array in your package. They will also be removed from the @EXPORT_OK list.


The value should be a reference to a list that goes like (TAG_NAME, TAG_VALUE, TAG_NAME, TAG_VALUE, ...), where TAG_NAME is a string and TAG_VALUE is a reference to an array of symbols and tags. For example

TAGS => [
  file => [ 'open', 'close', 'read', 'write'],
  string => [ 'length', 'substr', 'chomp' ],
  hash => [ 'keys', 'values', 'each' ],
  all => [ ':file', ':string', ':hash' ],
  some => [':all', '!open', ':hash'],

This is used to fill the %EXPORT_TAGS in your package. You can build tags from other tags - in the example above the tag all will contain all the symbols from file, string and hash. You can also subtract symbols and tags - in the example above, some contains the symbols from all but with open removed and all the symbols from hash removed.

The rule is that any symbol starting with a ':' is taken to be a tag which has been defined previously (if it's not defined you'll get an error). If a symbol is preceded by a '!' it will be subtracted from the list, otherwise it is added.

If you try to redefine a tag you will also get an error.

All the symbols which occur while building the tags are automatically added your package's @EXPORT_OK array.


The value should be a reference to a list of symbols names. These symbols will be added to the @EXPORT_OK array in your package.


The value should be the name of tag that doesn't yet exist. This tag will contain a list of all symbols which can be exported.


For details on what all these arrays and hashes actually do, see the Exporter documentation.


Written by Fergal Daly <>.


Under the same license as Perl itself