Crypt::Perl::RSA - RSA in pure Perl (really!)


my $prkey1 = Crypt::Perl::RSA::Parse::private($pem_or_der);
my $pbkey1 = Crypt::Perl::RSA::Parse::public($pem_or_der);


my $prkey = Crypt::Perl::RSA::Generate::generate(2048);

my $der = $prkey->to_der();
my $der2 = $prkey->to_pem();


my $msg = 'My message';

my $sig = $prkey->sign_RS256($msg);

die 'Wut' if !$prkey->verify_RS256($msg, $sig);

die 'Wut' if !$pbkey->verify_RS256($msg, $sig);


See the documentation for Crypt::Perl::RSA::PublicKey and Crypt::Perl::RSA::PrivateKey for more on what these interfaces can do.

NOTE: The RSA logic here is ported from Kenji Urushima’s jsrsasign.


RSA is safe as long as factorization is “hard”. As computers get faster, RSA keys have needed to get bigger and bigger to maintain the “difficulty” of factoring the key’s modulus. RSA will eventually no longer be viable toward this end: as RSA keys get bigger, the security advantage of increasing their size diminishes.


Key generation is pretty slow—potentially unacceptably so for general use. It can be made faster by having an XS-based backend available for Math::BigInt and Bytes::Random::Secure::Tiny, but it’ll still be pretty pokey. The difficulty rests in prime number generation, which is handled by Math::ProvablePrime.


This minimal set of functionality can be augmented as feature requests come in. Ideas:

  • Support signature schemes besides PKCS #1 v1.5.

  • Use faster prime-number-finder logic if it’s available.