Changes for version 0.06
- Overhaul of Test::Deep::descend, native types are now wrapped up in a Test::Deep:Cmp object, moves lots of logic out of descend
- Added ArrayLength, HashKeys, RefType, and Blessed comparisons
- All tests now use Test::NoWarnings
- Broke out descend tests into hash.t, array, regexpref.t, probably should break out more
- Updated version of Scalar::Util dependency, thanks to Steve Purkis
Extremely flexible deep comparison
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/Cache/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/